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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. We nearly had a collective heart attack when we found a can of Dew in Stary. I picked it up and stashed it in my pack , the two others in my small survivor group came and looked in my backpack in wonderment...the fabled Dew. We were going to use it as a trap, place it somewhere in open sight and see who came along and then follow them and see if the curse came true or not. Thinking this to be an unfair burden on an unsuspecting player we decided the curse was ours and fled to the hills where we discussed what must be done. Kill it with fire ? Leave it in the forest ? Put it on a zed and hide the body ? Carry it to the top of green mountain and leave it ..or the big smokestack in Cherno ? The middle of nwaf ? After much talk we decided we must keep it, it had now transcended our mortal lives and we needed to keep it in rotation. Because of the Dew we decided we have to focus even harder than normal on watching each others backs, We made a quick set of rules.. The Dew carrier does not go into high pvp places or exposed locations The Dew carrier does not climb ladders The Dew carrier must avoid zeds, rocks and rabbits We rotate the Dew amongst ourselves every 30 minutes We never put the Dew on the ground, in a tent or a vehicle The Dew carrier must never drink the Dew To make it challenging we have also decided we can not just camp out up the top half of the map, we must voyage down to the deathmatch cities via ne airfield, Berezino and down along the eastern coast. Then we plan to loot Elektro, Cherno and Balota. I am rolling with a winnie and an ak74s atm , really missing my dmr for recon. Wish us luck as we head out on our journey. For the Dew !!
  2. Hetstaine

    2 new gun suggestions

    Mosin Nagent bolt action rifle.
  3. Cool thanks guys :) I find it amusing that the scriptees took over his gameplay lol. Gun degradeation sounds interesting.
  4. Two hospitals, medic tents, 5 apartments, shops, church, two pubs, big industrial building near the crane, a ton of little sheds and shacks and some house plus a bunch of barns on the outskirts. Once you know Cherno and work out a quick route that takes all of these places in you will be golden. Oh yeh and the firestation.
  5. Can someone do a sum up of what was said, the important bits ? No sound at work :| Was Rocket playing and got script kiddie killed ?
  6. We have some tents and vehicles saving on a normal hive server I stashed a bike at our camp , went back after restart and the bike was right where i saved it. Tents are duping but they are duping with the original save items inside whereas the fiirst tent we pitched and saved with items is empty.
  7. Hetstaine

    Shit DayZ Players Say

    Good shit dude , editing was spot on :thumbsup: Did you do wait for your house to be empty before doing it or do your parents/housemates/girlfriend just think your a weirdo :D
  8. Hetstaine


    Lol !
  9. Hetstaine

    Oculus Rift support for stand alone DayZ

    Yep, i have been following the Rift and love it, i think there was something briefly said about by Rocket in the Reddit q and a. I use trackir and have for a while so its the next step forward.
  10. Hetstaine

    New Locations or Buildings for Standalone

    Ships, definitely. What the fuck happened to all of the shipping ? Same with the airfields, surely there were a few bigger aircraft down for maintanence. I gather from what has been said by Rocket a few times that we can expect a fuller world , not something as empty and dead as we have now. I am hoping for more atmospheric enviromental type stuff like running creeks with the ability to fish for example. Having your fire go out of control and catch the surrounding area alight if you do not keep the fire surrounded by rocks..there could definitely be a downside with that lol. Someone sniping in a building floor above you, stack some wood and light that place up :) of course it should not be an instant blaze..Cherno scorched in the first 2 minutes on every server. Maybe the fire is a bad idea.
  11. Hetstaine


    Damn straight ! Get here fido !
  12. Hetstaine

    ummm is this normal?

    At least your not knocked up.
  13. i approve of this thread. Make him a deity, yes, keep his thirst quenched and feed him every twenty minutes, the rest.. guard him with your lives. Hope your in for the long haul Williamz, these guys have all got your back.
  14. Hetstaine


    What about the current poster called dayzmodsarefags, did he slip under the radar lol. And yes take the trash out, there is plenty of it.
  15. Hetstaine

    To the guy who killed me.

    The tldr crew do not understand the whole forum concept, but somehow tldr is slowly creeping in as acceptable these days. Welcome to the future of the net.
  16. Yep as above, as soon as my home server resets i run around and grab a car a bike and a pushy. They dont save but i get to use them for the time i am on to get around. Cant wait for tent and vehicle fix though.
  17. Hetstaine

    Shit DayZ Players Say

    Downloaded it for watching when i get home..no soundcard or onboard at work. Looks amusing :D
  18. I think it will just revert back to its original first save by the owner.
  19. Somehow it also duped itself, leaving the original one where i placed it empty and then the duped one beside it with the items inside (51 slots used ) that i had collected from deerstands and barns. The original tent with the new one joined on. Items saved inside.. There was a server restart as i left when the restart message started coming up last night. I had also pitched two other tents nearby, one with 51 items and the other with about 20, both are now empty and did not dupe. Now, i have had nearly zero experience with tents so i have no frikkin idea how or why it duped itself or why my items saved.
  20. Cool..that must have been what i did. I checked how many slots a tent takes..53 i believe, i counted up after a few deerstand/barn runs and it was 51 and i did not save until that point. The other tents i saved a few times. Why the dupe though ? Also, if i pack up one of my other tents and then repitch it and do the same i will see if it saves. Cool. Sure is nice to finally have some fall back in the middle of nowhere.
  21. Hetstaine

    Looking to trade wepons/Gear for L85AWS

    Chemlights :D ..what colour ?
  22. Hetstaine


    So everyone ends up grinding away chasing heatpacks ? If i want a bloodpack i will get my own. Heatpacks have become somewhat important now, i had to use two last night in a rainy night server to stave off the flu. I am fine with no currency..its painful enough in the real world.
  23. Awesome work all involved in the event, hope to see more like this as it gets more polished in the future :thumbsup:
  24. Hetstaine

    Heli idea

    Map would need to be much bigger to support three Choppers , also if one group ended up with all three the map would be basically dominated.
  25. Hetstaine

    Inventory UI concept design v2.1 (window based)

    Looks good , seemed a bit cluttery at first glance but it makes sense and i dont think it would take to long to get a hang of it. The size of the ui you have in the very first post is spot on too, still plenty of game showing through and not too much real estate taken up. Will your backpack eat items or will we get a popup like 'hey dickhead, three dmrs wont fit in here, i'm a backpack not a fucking mobile shed !' ;) Nice work man :)