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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    Why the radio silence?!?

    What i read was ..blah blah blah ..OCULUS RIFT ! :D Any word on implementation or is not far enough down the track (the standalone and the product) yet for consideration ? Dayz has been the most enjoyably painful game i have played since i first walked into a pc store and ripped myself off with a new pc many many moons ago and the Rift looks like the most exciting peripheral (long time trackir user) to come out for gaming since..well..since the beginning. The two combined would surely see a sales boost in extremely comfortable warmed toilet seats with armrests ;) Go hard Rocket, you got plenty of us salivating at how the dogs are going to work , what the next patch will fix/ break and hanging in for the long haul. cheers
  2. It appears most think absolutely everyone has or covets the as50. A lot of people we see dead do not have them, and this is guys we have come across with nvgs and full kit. We see people travelling up the top of the map without them..whether they have them stashed in their pack. but generally out in the big open spaces with a lot of distance between cover is where i have my dmr always out and ready, mainly for the scoping ability, so i would think others would be of the same mindset. I am just not a fan of the gun, i dont like the view it blocks when i am running ( i do 3dp servers rarely ) and i do not like the zoom style, whereas i love the smooth zoom on the dmr and it does not hinder my view at all, not even mentioning the fact it is a sexy bit of gear. I am not even fussed if i only get a single shot on target and they bail , they have basically died as soon as they quit the fight so whatever So anyone else not too fussed on the as50 ?
  3. Hetstaine

    So who else does not like the AS50 ?

    How about if you are not worried about shooting at everyone you see..what do you suggest then ? My only three people kills in over three months have been with the mak and the ak 74 kob :) So i should arm myself with the as50 to be considered not an elitist hipster nerd ? I was thinking the as50 was more of a top 40 mainstream thing myself. Wouldnt Hipsters be carrying something more like the crossbow or lee enfield , i mean they are so retro and all that.
  4. Hetstaine

    Am i the only one?

    Been lucky here as well. 1 server teleport that i survived. 1 Alice trip to the moon that i survived and 1 random kill when i spawned in the middle of fuckbutt nowhere under a tree and this guy teleported right on me about 5 seconds later and shot me. Have seen crates twice, once we drove straight by them , the other time we camped them but nobody showed up. All i can put it down to is playing on vet servers with no 3dp or crosshairs being far less likely hit than reg servers.
  5. Hetstaine

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    awrigggght. I am the .000001 % ..i feel sort of unique.
  6. Hetstaine

    Story time children.

    We were in Elektro at night as new spawns, my partner was on top of the school building opposite the pub and i was in the top level room of the pub , we were having a Friday night session and our drinks were low..her turn to do the ice/coke/rum run. So while she is downstairs looting the fridge i am just looking around and wondering why the hell she left her char standing up in the open when blam! I see blood spurting out of her head and i crouch down shouting at her downstairs..YOU JUST GOT FUCKING SHOT! GET UP HERE WITH THE RUM ! I pop back up and look across where she was and can just see the top of someones head, must be looting her ..raise the enfield and get one shot off before his head dissapears. I wait a few seconds and then think fuck it, i'm a new spawn, lets go rush this dude. Bolt out across the road and up the stairs and run out onto the roof ..dude is dead right next to her..sweet. I didn't even think to look at my debug monitor to see if i got the kill or not. Grab a dmr off him and some other bits n pieces, grab her stuff and head back to the pub. I get up the stairs with a few zeds behind me and take them out with my 1911, quickly reloading in case of any more i have aggroed and then i am shot by a dude who comes running up the stairs .i run into the very back room and take another shot as i turning the corner and go prone with my dmr out and pointed at the door. Partner is still finishing off making our drinks and of no assistance . So i am prone in this room and bandage at about 3 or 4 thou blood, waiting for this dude to roll in firing from the hip. I throw a smoke out the door hoping it will block him a bit ..he throws a grenade in. Time for my rum. Good little adrenaline rushed bit of gaming though.
  7. Hetstaine

    MAX forum moderator is a Man Toy Switch

    aww dude....you got me all welled up and shit :D
  8. So we had this plan after scoring a can of Dew at Stary. Basically we wer going to alternate the Dew between our group of three and keep it alive for as long as we could. The Dew carrier always staying out of danger as we traversed the map, to make it a decent challenge we were going to hit all of the high pvp spots and not just loiter in the woods killing beasts. So anyway, shit went wrong straight up. My partner had to come from Kamenka to join us at our camp so we could start off on the journey. My mate was loading in while i was waiting anear base camp and alt f4'd out as he was stuck at the loading screen for ages. So he spawns at Elektro with no gear. I check and his body has appeared at our camp dead. So sweet, he is running up so we can all form up and head out. I go for a quick run to Stary and surprise surprise the Bike is there. Jump on and head down to pick them up one by one. My partner tells me she has found a pushy at the lighthouse so its all good, sweet. Then my mate says he has just been hit by a zed when he proned instead of running..yeh he is a tool..and has broken legs. Just near Mogilevka. I go find him, morphine, bloodbag, pick him up and head back to the camp. My game starts lagging like fuck, 5-7 second pauses and 1-2 seconds of movement.So basically unplayable. I tell him i need to get out and possibly restart. The game totally freezes and i cannot do anything. The bike is stopped though so i manage to abort. Spawn in again and i am at Krutoy Cap. Boo. I check my gear..still have the Dew..sweet, my m14 and a couple of mags, bandage, morph, bloodpack and a G17 with no ammo..weird, i had like 6 mags, but whatever. Check my m4a1cco and it also has no mags, must have glitched right ? So anyway my partner has got lost and is somewhere , we think, north of Rogovo..we are waiting for her to find a sign. My mate is now on his way down to get me on the bike. I am running up the coastal forest and decide to head into the barn at the three valleys intersection to grab a pepsi or coke. Run inside..pepsi and pasta..sweet as bro ! Head out and hear a shot ring out behind me. Lee Enfield..start ziggin and zaggin across the road and through the bushes up the hill. Four more shots but i cannot spot the shooter, the last two shots are definitely a bit further away though. I run right over the top of the hill then as soon as i am below the crest i turn left at full sprint for about 30 seconds. I get behind a tree, crouch and pull out the M14, start scoping along the top of the hill waiting to see if old mate is going to come over the top. I start backing up slowly while scoping , get stuck on something, a tree i think, move right a bit..then get that sliding noise, see some big rocks on my left..slide slide..snap arrghhh..broken bones, fall into the Quarry i have nicely reversed into and die. Fuck. I tell the crew what has happened ..my mate is riding full tilt to save the Dew, my partner has worked out she is at Kabanino and is all good heading for camp , we tell her to just keep on pedalling and wait for us... I reswpawn at Kamenka..fucking Kamenka. Things slowly go even further downhill from here. My mate runs into the back of car/ truck at Staroye and is fucked up. My partner has to leave as it is nearly 2 am, plus we had been to a concert earlier in the night and we are all pretty flogged. But hey it was Apocalyptica so it fucking rocked :) I keep running, my mate gets the massive loading screen again and after a few minutes says fuck this and calls it quits so i am on my own. Thanks pal :D whatever ..i am determined to get that fucking Dew. I make it to Elektro, via Cherno for a drink and a can of food, score an M4A1 CCO on the top floor of the firestation. Sweet lol, just one mag though. I meet a dude at the church, i give him the old Q E dance and he follows. He actually scores an enfield in the pub and doesn't shoot me, maybe he was still freaked out because i never shot him originally. We move across the road and he heads upstairs in the school/office block. While i cover down the bottom, i see a tent just poking out of the wall, another M4A1 CCO with one mag. He comes down with an alice and i lead him to the tent, he takes the gun and we head to the shops. I grab some beanz and a coke and notice he has split the scene. I see him once more about a minute later, we run past each other near the house leading up to the power station, he has a bunch of zeds on him that tag onto me and i lead them out of Elektro, up the hill and start the home run for my corpse. After much running i make it to the top of the Quarry, about 10 metres away from where i had slipped and died. Thank fuck i think. nearly 3 am now. Session lost. wtf ? I check six and no servers will load, close it, reopen. Nothing. Open the net..you are being redirected to your broadband hompage..i have run out of net (prepaid broadband) Really ? Now ? Not five minutes later so i could have got the Dew. like exactly when i was at the Dew. Fuck me. Too much shit went wrong for this to be the standard dayz/arma fuckups. The Dew. We did not even get underway on our planned journey, only two of the three of us even got to see the Dew. The Dew. It only takes, it does not give. Next can i get i am drinking it. Even if i am not thirsty.
  9. Write the message in sandbags ;)
  10. Hetstaine

    Bus wasn't saved

    We have vehicles randomly saving on 2.5. A bike and a bicycle we stashed at camp ,and only saved once we got to our camp, appear after a server restart ...sometimes. We have three tents and only 1 of them saved its items inside after the initial first save. The tents all duped an empty tent which is annoying as we know have six tents but only one that worked :) Bring on the patch !
  11. This is true..the original underground step is great shit, its just all of the mainstream stuff is monotonously lamo. :) and as you know this is the crap that always makes it to the radio..of which i have to put up with at work ..fucking mainstream man. American Idol, UK Idol, Australian Idol....shudder.
  12. Those big furry balls freak me out. :o
  13. Exactly :) Variety is the spice of life. I , and probably a lot of us have been thinking along the lines of your post. I would actually like weapons to be even less of a chance than you have suggested. The churches for instance should not spawn any guns or ammo.Food , drink, trash and medical but no weaponry. Standard shops can maybe spawn an under the counter handgun but no ther weapons or ammo unless it is a sporting goods type store. Definitely more melee type items, i mean you should be able to pick up a brick and throw it at a zed if that is all that is around :) but it is not something you would want to cart around with you. Houses need a lot more items to spawn. The standard house with a garage/shed will have nearly everything you need from the get go in rl. Thing is we dont want everything in one spot and its a huge score making the game easy, but they need a lot more variety for sure.
  14. Hetstaine

    What does /thread mean?

    /threads never end , that is the simple joy of it.
  15. Sploiters gonna sploit :D Die and take it like a man sonny ! Damn it ...JUST DIEEEEEEEEE!!!! ...then run up and get your shit :)
  16. Hetstaine

    What does /thread mean?

    Told ya nobody takes any notice ;)
  17. Hetstaine

    What does /thread mean?

    Mostly people use it because the OP's opinion does not agree with theirs so thus /thread = end thread. It was only ever used when the posters question had been answered correctly so there was no need to go any further with the thread. But as things go it pops up all the time now and nobody ever takes notice of it so it is overused to the point of irrelevancy . Good use.. Whats the most common gun in game ? AS50 TWS /thread Tool use Why did i spawn with no gear except a flashlight, bandage and painkillers ? Your a fuckhead noob /thread
  18. I would say if the mods have deemed it unfit for the forum then you need to suck it up and find something not associated with the nazis in any shape or form :)
  19. Hetstaine

    Would you consider this server hopping?

    Not server hopping :) You should run down and do a loot of the Stary tents as well while you are on, chances of picking up a bike there , plus deerstands and heli wrecks around the area. might liven up the boredom. We hung out at NW field for a few nights, watched a few come and go, Hitting all along the hangars and the barracks while three of us keep them scoped. One guy we wanted to save as he got busted legs and was swarmed at the two end hangars but we were too worried about revealing ourselves out in the open as there was about 15 other people on the server. Poor bastard. Our running area is from just East of Novy up to the field and back in a fairly large radius that includes Vyshnoye, Stary, Kabanino, Vybor, Lopatino, NW field and Devils Castle. The rectangle we cover has about 15-16 stands that we hit as well as the heli wrecks plus we invariably encounter a few loners and small groups so it is generally never boring.
  20. Typical new age chaps , couldn't organise a piss up if you were stuck in brewery. I guess i will just go back to swilling a few man beers and waiting.