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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. I'm just glad that you replied to my comeback :)
  2. We were going to start our great mountain dew quest not so long ago. Long story short. Shit went wack. Death came for us in stupid ways. Then two nights ago i find a dew in a fuckin industrial spawn. My partner is like..what the hell is it with you and the dew ?? She jumps off for the night and i think, fuck it, i will head to Skalisty, pitch our tent and start getting chopper parts ready. I get to the other side, night server no 3dp etc, raining, go to take a heat pack..no back no ak kob no fucking dew. Server does not have the swim with backpack enabled. Run up the top of Skaliaty and of course there is a bunch of tents stashed around the island, find one snuck in a grove of trees all by itself away from the others. I have already grabbed a coyote, dmr, m4a1 cco plus mags, spare tent, morph, cooked meat form the others. Now check this shit. I have to go prone and crawl around the tent a bit to get the icon to come up so i can look in the tent, i am sort of half jammed in between what must be the trunks of the trees and the tent , i get the icon and select gear , my dude starts to sit up then fucking SNAP ! i fall down with an uuuuuh noise and have broken bones, i shit bricks right because i think some dude is behind me and has axed me , Nobody there, maybe a bear trap, or just a bitey tree. I morph myself and bandage, then crawl around a bit and look in the tent. Fucking can of Dew. I take the Dew, run and hide and log.
  3. Hetstaine

    Middle age men who play Dayz

    Battlezone ftw ! My uncle had to kick us outside because we were glued to the box when went over to his place to play the 2600. Had way more fun on one of these than i ever did on the games though..lived on a massive hill in the Blue Mountains so it was death defying fun every day :)
  4. Having a read through one of the haxxor retard forums, these dudes are charging 'legit' players for their services. Teleport trips, spawning crates and vehicles etc. Players are actually paying these fuckers to spawn shit for them, fucking paying them. I don't know whether to laugh or cry...it really is that fucking lame..is there another word that is lamer than lame ?? Funnier still, other hackers are telling him he is sad for making money of someone elses hard work ..my mind boggles at these fucking clowns. Back in the day they would have got sorted at school with a quick jab to the face..unfortunately we aren't back in the day. Worst, well ,the saddest part is that... apparently he is struggling to keep up with demand. Most ridiculous part of the thread... Evidently they don't want to be banned, and want to play legitimately. Fuck me right.
  5. Totally. We have had to change our game style a little bit as the game has changed but we have stuck to our own basic style of play if you get what i mean. Basically we are 'goodies'. Try and help where we can, which can be pretty damn hard owing to the general kos mindset, dont kill anyone unless shot at or we see them shooting new spawns, my mate is our overwatch where as we are the raiders/ helpers sort of deal. I think being friendly is easily the bad side of the coin in this game as it stands at the moment, so we just take a bit more time before we dive in to a hotspot, make sure we have our game face on, but still we always prepared to try and talk when we see someone, give them the benefit of the doubt first. Sometimes we can all die in a session and enjoy the respawn fun, but still, the main deal of your topic is morality yeah? and we bring that into our game as well. If the people we meet don't ...well no biggie, it is only a game.
  6. Hetstaine

    So someone put an M107 in my tent.

    Left an m107 on the beach near the Cherno shops last night, dumped it and picked up an ak74 kob at the firestation. The dude whose tent i swopped it out with for an empty water bottle is going to be pissed.
  7. Can you reload a hatchet in real life ? How many hatchets swings can i pocket anyway.. 10000 ? FUCK ME .. CHECK OUT MY BICEPS YO !! I dont know in rl if i would carry a hatchet in one hand and my pistol in the other anyway..i mean would you ? why the hell you need a hatchet out when you all pistola'd up ?
  8. Kill count of 3 in 4 plus months :) Two were spray and pray champions , i was watching/listening to them come up the stairs at the factory, trying to talk to them over direct as well as typing. They briefly saw me looking down at them over the stairway and started shooting, they were in a total shit position and i makked em to death. Idiots. Last one was a guy who opened up on me at Rog castle as soon as he saw me. I got to cover and bandaged, tried to direct him, he wouldn't talk or type so i shot him in the back of the head. Been shot at plenty and survived, met heaps of people and hooked up as well as just saluted or done the qe dance and gone on our own ways. The ones that wont talk i find weird, i was pinned down in Cherno once, had a few shots at me and had got between two silos looking around for him, knowing he was close by as i could hear his footsteps above me somewhere. Tried to chat, told him..well so this is some sort of standoff isnt it hey ? Whats your plan? ..not really the talkative type are you gunslinger? i managed to get down a ladder and come around from behind where i was sure he was and up another ladder. Still direct chat plus typing to him all with no reply. Sat in a position for a while waiting for him to expose himself but noticed a guy had dropped off the server (only 4 others on) . Thought ah well he has logged owing to not getting me and not knowing where i was. Cruised back down and was looting a small industrial building, checked the server and he was back on. As soon as i broke cover he drilled me , busted legs, bleed death. He had managed to get across to the apartments in another server and then ping me when he rejoined. Oh the joy of the non talking server hopper sniper. Anyway ..I count my 3 kills as had to be done so all good :)
  9. Hetstaine

    Wrong CD key?

    Our group has all seen this when installing the arma beta patches, just click ok or whatever it is so it keeps installing. Was mentioned a few times here on the forums in the past so maybe try a search.
  10. Addon..no matter if a hundred different types of monsters were added or the infected were changed. At the beginning it is always a bit of a challenge/different/scary..whatever, once you get used to how they work it always ends up being a walk in the park. You find your way around the game and the other people end up being the challenge.
  11. Why the zeds/infected ? Why not big flying spiders with legs that drop off and acid that gushes from their ass and burns you ? Because the infected are as close to us as anything. They were us. And now they are a shell, but with ties to what they were , they still look human, possibly have some human thoughts and traits but they are all fucked up. What if you recognised a mate or a family member ? To me that is worse than some made up boogie monster with ten eyes and fur and shit. Hey i love the King and read all of his shit when i was a teenager through the 80's, fucking great stuff. But what came across the scariest/creepiest in his books was boosk like Pet Sematary or The Shining. When it was people that were the monsters. Thats the worst shit of all. I am no zombie freak and have not been done to death by the games, because this is the only game i have that has zeds in it :) Loved 28 days/weeks and a few other z movies but i dont go out of my way to get a movie or book just because it has zeds in it. I definitely wont go shell out any cash for a game with flying spiders or creatures like Kings mist though :) But thats just me.
  12. I get the whole analogy, i mean thats the basics-Board game, play to win. 3d pretty pixel game = same. Overall - Morals in a game..give a fuck Play to win. Any board game i am playing to win, i go in with a different mindset. Win is the game, no feeling. It is what they are about..no middle line. sure you can show off a superior skill to an opponent for a while , dance around them a bit but that is neither here nor there. You are in to win. This game i play as if it is me, what i would do. Fuck, i dont even pick up pepsi, because i hate the shit :) We dont lay and snipe because it is not what we would do, its just not our style. I dont drill someone a new forehead crease because he has a shiny DMR and i have a Winnie. I watch and avoid, maybe call out and try and hook up. I dont need his shit, i can find my own. Sure it may be easier, but its too fucking easy. And once again..it is more than likely not what i would do unless the guy was an immediate threat to us or i saw him taking down other people for no reason except for bang bang dead...did he really need my coke and bandage that bad ? I dont consider it running around a chessboard knocking of pawns and knights. Thats too basic a mindset and what people have fallen into over years of shooters. Hey i played cod and ua and bf back in the day and shot the fuck out of everyone and we were proud of our number1/2 spot on the leaderboard for months. That was all that was required in that game. Just like a board game..Bang bang win. This isn't bang bang win for some :) Some people play with their own set of rules others just shoot the instant they see someone and dont give it a second thought. So what if some people do care about their actions and the way it affects other players? We have had a lot of talks while running around in game about what we are doing, what our playstyle is. We have hung at the lighthouse of the coast of Elektro and not shot at players because we have not been able to identify if they are a bandit or not, so we have not taken the shot. Many many times we have watched people looting and what not and let them on their way. Never had a need to kill them, there is nothing that they have that we cannot find ourselves or already have. Why make the poor fucker walk back up from Kamenka when we are at Novy or somewhere. He was not a threat at that time and if he becomes later and even if he takes us all out, unlucky for us then. He is playing how he plays. From the months of playing i would say more than less (players) are knee jerk reaction bang bang kill types. Not for gear, not to survive, thats just how they play..or how they say they have been forced to play. which is bs, We have been killed plenty and have not been forced to anything. I would say as a group we bring a bit of our morality into the game. We talk and make choices, we know what we are about. We don't madly kill the other pixel dude as we think about how long they have been cruising around for, they might be halfway through getting a set of wheels working and if we don't need to take that ( time /effort ) away from them then we don't. We always hope to meet people that play the same way, and sure as shit every now and again we do. Basic wrap is that , the game may not have morals but some people bring their morals into the game via their playstyle. Pretty easy concept :) Does not mean anyone has to like that , approach the game like that or think someone is a whackjob because they have applied some rl morals to their pixel time.
  13. Hetstaine

    FN FAL AN/PVS-4 or DMR?

    No matter the question..DMR is the answer.
  14. Yeh..sorry, that was my full serious look ;)
  15. My partner and i just finished a 6 hour 20 minute session, bleeding eyes but a fuckton of fun :) Saw about four global and a couple of admin bans across two servers in all of that time. Funny thing is nobody in our group has ever been banned for hacking, probably because we don't. Hackers..how you doin...
  16. Hetstaine

    This game is fun again!

    possibly a good post, possibly a bad one, i don't really know. I seem to always struggle reading much of what you write , just something about it.. your style ?.. hmmmm, i am sure it will come to me.
  17. Hetstaine

    Rarest weapon you've found?

    I feel your pain. Stary tents, heliwrecks, barracks and deerstands, i will search until i find one if i am a new spawn. I feel fucking naked until i find my baby. I can go without nvg's and all of the other high tier shit, fuck i can even go without bandages ! DMR.. i do love you so sweetie. x
  18. Hetstaine

    Help I can't stop from Accidentally Killing my friends

    Wow..i thought my mate was bad with the communication side of things :D
  19. Hetstaine

    Lingor Island - NE race track #Team Blindside#

    Brilliant :D made my day at work :thumbsup:
  20. Hetstaine

    Bandit and Hero Camo

    This. Plus i would never wear one of those dinky hats like char 3.
  21. That was so hopelessly pathetic. Bodes well for the future.
  22. I have left heaps of mk48's in tents :) A lot of the time if we are solely vehicle hunting we have full kit, so tents do not mean a thing.
  23. Hetstaine

    New Map?

    At least it will drag a lot of the solely deathmatch/kos types away from Chenarus. The guy who came up with the idea needs a medal :) Original topic here... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/87264-dayz-utes/
  24. What ? .. 5 slot pistol wont fit in an 8 slot patrol pack ? edit : beaten by the Tasm :)
  25. Hetstaine

    Rarest weapon you've found?

    Never found rangefinders except in tents or a players body either. Legit best find would have been finally getting nvgs in the top barracks. Walked in and they were in the shower, i nearly fell of my chair :) only took 3 months to finally get them. Rarest gun ? probably the nv fnfal, only found two at heliwrecks.