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Everything posted by Hetstaine
Annoying ..but hatchetable ;)
And so it slowly dawns on me... Dayz sucks.
Hetstaine replied to xdarc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
It is not a bad post but i think the op is missing out on a lot of other things the game has to offer and has really not even scratched the surface before coming to his conclusion that the game sucks. How do you compare it other fps games online such as cod or bf3 ? Not a rag on those games but i am just wondering :) Also wondering if he has every teamed up in dayz and played with a decent group that does not have a kos mindset. -
4 Questions for Rocket/DayZ developers
Hetstaine replied to phronk's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The 'dog' patch will not be released until it is ready. Rockets words on this forum. 1st sep. Regarding patch 1.7.3, I'm not going to make the mistake of releasing a patch before it is ready. 1.7.3 just isnt ready yet. I assume that he is not going to fuck around with the zed ai anymore as standalone is not too far away, why spoil the surprise and why waste time on it now when the standalone will be Alpha anyway ? Screenshot ? We all are waiting for that. Muchly. Edit : see above as well :) -
Shiting in the woods, pissing and diarrhoea.
Hetstaine replied to thomas28's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Anything implemented into a game is open to tardness. Anything involved with shit is open to levels of tardness never yet seen in games. You cannot compare shit and the as50..it is a whole different thing clearly. Where did anyone mention a clean safe boring game ? Are you even following this thread Shigz or did you just engage fingers and not your brain ? -
And so it slowly dawns on me... Dayz sucks.
Hetstaine replied to xdarc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So you haven't joyridden in a heli, jumped an atv, rolled into a town in a car with a bunch of people and lit up all of the zeds, front wheeled down a hill on a bicycle, pbx'd around the coast and been shot at, swum to skalisty, been involved in nw airfield shootouts, stalked a clan or group of surviviors or even a loner, been stalked, had a campfire and shot the shit over direct with a bunch or randoms, hooked up with randoms and looked out for each other, chased rabbits and tried hacking them to death for shits and giggles, hatchet fought with a mad axeman in the middle of nowhere, set up beartraps and watched the results, got a zed train on and run around chasing fresh spawns/led it into known sniper locations, flarelit up cherno or elektro and watched everyone peer out of windows ? Thats about the tip of the iceberg. My sniper deaths are so low as to not really factor into my death list, you are playing at least vet servers and no 3dp if you can ?- 93 replies
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How do I stop ARMA 2 OA from loading DayZ
Hetstaine replied to Cnektpp's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Cool thanks guys :) -
Shiting in the woods, pissing and diarrhoea.
Hetstaine replied to thomas28's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Thats ok..i know the saying lol :) Like i said, i am fairly wary of any in game poop/wee action. Maybe if you can only take a dump in the wooden shitters or only after you have dug a hole..and the log will only plop in said hole. Otherwise the whole map will be a shitfest in a manner of hours. How do you stop people from dropping turds all over the place in a video game ? You cant unless you reestrict the mechanic or dsimply do not introduce it..actually speaking of..have you seen this .. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/95293-when-you-gotta-go/ Thats as close to taking a dump as i want to get in this game..notice i hiked up into the scrub ;) -
Battle Royale: Survival Program Mod
Hetstaine replied to 3rdparty's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yep. Hunger games is probably an ok movie for a teen or younger , if you are older then just checkyour brain at the door and enjoy it as say one can enjoy spongebob for the total silliness of it :) The concept ( although old ) is good..the movie was linear , cliche and pretty damn boring. -
Rocket should add a silenced shoe...
Hetstaine replied to grimsonfart's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Notice how loud footsteps and other noises are when you are in an empty house/building/street ? You can hear a mouse fart.. so it makes sense in that way. You should not be silent when gallvanting around an abandoned built up area. -
Shiting in the woods, pissing and diarrhoea.
Hetstaine replied to thomas28's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I am pretty sure most people are familiar with camping and toilet niceties in the bush :) And trolling by shitting..do you seriously think this will NOT happen ? There will be great fucking turds everywhere..why ? Because they can. Welcome to Elktroturd and Churnard , the reek will be smelt for miles. You will not be able to navigate around the place because of the turds. No thanks. -
Slow reload and no nvg action :) I have only had it twice and was put off by the slow reload but liked the zeroing option. DMR can pile on the shots as quick as you can click and keep someone moving while you are relocating if need be. Mildots are easy once you get used to the ranges with a bit of practice. The m24 is a better precision rifle with the zeroing but like i said, get used to the mildot distances and you are golden.
Does LeakID represent Bohemia and/or Rocket?
Hetstaine replied to kodabar's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Sweet :) Love a happy ending, especially in this day and age. -
How do I stop ARMA 2 OA from loading DayZ
Hetstaine replied to Cnektpp's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I would like to know this as well. I cannot untick the dayz option (stays green) in expansions. When i go single player nearly all of the single player missions are broken or do not load. because of some random error like op above. A few patches back i could still do all of the single player oa missions no troubles. Launching through desktop shortcut which goes via steam. -
My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?
Hetstaine replied to Jamie Jameson's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I knew it ! Bastards. I painted my canoe in Hardware Store yellow but will know change it to Shiny Door Knob Silver to immerse myself more in the lifestyle. -
RE: Rocket announcement of new feature at PAX
Hetstaine replied to doglover's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
we are your number 1 fans doglover. No really :) -
As long as Jack Fraggs does the intro song i am sweet :)
Shiting in the woods, pissing and diarrhoea.
Hetstaine replied to thomas28's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
The boot fits your head well. -
Hopefully there will be fuck all military type left in the standalone version. Bonus item- no ghillies.
Make all players start with more gear until Standalone
Hetstaine replied to Truth's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Solders to shoot at ?? Active Mill base ?
Hetstaine replied to Taiphoz's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Rocket has already stated there will be no npcs /thread -
Really ? wow.
Dmr and m14 as they use the same mags so no double up on ammo. Hatchet for zeds and a mak or m1911, not really fussed on the handguns though, whatever i pick up.. Dmr is an easy choice, nvg use, nice smooth zoom, crossover ammo plus it is just damn sexy to look at :) AS 50 is just butt ugly imo plus i refuse to use it as it jsut does not suit my style.
Scriptees have gold yachts. Live the lifestyle or forever be a boring legit player.
My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?
Hetstaine replied to Jamie Jameson's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Question time. 1. So is true that the hacker lifestyle is filled with firmly breasted young woman, sports cars and ocean going yachts ? Enquiring minds need to know. 2. How long did you guys script for before this all became possible ? 3. Are you posting from your yacht ? 4. Will you seek revenge on your friend in standard ways..ie ..hitman, driveby or will you go to much broader lengths like crippling his families bank account, wiping their identities and forcing them to become unknown people in the world ? 5. Does your mum tuck you both into bed at night or do you have a script that rolls back the sheet, puffs the pillow and turns of the light ? 6. Is your yacht made of gold and do you use your scripting skills to keep it afloat ?