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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    Don't drink and drive..

    Do you play dayz ? Sausage..i have not seen your version yet, scampering off now :) Should i take ice and a glass ?
  2. Hetstaine

    First time on forums

    Welcome Vector. .. I plan to go to Hawaii as soon as i get enough fuel for my PBX so look for me on the beach soon, just don't touch my morphine or i will axe your face off. Keep your hands of my painkillers too.
  3. Hetstaine

    Tritium night sights on certain pistols...

    Chuck flares and hope for the best ;)
  4. Hetstaine

    Spawn in groups.

    Because ,imo, it goes against the grain of the game. You . Are . Alone. Its like wanting to add the mak back. A lot of people just cannot get out of the mindset of how other games work so this one should work like them too. Fuck that shit ! It has been done to death. If cruising alone for a maximum of twenty minutes ( if two of you spawn at the furthest spawn point, Kamenka and Sol ) is too hard/ tedious/annoying then you are playing the wrong fucking game :) If you are teamed up or planning to team up then you are on TS , Skype whatever so its not like you are 'lost'. Half of the interest is making to each other and the journey on the way. Once you have teamed up it makes it more crucial not to die , especially if you head inland. Starting off alone deprives you of another set of eyes so it is harder, it also encourages you to look after yourself so you can make the meeting point. The initial basis of the game and one of the big reasons why it took off is because you are alone. From there it is up to you. Its a hard pill for many to swallow it seems. I hope Rocket sticks to his guns on this one.
  5. Hetstaine

    Non-Shitty class idea for the Standalone

    Nope. Classes ? i hope they are never implemented and have a good feel they never will be. I would think Rocket would walk away if his hand was forced into something like the above.
  6. Hetstaine

    Delete me

    Cheers, glad you found a use for something in there :)
  7. Hetstaine

    Delete me

    You can sift through some of mine here if you would like http://jimeezstuff.weebly.com/dayz.html
  8. Hetstaine


    This thread needs more oooomph.
  9. Hetstaine

    Stuck in the ocean

    Cant you just rejoin, abort at loading and be sent back to the coast ?
  10. This dude...this fucking dude in Cherno apartments . I was logging in, doing the ten year loading deal and when i finally enter game i am laying on the ground, bleeding, shock, broken bones, black and white screen. This guy is standing there over me swinging a fucking hatchet. I drill him with my m16 and bandage like a boss then morphine. Sidechat server , i am like what are you doing you tool ?? He reckons..Oh ..sorry man i thought you were dead. Riiiight. Fucking peep. I grabbed his food then hid his body with all of his specced up gear so he could not get it , normally i would leave it so someone else could have a go at his gear but i was not leaving it for this dweebo to come back and regear. Only reason i logged there was because of a server restart and after a three hour session i was not going to wait another <insert time> to get back into game.
  11. I will be happy if we get a random bear chance. Very fucking rare so you only see it once in a blue moon. I don't want any made up monsters or crap in dayz, fair enough we have zeds , but they are simply 'infected' , i don't want fairytale shit creeping in.
  12. Hetstaine

    Spawn in groups.

    Thats were people are struggling with the concept of spawning far apart.
  13. Hetstaine

    Spawn in groups.

    this^^^ ...those > :beans: I have no doubt that this sort of feature will be modded in though.
  14. It can be a bastid. We have logged out due to server restarts or unplayable lag, ping spike kick or simply be fail kick. Logged back into Cherno apartments once and i am getting axed a question in the face. Confirmation button meaning your char is ready to go but not sitting there being ass raped is a good idea.
  15. Hetstaine

    DayZ Truths

    Rocket has already said no to npc's . I am sure by the tenth time i see the woman in distress i will be more than happy to cap her in the face, problem with npc behaviour is repetiveness, first time is cool and then it is all downhill from there.
  16. Yesterday at smoko a plastic bag flew into the workshop and ended up caught on one of the guys feet. It then unattached and was swept off in the wond never to be seen again Slenderbag. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1
  17. Hetstaine

    Shoot all un-armed bandits on sight.

    I am a bit partial to bandits owing to the fact i have been shot more times by people in standard newbie clothes than urban turbans. Ghillies are kos for me though.
  18. Hetstaine

    EXTREMELY irritating bug that doesn't go away

    i love informed people.
  19. I have been madly eating dry dog biscuits and pissing cocked leg on my floor so my dog finds me more attractive whenfinally meet. I shall call him Chad, as in Nickleback, that way if i have to put him down..i will have a small wry grin as i pull the trigger.
  20. Yes..yes you have. Sostronk, i never thought i would see you give a shit about losing gear :) Be it heckers or other players.
  21. Hetstaine

    I met Shane Walsh not too long ago

    zer iz so mush food in zis tread..i am, 'ow you say..starveeng !
  22. Hetstaine

    Challenged completed - Negative 1,000,000 humanity

    CHALLENGE ACCEPTED !!! ...Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P... *plink*
  23. Hetstaine

    I met Shane Walsh not too long ago

    comma comma comma comma comma chameleon