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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    Ok..i have not played Dayz..for dayz..

    It has jam on it , thats what attracted the slenderbread.
  2. Hetstaine

    dayz college project

    Just let me wipe my screen for a sec.. Ok there was a post a while back that had some serious ass stats going on. Probably not all you would hope for but definitely would be a kickstarter. Search word STATISTICS maybe ? In all honesty i don't know if resources less/more has/would made/make a difference. A better feel would be ..game growing in popularity versus team up chances. Spawn with weapon v no weapon spawn team up chances. If there was only one axe and one tin of beanz per server then that dude with the axe is going to nail everyone he can to try and get the beanz. Versus unlimited axes and an unlimited can of beanz. Most people still more than likely going to nail everyone even though they are not hungry and have no chance of running out of beanz, ever. Wait up..that's where we are ;) Go to the beginning of the mod and it was a different story to what it was before it got mega popular. Nevertheless, hope you get some results, could be interesting :)
  3. Hetstaine

    Ok..i have not played Dayz..for dayz..

    ..slenderbread, no one can anticipate it.
  4. Keeping the foreigners out man.
  5. Hetstaine

    Ok..i have not played Dayz..for dayz..

    One loaf of bread inbound.
  6. Hetstaine

    Operation Motorbike Mayhem

    Filed under Hetstaines DayZ protips. Protip 1 : Never get in four wheeled vehicle with Steak as the driver. Protip 1A: Never get in a boat with Steak as the Capitano Protip 1B: Never get in a helicopter with Steak as the Pilot Protip 1C: Never get on a two wheeled vehicle with Steak as the Steve McQueen stand in. Out in Ebookform shortly. HetSteaks protips. Sure to be a best seller. All killer..no filler..some slenderman.
  7. Hetstaine

    Counter-Sniping Tips

    Try and counter snipe with at least one other person if you can, 2 sets of eyes is always better than one. Keep some distance between you both and obviously always stalk from the rear. With Elektro hill (either one) it is easy in a group of two to flank the hills , as soon as one of you spots a sniper stay patient until the other one can get eyes on as well. Patience is always the keyword. On a full pop server someone will always be drawn to the hills, whether they are sniping or counter sniping. Use the bigger trees that you can actually hide behind for cover. Don't move if you have a good position because nothing has happened for 10 seconds, be patient, someone else is generally out there waiting for something to move and being more patient than you. When you do move to relocate to a better or more forward position, plot your course ahead and know exactly which tree you are heading to next. Move in short bursts and always check your six and flanks as soon as you have stopped.. Ideally in a group of two one will be the spotter and one the sniper, the spotter can also be the six checker sitting a bit further back, which can leave you free to look only ahead as they should also have the flanks covered. Doing it alone makes it a bit more difficult, but if you are patient and take your time it can be good sport. One other quick thing. If you spot a group working together well and they are close, and you are heavily outnumbered don't hesitate to use smoke or nades and sow some confusion. If you are behind a tree it is easy enough to pop out and throw, then get behind your tree and change out to your gun before the nade/smoke has hit. They will generally have no fecking idea where it has come from and will be freaking their shit out while you sit back and pop them off/watch them abort. All of this can obviously go to watery shit in a basket over white fluffy carpet when you start taking shots from an unknown direction, panick run, swapping out your gun for flares and trip on a tree branch busting your legs while taking multiple rounds to the face. Either way it is always good fun :)
  8. Hetstaine

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    From the modders page.. [Arma II Combined Operations users] If you don't own Namalsk Crisis at all, proceed with the download of Namalsk Crisis, Update 2 - Pathfinder full package. Namalsk Crisis v1.15, including ALL updates [FULL] 688MB ..this then links to the link below but i cannot find the actual download :) http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=14194 edit..found it hidden on the bottom of the above linked page amongst the ads..work pc so no adblock :)
  9. Gonna need a lot of morphine for that climb ;)
  10. Bordeless fullscreen windowed..its all there in his first post :) Also known as fake full screen. Check here dude.. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131165-Any-way-to-run-Arma-at-quot-windowed-full-screen-quot
  11. Seattle Space Needle..the new Elektro hill.
  12. Hetstaine

    How do you control your DayZ Rage?

    Smoke, drink, get agitated in my chair, start sweating out, eyelid starts ticking..hands start shakin'.. and thats just at the loading screen.
  13. Get on it people .. http://www.hjheinz.com.au/Contact-Us/Contact-Details There is a mod for a game that has exploded this year and will hopefully change the face of computer gaming as we know it. This mod is called DAYZ . For those not in touch with current gaming trends it will sound like just another game..based on a zombie apocalypse and the survival of yourself in it. Heres the kicker. The main food resource is canned. The primary canned product being HEINZ BEANZ :) Because of the popularity of the mod, BEANZ has now become somewhat of a net phenomenon amongst gamers and on many forums, to the point that the developer has signed many canz of Heinz Beanz at gaming festivals. How many canned products have that distinction ? :) The mod has grown that much in popularity that it has featured at most major gaming festivals this year and has gone into production to be released as an alpha standalone title this December (2012). All of the people involved in this mod , players and developers alike are hoping that Heinz Beanz will remain in the game ..thus this contact form. The mod itself.. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/ http://dayzmod.com/ The main person who would need to be contacted is Dean Hall (Rocket) and his other half Matt Lightfoot. They can be contacted at either of those sites linked above :) Thankyou for taking the time to read this and i hope you can take at least 5 minutes to delve a little bit into DayZ and see the reason why we need the backing of Heinz for the standalone title Real (Hetstaine) Name
  14. It must be Heinz. Heinz.Meanz.Beanz.
  15. Hetstaine

    So what has changed in the past 2 months?

    Pub servers are one char..priv are another.
  16. Hetstaine

    What type of playstyle do you prefer?

    Work that shit out.
  17. After getting the shits with rampant hacking on the server..waiting on a server restart that was taking forever he started an (unamed game) discussion. Very quickly devolved into a you Dayz fanbois sucking blahs blahs dick and all of that mature sort of stuff. Noticing his mature attitude when calling faggot, losers and dicksuckerz over side and that standalone will not be out this year (unraging against his rage lol) i said 'put your money where your mouth is OMGWTF. Told him i got 50 says it will be out this year in alpha. After much more raging and swearing , where i had to ask why he was so angry ..would he not get his lipstick dlc for (unamed game) ? Anyway..i know this is pointless but i figure if he has so much gusto in game i told him i would post at the forums to settle the deal..seems fair to me. You sidechatting everyone in the server and calling people out..lets do it. Admittedly just before i aborted after the last round of his verbal abuse i did tell him to enjoy his fail, i also told him several times i loved him. Storm in a teacup..you bet :) Got 50 here that says its out this year OMGWTF. You got yours ?
  18. I was not involved in this one ,,but i have posted before about Steak and Pototoes driving skillz. This one should reinforce it. Passed on to me by some crazy fucker who plays on AU46... It's dusk and i (steak and mash) am chilling out comfortably in a building at komorovo docks. I am prone with my hatchet and talking to a couple of guys in in team speak when I hear ... ' drop the hatchet punk! ' Punk ? I look up and see some chap more scared than a KKK member at a pride parade aiming at me with a makarov. I tell him ...' easy dude. no need to get crazy.. were in this together' .I stand up and he yells 'LAY DOWN!' then squeezes of a few rounds of his Mak. I am up and running but hit once by his wayward firing as I barrel out the dock sliding door. He chases me around the building saying 'your gonna have to bandage your bleeding ! '. I hunch down outside and using 3rd person i watch my char piss blood out his body. I peer out as he comes to the corner and slap him a good one to the face with my hatchet , he pours out like a stuck pig screaming and running towards the water. The fights on. I decide to not bandage and utilize my advantage of not giving a fuk. I chase him towards the water saying 'your not going to lose to a hatchet are you? ' slap him in the leg, leg breaks and he falls screamin ' PLEASE NO! I WAS MISTAKEN ! ' ...as he rapid fires the dirt in front of me prone...dude. I circle and slap him 20 more times,typical for me when my rage is on, i hear his flies and at last i start to bandage. Halfway through i pass out, knockout timer... wake up finish the bandaging process. I am looking at 245 blood and am supposed to meet up with a few in Zeleno so I set north and meet them on the main road. They are in the hatchback and apparently I will be the driver as they are alt tabbing for a minute. I say.. not to sure.. but take the wheel anyway. I hook it up to 90 and then pass out, flying out of the car onto the road and watch the flames in the background as it blow up on a tree and think well fark.. The two others are like wtf dude ? then they die from the second explosion and I'm fucked off dead in the road with a respawn timer. I'm never driving again....
  19. Hetstaine

    Remote control hackers?

    From this cnversation so far every nees to take away a few simple words..let me bold them for you.. Steak and Potatoes flying all perished.
  20. Hetstaine

    Entry One, Day Zero: It Begins

    Good read so far Sandwichx :thumbsup:
  21. Hetstaine

    The Rose Between Two Thorns......

    Tin cans, second only to the DMR.
  22. Hetstaine

    worst mechanic..

    Did it take you long to work out this random spawn thing ? Trying not to come off like a jerk here..but really ?
  23. Hetstaine

    Finally Reached NWAF! My Experiences

    DMR. Hand made by the gods. Each bullet spawning forth from the golden DMR flower that grows atop the clouds..then scattered below for us mere mortals to run around and kill with.