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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    Favorite Dayz vehicle?

    Front wheel wheelies down a hill at 50 plus, whats not to like.
  2. Day 44 with my Hero on a public fucking server :ph34r: (Glovine) Gave away my NVG's and AKM to some random last night because he was playing 'what a wonderful world ' over global, funnily enough it suited dayz perfectly. Fragnito i think was the man. I was getting 12-14 odd hours a week with him but Namalsk priv hire has slowed him down.
  3. Hetstaine

    A little idea, to improve the......

    An old idea ..but i see you have not been here long so you are forgiven.
  4. Hetstaine

    New idea : Tree House

    *test post..forum being extremely shit*
  5. Hetstaine

    New idea : Tree House

    Tree house is a good idea , like i said in my tree house post, i would much rather up than underground. Plus trip wires ;) My original post ... <p> Reading some threads here, base building etc and i have always thought..fuck that, i would want a tree house. Up off the ground , pull up the wooden/rope ladder and you are fairly safe. Simple to naturally camoflauge. As kids we always had a treehouse and they rock, homebuilt and easy as with minimum tools and equipment needed. Then i thought, fire. They would kill me with fire and eat the freshly heated franks and beans. Fuckers. So the old tin can trip wire trick. Never sleep fitfully with one eye open again. If you are seen whilst out digging for edible forest bugs (yum) and have to make a mad dash back to the tree pad of frivolity then once you are up and in,you will know if they have followed by the jingle jangle of the wire being tripped. Of course animals will be able to trip it so there will be plenty of false warnings, big winds will also affect it. But at least now we will have a use for all of those empty cans, all that is required is wire ,which is all over the place. Even the ability to strip down a farm fence will produce more than enough. You could set several jingle jingle alarms so you could even pinpoint a general n/e/s/w direction. Please see extremely awesome paint pic i wasted 2 minutes of my life on, it only shows one wire but you get the drift. BALOTA BUDDIES
  6. Hetstaine

    People overreacting about Namalsk?

    Weird, i have been sick three times on this map in under 20 hours of play time. Chernarus once since June. Twice i have been down that ladder to the underground, both times i have been nailed before i got of the bottom rung..i would like to have a look around down there and see what all the fuss is about :)
  7. Hetstaine

    Poll: Which gun is best in which situation?

    Not one mention of the mighty and silent hatchet.
  8. Hetstaine

    Death Of DayZ

    Well the new update looks to be the start of the demise of dayz Or not. no score system most players check there bandit and murder kills The no score system is something that has been on the cards to be removed for months, it was not like..wooooah, didn't see that coming. so many games have been successful because of score systems but no more see above..and really ? Is score the only purpose ? Guess i better throw the whole immersion aspect of my gaming out the window. Having a purpose in the game as in life is essential to long term playability Make the purpose, create it yourself. Hint: basic purpose = life. Hint 2 : Creativity. just running in circles will get boring fast Seems it works for the CoD franchise extremely well. For over a decade. setting up camps and organizing items can be rewarding with no way to replicate items I am fairly certain duping is gone, not 100 % sure but i have not seen any since 1.7.3. Set up a camp..find out (careful of the thieves though ;) ) no one will use tents as goods get stolen all the time I find tents all the time. I steal items. I find more tents with more items, who are these no ones placing all of these gawdang tents ? shooting zombies is already boring and is just a distraction in the game Standalone will hopefully adress the obvious Zed easiness, that being said i got Mike Tyson'd at 6 blood last night with an infection and had my face eaten off, it is rare but it still happens. a game without anything to do wont last long finding tents looting them is part of the fun Nothing to do ? Now what game are you playing..cause it isn't the one i am playing. See above on the tents. TOOOOO much time has been spent on taking things out that work Alpha, yes i know..but Alpha. Fix/Break/Change/Test/Break/Test/Change/Break/Test/Fix/Break etc So only things that are working have been taken out ? No bugs fixed, no updates that have improved the game along the way ? Just taking out good stuff ? Got ya. TOOOO little time if fixing hackers most now are 12 year old kids paying for hacking services Do you even read what has been said about hacking in this game engine and is available for you too read on every site that has ever said anything about dayz ? Not people with skill showing what the game could be What ? You have not seen anything , not a glimpse..just a wee crack of light..a smidgen ? Nada ? Zip ? I am nearly convinced now that we are playing two different games. Rant over Roger that I hope that they dont write out all the things that have made this a great game in the stand alone version but after seeing some of the updates I seriously doubt it I don't know if Standalone will reach your high expectations, but why not give it a crack eh. Welcome to the interwebZ, to get a sensible reply one must first make a sensible post, critical or otherwise... and never devalue pen and paper, that just makes you look silly. The computer age has been here for as long time, you do realise this ? Problem now is every person and their dog is on it, even me, and most of the time it reminds me of the writing on toilet walls at school, but i hold out in hope. Oh and heres a quick tip to help you in furthering your new age computerness, especially regarding topics and conversations... paragraphs. You have a wonderful tool at your fingertips for voicing your opinions, why not use it correctly and not come across like a newb. I think you may like this part the least though... pen and paper will be here for ever.. painful huh :) Enjoy.
  9. Alakit Survivor, i got a bead on him with the m16 , he has a g17 and an enfield slung. I should have shot him when he did not know i was there, while i was watching him loot. He spots me and the friendly cry goes out from him friendly! friendly! friendly! sounds like he is still waiting for his balls to drop. I keep him in scope until he gets closer, pop him pop him pop him says my head, i leave him. We have a quick chat, i tell him i am headed to Old Hospital, i'm not, as i need blood and then i crouch off behind a small area with one way in and one way out next to a wall. I jump into my options to reset my graphics as they were still a bit bright from last night..a black object plops near me..was that a ?? BOOM! Fucker. Respawn, Lubjansk look at that..not more than a five minute run away, first deerstand i find an m1014 with 8 slugs. Keep heading south east towards Alakit through the forest when i see movement, guy running flat stick, i duck behind a tree, observe. Well what do we have here..guy with a czech pack, m16 slung and a G17, heading towards Lubjansk. It has to be Fucker, I let him run past then follow. He crouches when in sight of the road then stops. I crouch up to a tree about 5 metres away, he starts to move slowly again, over direct i say 'Hey..Fucker..nice m16..' then put a shot into his legs. He falls saying friendly! friendly! friendly! ..same balltight voice. I don't say anything , waiting for him to bandage, blood spewing out. He goes straight into the bandage position and i sidle out from behind my tree, shottie up... ' I like your backpack' will be the last thing he hears as i pump 7 more slugs into him. Why would i shoot him 8 times ? because that was all the ammo i had.
  10. Hetstaine

    Sticky notes, infected animals and more!

    There have been a heap of different trading posts set up since virtually the beginning of the mod, currency is what you have to trade. Its the apocalypse and i hope we never see a bank or money again :) Trading is where it is at.
  11. Hetstaine

    I only shot him 8 times

    Ah yes..that. I tend to agree with the chap :)
  12. Hetstaine


    Turbulent elements in todays climate i believe.. Regards to you my dear scientologist, the mothership is calling, grab your emergency backpack for now is the time. Tom is waiting with a flashlight on yonder peak. Dont forget the beanz.
  13. Hetstaine

    I only shot him 8 times

    Lol all :D and cheers. 1000 slugs would have meant a lot of reloading..
  14. Hetstaine

    Do you disable the Music in Dayz?

    As i am running into a town the Terminator theme plays in my head so i have no need for in game. In Namalsk it is the Rocky theme.
  15. Hetstaine

    Backpacks - a new idea for them

    That was my favourite part. I also hate beavers.
  16. Hetstaine

    Get a better forum provider

    502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.2.3
  17. I am finding l85s, saws. as50s, m107s and nvgs. NO FUCKING PASTA! plus i have not seen a pub or a tranny yet. Undecided.
  18. Hetstaine

    Debug Monitor Gone?

    I wouldn't throw away a desk just because it had one scratch in it.
  19. Hetstaine

    Everyone is a bandit on Namalsk

    Everyone i meet shoots me in the forehead. The only friendly i met so far missed.
  20. Hetstaine

    What the %$* is happening to this game???

    There is zombies ? ..wtf...
  21. Hetstaine

    What the %$* is happening to this game???

    Spawns in kamenka..meets two new spawns..grabs hatchet, kills zeds..finds mak..passes on mak to closest standard survivor stance hands by side dude, doesn't shoot at him..longest run on sentence ever..over direct asks if both are cool..reply is yes..cranks some metal over direct and puts mic into headphone..all three run up to Zeleno. Hit the shops, beanz, coke, leroy, alice . coyotes..sweet. Green mountain..zed death..phobia..suspense..dirt trail..sun going down..sunlit and shadowed fir trees..dead soldiers. Someone says atmosphere..jesus..got it in spades. We continue on slowly and hit a few stands, two covering one climbing, keeping it real. M14, 1 mag.. we assign him to overwatch . Split the road and head direct for NW field , action, death, 50 pop server, lets do that shit. Up past the barn, dodge the zeds, consolidate. Barracks not five minutes away. We look up at the wall and decide to log for the night..not a lot of action ..but lots of immersion. Dayz. Fukn giddyup.
  22. Hetstaine


    I am down with zipties, ziptie someone to a street lamp in the night..walk away five metres and shoot. Watch.
  23. Hetstaine

    Good Guy Namalsk

    Conker, got it :thumbsup:
  24. I am so tits deep in snow that my beard is snapping every time i scratch my chin, repairing two front tires on a uaz in blizzard conditions so cold even the penguins have called it quits. A call out over side channel comes up...'hello out all survivors there ..we are at Wally's Gun Store. We are open for trading".. Zeuses frozen dick beard! i say and load up the parts and board my trusty steed along side my buddy Hay Bail Harry. Wally types over again "come on down the.. price is right. Give fair warning as we are 5 deep and will shoot on sight ". I think to myself ..what do I have to trade.. Harry ? Will they accept people ? naw thats fecked, but for a new rifle in Namalsk? i can do that...can i ? We approach in the UAZ and they advise up to drop all weapons outside, if not hill snipers will take us out. We comply and go down the ladder to see a pile of ak's and other mil weapons smothered together in the elevator shaft. Not bad i say.. may i ? They allow me to arm myself but as Harry approaches we hear ' Leave them alone big fella...". Harry is like "whoa guys ..i thought this was legit " they tell us that i must do runs with my truck to fill their supply or Harry is a dead goat. Give me a map and i'm in like Flynn i say. Bloat hands me a map and i'm up the ladder and on to rum running, they call a cease fire. Outside the shop i see 5 guys in line , ready to head downstairs and gun up. They stare at me like a piece of meat as i walk by with an M4 iron sights..i hop in my rig and spit snow in their faces. I barrel north side channeling old hare asking if he has been killed yet ,he replies 'nah i'm all good, they're feeding me beanz and sards..'. Snapping another piece of my beard off i am happy he is warm and well fed, half a can of juice loaded in my old girl and no food. I spit my rig sideways across the land bridge and approach the hospital, shoot out the windows and start slam racking supplies into the truck. I turn around and glimpse a fresh bandit spawn carrying a mak, he walks up behind me stepping between the the truck and myself. He moves closer to the truck just as i am telling him not to do anything stupid or i will beard stab him. He bolts for the truck and in under 5 seconds he is all over the road like a madwomans breakfast. I leave his drilled body and head South across the railroad bridge, the truck spinning and sliding like an icecube on a roller rink, turn onto a dirt road and approach Wallys. I tell them i am here, jump down the ladder and dump a weeks worth of medical on the ground. Wally voice booms out. " I'm impressed ..you and Harry are hired " a bond has been forged, we have become beard brothers. I tell Harry to load up and then we are off to grab some more gear.. Harry and i complete two more runs unscathed and are feeling pretty good, but in the back of my mind i know we are due. Rum runner drivers always get the bad end of the deal. We cross Tara bridge on the south end looking to leg it in for one last run and call this mad lifestyle quits ...when the Slenderman strikes. A sniper round from the southern mountain side zips into the front tire and i slam old trusty out of control into the guardrail and we are stalled, mid bridge... 200 ft off the ground. Harry panics and says " We have to fix the goddam tyre ! We have to get off this bridge of death !!" before i can say anything he has opened the door and plummeted into open space. I watch his descent to the depths as he says "shit I fell !! " now its me, my trusty truck , the bridge... and Slenderman. I bail out taking cover behind my broken rum running rig. Shots begin to zip the tracks next to me , pushing my luck i crouch and look through my rigs windows and locate the Slenderman... hill bound and running down towards the tracks to finish me. My sweetly polished M4 is frozen in my hands and i snap off another chunk of beard so i can pull it tightly into my shoulder. Slenderman pours onto the tracks and starts crouch running.. checking his scope on me. I lean out and fire three rounds.. striking him in the torso and he falls to the tracks. Thinking this nightmare is over i begin to repair the tyre and suddenly go into shock, bullets bounce around me ..Slenderman is down but not out. I slow motion turn like Chuck , my beard scratching against my puffed chest and let loose my full magazine, bullets stitch a line towards him and then crawl up his body like fireworks mixed with tomatoes, i pass out as he falls to the ground obliterated. Waking up i bandage like a demon and notice i am at 400 blood , all good, I have to make it back, i jump in and fire up old trusty and start to head out and off the bridge, suddenly i pass out at the wheel and watch myself launch over the side into the chasm above Harry...fated to be joined in death. A mangled body , it's legs on his chin and a brief explosion is the last thing i see. Steak is dead.
  25. Hetstaine

    Rum running rig in Namalsk

    Yeh sorry that was my copy and paste from the Hetsteak page, i dont see it because i changed the page theme (bottom left) to ip board..only 952% better than the black deal.