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Posts posted by VermillionX

  1. I was checking out a farm house north of Electro when I heard the footsteps of 2 guys sprinting up to the house. I had no gun so I hid inside, shut the door and pulled my axe. I tried to talk to them over the course of 5 minutes. I eventually got bored and sprinted out with my axe out ready to bust up whoever was outside the door...


    It was a pig. Stuck in the fence. He tasted good.

    • Like 6

  2. 12 Gauge Buckshot: Civilian/Residential spawn

    12 Gauge Slug: Deerstand/Military spawn

    12 Gauge Cut Shell: Crafted via Knife + 12G Buckshot (Applicable for only the IHZ-43/Sawed-off)

    12 Gauge Riot Shell: Police/Prison spawn

    • Like 1

  3. So, let us examine the actual population density of this figure, shall we? Assuming that infected will be located around the entire map (preferable), rather than concentrated in cities (which makes surviving them trivial)


    Chernarus: 225 square kilometers, including water, so let us assume that there is about 200 square kilometers of territory available. This was also the old map, so let us use instead the new Chernarus Plus map, and assume that there is now 225 square kilometers of available land area. 

    So, now we do some simple math.


    5000 infected / 225 square kilometers = approx. 22 infected per square kilometer, assuming they are all spread out in equal numbers.


    This means that, in the entirety of the Chernogorsk  metropolitan area, there could be 11 sq km x 22 infected  = 242 infected. So.... don't fire a rifle in Cherno?

    Couple that number with improved AI functions and zombie wandering, it would make the ideal zombie game.

    No longer will players walk down open streets, firing SKSs at each other, sprinting through houses and up stairs. Players would be forced to walk, crawl and creep through buildings, staying out of open spaces. Any players encountered would be less of a threat than the hundred zombies that would swarm the instant you open fire. Groups of random players would be more common, loot-sharing and lookouts that watch more for zombies on the move than players.

    • Like 1

  4. Saw this the other day and thought it was great. It'll make it much easier to find people in your area/timezone to play with.

    Though i'm concerned that once it becomes widespread knowledge there will be friend requests on steam from too many people. Then again, if everyone's on each other friends list then everyone will be able find organised groups instead of just being/encountering solo KoS snipers everywhere.

  5. I don't go actively hunting trucks, but since their implementation i've seen only one. I couldn't figure out how to work it so I left it. I assume it was out of fuel (not that it has any gauge or indicators of any sort regarding the condition of the vehicle), which is nice and all, except that jerry cans have so far demonstrated to be almost as rare as the trucks and are virtually uncarriable.

    It's just not worth it.

  6. I agree that some weapons should spawn with magazines. But this is a "zombie apocalypse" and the majority of firearms users would've used all the weapons you find lying around.

    Guns should at least spawn as "worn" down to "badly damaged", those weapon cleaning kits are everywhere and are completely unused. Similarly, the mags that spawn in weapons should always be damaged in some way. There's got to be a reason why their users just dumped them and if more weapons are spawning with mags, most of them should be unusable/barely usable. Pristine mags can always be found on their own.

  7. Agreed. With the iron sights it's pretty bad; not enough stopping power and generally takes two shots while being a bolt-action.

    Add the ability to attach a long-range scope and it's an entirely different can of worms, though.

    Doesn't have an internal mag like the mosin and they're hard to come by. Even with a mag, it's only got 5 shots. For most people it'll basically be a single-shot rifle that uses rare ammunition.

    If you don't kill them on the first shot, you're screwed.

  8. Yup, that's right people: Towels!

    Always know where your towel's at, because you wouldn't want to go anywhere without your wonderful towel.


    The obvious function of the towel is to dry stuff. Simply dragging the towel to a wet or damp item will dry the item instantly and yes, I know you can wring out clothing but that only dries it down to damp and you're still left with the player's wetness level.

    Additionally, the towel's best use is to dry the player him/herself. I'm sure that many of you who've been stuck in the rain can easily change their clothing and still retain the "Soaking", "Wet" or "Damp" which will persist to affect the character until it either stops raining for a long duration or you sit around a fire for fair while.

    So basically, it's a repair kit for being wet.


    • Like 1

  9. I find many long-range scopes. I don't see how so many people call them rare. They're common loot in garages and in a specific common house, behind the coffee table.


    Grenades are at the top of my list. I've never found one or met anyone who has found one. Most people who find them on youtube, usually blow themselves up simply because there's no way of knowing how to use or even aim it.

    • Like 2

  10. Who the hell carries their ammo in boxes :P

    If you're shot or hit and the bag/pocket the ammo is stored in is damaged or ruined, so too will the ammo box. However, you can still remove perfectly useful, non-ruined ammunition from a ruined box.
