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Everything posted by BeefyTips

  1. BeefyTips

    How do I not panic/shake when I get in a gunfight?

    Might be late to this reply party, but I want to share my experience. Last night I got into a little skirmish and my heart felt like it was going to explode. It was amazing. My brain gets so involved in this game that my heart started going into survival mode and began pumping adrenaline like i was actually facing death. With that being said, focus on breathing. my body is pretty much 50% covered in tattoos, and i hate needles. I've focused on breathing to get through some of the tough ones. Same applies here. Hell, women get through child birth this way too. We're also going to have to get used to it, the more it happens, the more used to the adrenaline rushes we'll be.
  2. BeefyTips

    Help please

    thank you all for the info, i was wondering how to change the name too.