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About dellamorte

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  1. Ever since the new patch it takes forever to get into a game. 5-10 mins atleast before the game finally comes up. This is every server I go to, am I the only one??
  2. dellamorte

    How to play in Windowed Mode

    This isn't working for me :( nevermind you have to do it at main menu duh
  3. dellamorte

    Stary Sobor : Sniper Haven

    Thanks to the sniper who sniped me while I was sniping people at the tents.. I was up in that building overlooking the tents and got shot from behind.. I almost think they spawned inside and killed me..
  4. This happens on recruit servers, also players have a green dot on them.
  5. dellamorte

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Probably not true' date=' seeing how every ICP fan is mentally retarded. [/quote'] This.
  6. When you have dreams where your survivor you have kept alive for days has been shot and killed.. This has happened to me the past few nights when I dream lol
  7. dellamorte

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Please fix the respawning of loot.. it seems like it takes hours and hours for items to respawn in buildings. I traveled half the map and to all the deer stands and they were all looted and had only junk items.
  8. dellamorte

    Loot respawn?

    Well loot spawns for me but it's always CRAP everywhere I go.. I'll check on the map for the high value barns and military tents and deer stands but everytime I come across these it's always crap spawns like flares and makarov ammo like someone has been there before.. I'm just unlucky I suppose.
  9. dellamorte

    Enfield or MP5A5

    Alright well I got 4 clips of ammo and a G17 which shares the same ammo as well..I'm just in a town and I see enfield ammo everywhere so I was wondering lol
  10. dellamorte

    Enfield or MP5A5

    Quick I need to know which one is better before I leave this rooftop
  11. dellamorte

    Loot respawn?

  12. dellamorte

    Loot respawn?

    How long does it usually take for loot in buildings to respawn? Seem's every server I go to the towns have been looted.
  13. I am sitting here looking at the town waiting to go loot it but I would like to see if anyone wants to come join me as I make my way through the town and to the NW Airfield.. I prefer we join a low pop server for obvious reasons.. Hit me up on steam if you are interested. SteamID:xbrandonewx
  14. dellamorte

    Using the bathroom..

    Since the realism of this game has you take care of main human necessities, why not add this? Nothing like having to take a piss while running from zombies.