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killerhippo (DayZ)

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About killerhippo (DayZ)

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  1. killerhippo (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    i love this game and you do a great job BUT..... you need to take barbewire out of the game .... its simple ruining your game atm.... and now you put traps into the game too :( :S so basiclly you ant loot anyhting now
  2. killerhippo (DayZ)

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    Today i had to swich 16 servers just to get out of market in berazino....this is getting fuckt up :( rocket you ahve to remove this or find a salution its destroying the game
  3. killerhippo (DayZ)


    15 servers tryed 2 of them there wasent barbwire at entrances to stary sobo tents TWO
  4. killerhippo (DayZ)


    well we gotta keep in mind that its and alpha game but i sure hope they know this issure and fix something whit it next patch.... becuse its getting ridicules how much barb wire are in the game
  5. killerhippo (DayZ)


    precisely kirjava.... every spot is being barbwire´d atm and soon it will be all over...so make a timer on when it despawned or make the toolbox like a start item... :S something ahs to be done or it will ruin the game i dont even wanne guss what it will be like when bear traps come into game :(
  6. killerhippo (DayZ)


    you are sooooooooooo lucky dingus.....i almost wanne trade my sniper riffle for a toolbox :D
  7. killerhippo (DayZ)


    plz remove this item...... or no i mean i like the idea of this item, but you need to tweek the spawn rate or something.... atm you need to be lucky to not find a server where all loot points are just covert in barbwire.... or at least make the toolbox spawn much more becuse i havent seen one toolbox in my 60 hours of playing but i see plenty of barbwire at almost every good loot drop point yesterday i tried 8 servers i was at stary sobo and all 8 servers the tents was covers in barbwire:( (amd mpt just the one thats already there ofc ;)and no you cant jump over them i´v tried that so many times.. :( mayby put a timer on them so they disappre after and hour or so ? TL:DR barbwire is a bad item....
  8. killerhippo (DayZ)

    DayZ Streamer Event

    hey stim... im a fellow danish guy who stream too my stream is http://www.twitch.tv/holmer1988 and got about 80 recula viewers i would gladly join you on this Qust :) it would be hell of alot of fun :) sincere holmer
  9. killerhippo (DayZ)

    Random spawn in woods

    Hi all... So yesterady i raidet the NE airfield and logt out happy whit my new m4a1 and camo....who woulden be:D but today to my sadness i updatet to the 1.7.1 version and when i log in i startet in some random wilderness comnpletely lost.... BUT the thing that piss me off the most was that i spawn on top of three peopel who walkt togather...i got two of them (they ofc instant ALT+F4 so no bodyes to be lootet) and the last one got me so now im off to a new start whitout any weapons or anything...im not mad just frustratet....and crying a little.... hope none of you guys get to die like i did.....
  10. killerhippo (DayZ)

    Did the patch wipe the characters?

    i just raidet the ne arirfield too and logt out today after updating i logt in...startet in some wood somewhere whit 3 players around me that shot me .....so mad