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Everything posted by chickychickson

  1. chickychickson

    Where's the communication?

  2. chickychickson

    Newbie imperssions on version

    new players should read THIS -> http://www.amazon.com/The-Zombie-Survival-Guide-Protection/dp/1400049628 when i first time played this mod i was like: "WTF this mod has been built around this book!" ^^ also, this book is a good laugh!
  3. chickychickson

    Is melee in the game?

    it is. equipp the axe and go for hack the shit out of the Zs. i love it!
  4. as rocket stated: they can climb ladders and can open doors because he does not want to feel save anywhere. lose 'em or die.
  5. chickychickson

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    i'm in! bring it on. 3rdp:off only for everyone. hell yeah!
  6. chickychickson

    Crossbow... Opinions?

    i just found my first crossbow this morning and i am going to abuse the hell out of it. must be the coolest weapon around ^^ going to practice in the woods now ^^
  7. chickychickson

    This is the best PVP game ever created

    i am asking myself: what will happen in this forum if rocket gets a really good idea to punish random useless killing of helpless survivors? since the pvp-killing-for-fun-ppl are most likely the same that tell "adapt" after every update i think about will they adapt? can they? i dont think so. if rocket desings his gamemechanics to make the players play like he intends to (almost no pvp). this will be fun to read the forums. ^^
  8. chickychickson

    How to use the flashlight?

    you need to equip it with rightclick and remove from toolbelt. than hit L.
  9. chickychickson

    Why do I see no bandits?

    i like the north too. since the SAF, Elektro and Cherno are the hotspots for PVP i just try to get the basic gear around these points to move instantly inland. there are still a few hunters around looking for easy supplys on fresh players. but most ppl just leave each other alone or even help each other out. at the coast you are on your own. coast = deathmatch.
  10. chickychickson

    First time spawned without a gun..

    yay its easy the more you know the mechanics but as a new player to dayz AND arma i can tell you, you are fucked without a gun at start. you cant correct your errors by shooting a town of Zs down you are dead the first times you pull Zs. after X deaths you recognzize how to lose them and how to use buildings to your advantages but to be able to get a complete gear for several hour survival you need to learn around hundred hard deaths how to use game interface, where the loot is, Z evading tactics and so on. its the hardest start i ever had in a game. but it is still fun. and i didnt even manage to get to the inside of the country.,, much to learn and see for me.
  11. chickychickson

    feels like i beat the game

    1) restart 2) start hunting for fun other players 3) stop playing.
  12. i am new to arma game and dayz mod, so thats why this question will be very stupid for the most of you. i actually ran into a player that wanted to help me and while i was near to cry tears of happyness i recognized i couldn't chat with him. when i hit the chat key there is a global chat window but he didnt react to what i said. he asked me a few things but obviously my group chat was not readable for him. we parted our ways since i didnt want to kill him with my noobishness. please help me... how can i chat with players standing next to me? saludos
  13. chickychickson

    super stupid arma n00b question - how to chat?

    yay, i switch to direct chat now, i hope this will work if i will ever meet another friendly survivor ^^ thanks a lot!
  14. chickychickson

    1.71 starting position

    hi there! i just ran into this mod by coincidence and bought arma2co for this. i nstalled through steam. launched once. followed the install guide from this forum. used the guide for installing the latest beta patch and armalauncher tutorial. everything is fine as far as i can tell, arma launches fine, no errors, the title says beta+@dayz. i find servers and i can joint effortless. so here is my question: i begin with nothing but a few painkillers in the middle of nowhere. dont get me wrong, i am fine with starting naked, but i dont think its the right map. there are no trees, no grass, no buildings nothing. just a few hills here and there with a green texture. absolutly endless nothing. is this supposed to be right? thnx for help in advance!
  15. chickychickson

    1.71 starting position

    yay works fine now! thanks a lot!