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Everything posted by chickychickson

  1. oh come on. keep this realistc game argument for yourself. facts why this could never be realistc: fact 1) there are zombies fact 2) you can respawn no more facts needed. its also a fact that there are two main interpretations of this game. a) kill everything b) play with friends vs Zs [c) play the game as its maybe intended to be: as a mix (not yet really possible due to bandit playstyle abusing)] so both factions a) and b) have their arguments. and both believe deeply in their souls that the game is meant to be played the way they do. this discussion is retarded. and a split-up like this is the logical consequence. its pure logic. if i dont want pvp and i have the possibility to rent a server and kick every fucker that does not follow this rule, i rape him with a kick like he does with a kill on another server. pure logic bro. true story.
  2. finally. there will pop up more of them for sure. too much abuse of bandit playstyle due to unbalanced gameplay. people rent their own servers and do what they want to do just like bandits. deal with it. or blacklist - which is kind of dealing with it ^^
  3. chickychickson

    Hit-detection is bad?

  4. chickychickson

    That thing you can't find

    after 100 respawns at the beancoast i was finally ready to head to the north packed with food water and medical supplies of any kind. in all this lifes and my current - wich is a day 4 life - i didn't find any backpacks until approx. 10min ago. my very first backpack. oh i almost cried. now i can concentrate on looking for this other mystical stuff that i didn't ever see. first goal: find a crashsite and don't die ^^
  5. chickychickson


    BATMAN does DC????? we're lost.
  6. since i like wandering in the north and i am always pretty much on my own. i noticed the following patterns: - Zs seem to spawn per player in a certain area. wich makes more Zs in the south and high respawn rate in larger towns. - i see no more than 8-10 Zs when i have the feeling i am all alone. - they spawn randomly near buildings in my area and they have the tendency to move slowly towards the buildings in the direction i am coming from / the latest player is or was that made them spawn. which make them look like walking randomly around. - you can easy slip around them by slowly walking in crouch position. if you have to pass them in less than 15-20m go prone. - sometimes they change directions randomly, sometimes i feel like i was to close, they heard my steps and turn around in the direction of the sound. - when there are more than 10 Zs in a certain area, i am on high alert to make contact to another survivor. until now i managed to avoid them in the north. thats stuff that is predictable for me.
  7. this approach tries to benefit friendly play without giving too much penalties to bandits creating a win-win-scenario for both factions to balance the gameplay. over time bandits have to play friendly for a short while to lower penalties. this way more people need to trust each other. interesting idea in my opinion. have a nice read. lets work with what we have: the humanity system. you should start with 0. make it possible for players to make groups. you gain points over time by playing in a group. with (humanity < 0) you have a penalty on gaining points to make it harder to shift between factions. with every kill of a survivor you get like (-100 humanity) and in certain intervals you get low penalties maybe on sight or aim or a higher consumption of food and water. playing long time in groups as survivor adds points to your humanity as survivor. in certain intervalls you gain bonuses like the opposite of the penalties for bandits. playing in a group as a bandit killing a survivor should give every group member like: -100 and maybe +( group bonus 5-10%). in adition the mentioned slower gaining of positive humanity-points for 'being a bandit in a group'. its a quickshot. i thought about it like 10minutes and thought 'hey i could post that'. discuss.
  8. chickychickson

    idea for trust-building-mechanic

    @kane sorry i cant respond properly because i dont understand your point sir. and i think you dont understand mine. i'm fine with that. next.
  9. chickychickson

    idea for trust-building-mechanic

    to be honest. we already have a system with benefits and penalties. its called open pvp in sandbox. which i like. but its totally unbalanced right now. so the approach should be to bring it to balance. bandits-> benefits: quick loot for killing people + some kind of satisfaction to make even senseless kills just for fun. downside: none. survivor-> benefits: none ; downside: lose all gear to a random bandit. so this totally unbalanced situation would become a little bit more equal. its as simple as that.
  10. chickychickson

    idea for trust-building-mechanic

    punishing is a hard word. i wouldnt use it. the penalties can be really low like simply having shaky hands from time to time. to lose them you just have to team up and stop killing like rambo for a while and you can go hunting survivors again. i think this can balance things quite well if the tuning fits. oh and its an alpha you can throw things out that dont work ^^
  11. chickychickson


    i agree! getting mugged > shoot on sight.
  12. maybe my english isnt good enough to make my point clear. yes its a sandbox state. i mentioned that. its about interpretation of that state. YOUR opinion is to play it pvp. MY opinion is play it coop. only because you want it PVP centric doesnt make it the one and only possible playstyle. so why dont you want to play with others that ONLY interpret the game like you? this way you wouldnd force people to pvp with you. why dont play only with people of your kind? i think it wouldnt be easy enough right?
  13. no i dont. and i dont think its pvp centric either. thats your interpretation of the sandbox-state this game is in. i want to have a choice. look at swtor. you can choose to play your story on a pvp server and cann kill other factions players all the way. its fun, i do that too. its super fun to ambush sith and rape them hard. but i chose to do it. here it would be easy to give peole this choice too. the interpretations of the sandbox differs too much. and because the game is alpha and not yet balanced its just no fun to play the game like survive by "try to make friends". only the pvp interpretation is fun at the moment. and that sucks. would be nice if both interpretations could play togehter but differences are too big. so split it up. bring one valid argument against it despide your interpretation of the game. there is still nothing.
  14. but basically you want to play pvp with people who dont want to pvp with you. still no valid argument against splitting up.
  15. so your argument is you wouldnt have fun with competition because its easier to kill people who care? dont think this is valid. maybe you should think about your attitude.
  16. why not really discuss with rational arguments instead of carebear insulting? this way you would have your pvp with your pvp liking friends. i dont see the need of insulting this argument.
  17. but that could be solved with two profiles on the masterserver. one loads with pvp server, one with non-pvp.
  18. no its not. YOU want it to be this way and you want us to play the game like YOU want. its time for rocket to insert some serious rules ingame to point out the direction of the game. if it will further focus on PVP thats fine. but right now this matter only devides the community for no reason. we need balancing or a split up on PVP and non PVP servers or something. but right now its only a graet game for bandits but it should be for both parties dont you think too?
  19. well its like in kindergarden. you play peacefully your game in an open sandbox. and there comes this other kid out of nowhere and just because he can he throws sand in your face and begins to punch you - ruining your experience of your game. until rocket gives this game some rules like penalties for killing people kids will always throw sand in your face. at this moment you have to deal with it and play in areas that are not of interest for kids who are on the search for other to throw sand in their face. get yourself a gear to survive on your own (fire, knife, axe, waterbottle). and you can survive for a good amount of time anywhere before you have to reenter dangerous areas to stock up again. like any other game some certain rules are needed here. otherwise the game shifts from coop-with-random-ppl to a simple open PVP deathmatch arena. would be a waste of a great game.
  20. oh my. this will pull even more noobs into the game. great.
  21. if i understand the spawnsystem right, everytime a player enters an area new Zs will spawn. in looty places like elektro and cherno its most likely players enter all the time hence there is a high spawn rate. i am in the north right now, and i cant see many Zs up there. maybe because i choose to survive in less played areas. but i dont really know, its a quickshot.
  22. YES. how about increase hearing distance the lower the humanity level is. like, you see someone in a distance and your instinct tells you keep away from this one.