General Information1.What is your age?232.What is your time zone (in GMT)?Eastern3.What days will you be on the most?Mostly everyday at night after work4.How long will you be on in a average week?8-10 hours5.Do you have a microphone?Yes6.Have you been in any other clan?No Dayz RelatedWhat is your character name?TrevorWhich role would like in game (choose 2)?Sniper/Assault/Pilot/Driver/Scavenger/Strike teamAny! Other...What other games do you play?War Thunder, SWTOR, COD, BF4, Fallout, Mech Warrior.MotivationWhy do you want to join the clan?Newer to the game and tired of going it aloneWhat do you expect of us (the officers team)?Just a cool group that wont shoot me in the back of the head! (especially with my own gun I gave them)Why should we let you join? in other words what can you offer us?I am loyal and willing to help out anyway I can.Is there something else you think will be important to add to your application?I have always been a great asset to clans/guilds in past gaming and would like to experience the same in Day Z!