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Everything posted by Monument

  1. Monument

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    I quit playing until a fix is addressed and will shut off my master server until it is addressed we password and locked up last night hopefully these are fixed by sunday or the servers going off for awhile
  2. Monument

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    who cares if the games broken really its fun for a few and it was cheap I have no hope for it but still devote 15 minutes of fame !!!
  3. get a few on you run into a building shut the door and wait for it LOL :lol:
  4. Monument

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    why would you need to pick a well lock LMAO
  5. Monument

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    I just want something to ride we have waited so long lol. I love the game but I just don't know at this stage of a alpha and it has been in alpha a long time now adding fluffer code should be second to major development in this stage of aplha. I keep an eye on several alpha games being developed and when another heavy hitter in development has already implemented vehicles in there pre alpha that started at a later date it is discouraging to see for me. This is not a rant just a feeling of lack of game development on the vehicle coders not working harder and faster at their end.
  6. Monument

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Just did that and Shut down my vilayer account one less official server thanks for the advice see you at release
  7. Monument

    So, are vehicles coming in 0.50 or not?

    I have giving a lot of thought over this vehicle everyone is leaving for epoch renting a server in the current state of dayz is pointless my population numbers have dwindled with the release of epoch two weeks away it will only get smaller. This will be the last month of my server until vehicles are released hope it all pans out best wishes Dean and Crew.
  8. Monument

    Hosting support help finding cheater?

    yah they came in and looted every good spot on my newly rented server within 30 minutes may just toss this game and server in the trash
  9. Monument

    When will server rules be enforced?

    the reason why my server says mega loot is because kids cant server hop with free guns I know its frustrating for some but I pay 80 a month to name my server as I please. We dont kick people unless they are suspected of hacking in wich case they are getting bounced no questions :beans: we run a tight ship :)
  10. Monument

    Master Private Shard

    Please feel free to come and PVP on Gankster Club's PVP Master Private Server Persistent Loads of Fun Active Admins and Loads of Bullets No Worry's on Server Hopper's And best of all when they do come in Whack em over the head with a shovel :) Regards Monument