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About clarifyrage

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    On the Coast
  1. Hey Everyone! We are always looking for some new players, no donations required, free give aways, events and fair rules! All new users get a free vehicle, 4 cases of gold, and a large donator box from the admin. Terminus Gaming |TG| Admins: [uSA] AaiRez The Ocelot Your Mom Tyler [EU] Bluefire [Canada] Max LastPlace TeamSpeak 3: Terminus Gaming |TG| ArmA3 - Epoch Altis: Terminus Gaming - Epoch Altis | ( ArmA2 - Overpoch Taviana: Terminus Gaming - Overpoch Tavi | GoldCoins/Banks | ( Website: www.terminus.pw ArmA2 - Overpoch Taviana: Mods: - PVP and PVE - Self Bloodbag - Flip Vehicle - Custom Loadout - DZAI - WAI Missions - Rearm/Refuel/Repair - Snap Building Pro - 1 Step Fast Building - Plot Protection - Fast Trading - Base Jump - Trader Safe Zones - Car and Heli Lift/Tow - No Weight Limit - Deploy Bike - Take Clothes - Suicide - Coin system/banks - Weed zones and missions Server Rules: - The server is PVP and PVE, this means there are roaming AI and real players! The game is played like any other PVE server, but with the addition of a PVP element. That being said, you can have groups to band together to survive Taviana, or every man for himself, it's up to you. - If your base is not locked and your vehicles are not locked, or, they have been harvested from the map, be warned anyone can steal them! - No unfair gameplay. - No Ramming cars in trader. - No shoreline camping. - No poaching for help then murdering the player or team. - If you have been given a new player starter kit you can not ask for another unless there was a server glitch. - For every new player you get to the server, please notify the admins so that you can be rewarded with the folowing items: 1 large donator box and 6 cases of gold. ArmA3 - Epoch Altis: Mods: - High Loot - More Vehicles - More AI - Fixed Saving - Fixed Group System - Fixed Storage - Extra added storage (Vehicles/Tipis) Server Rules: - No unfair gameplay - No poaching for help then murdering the player or team