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Everything posted by n612ua

  1. Hello, first off I know I should post this in the epoch forums. However I created and account there around a week ago and the mods still have not accepted me. I clicked the activation link in my email and even resent it and did it again. I figured someone here might know the answer. I am currently building a base. I messed up and have the door lock on the inside not the outside, plus the doors open on the inside not outside. I am planning on removing the door's and re building them facing out. I know doing that you loose the door and parts. Is this the same with the combo locks as well, or will the locks go back into inventory? Thanks for the help and understanding of why I posted epoch question here and not on there forums.
  2. Hello, I am playing dayz epoch in the walking dead NA server. I am pretty new to the game, I want to build a little base before I do alot of exploring in that server. I have a axe, crowbar, hunting knife, and a toolbox. I have cut down two trees and made that into lumber and plywood. My understanding is 2 X lumber and 1 x plywood makes a workbench. I right click the plywood in my inventory select make workbench. IT gets crafted and put into my inventory as a workbench. However once I place it, it is a wooden box not a workbech. I tried making a floor after I placed the box(thought maybe there was a glitch). I get told to be near your workbench message on the screen. I tried to make another workbench and the same thing happened. What am I doing wrong? Thanks mike
  3. n612ua

    Help building a workbench

    Bean King I tried that and yes it works. Thanks for the help.
  4. n612ua

    Help building a workbench

    Ok cool, will do.
  5. Hello, if what i've been told is correct, I can put steam on my laptop and download the Arma2 and all that without paying again. If I do that and join the server that I normally use, will my person be the same or will I start over when using my laptop? Also if you do start over as new is there away to save your person if you have to dump the hard drive and reinstall windows? Using my laptop would not be something i'd do often but sometimes if im out of town, or going to a friends it would be cool. Thanks mike
  6. Ok cool thanks for the info. I'll look into setup that family share thing then.
  7. Hello, I have never played arma or the dayz mod. I have only played dayz standalone for about 30 hours. On standalone I find a server I like and join, I do my own thing and go where ever I want. I decided to get the arma 2 collection for the dayz mod since it was 80% off on steam. When I am looking at servers to join on the mod, there is a spot saying mission time left. I see alot of 15 minutes left, Is there a set mission or can I ignore that and do whatever I want? I'm not really interested in doing set missions at all. I currently have not played the mod yet as most of the time I try and get in I get an error message. Someone else is having that issuse and they posted under troubleshooting. I then posted in there as well so once I get that figured out I'll be ready to play. Thanks for any help/advice.
  8. n612ua

    Are there missions to do?

    I was able to get one two servers to load. After the requestiong authentication screen I got this message. you were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: PubliceVariable Restriction #0) I tried to use the search on the server screen for the server you listed, it did not find it. Is there a differnet way to search for those? Also I will look for the differance's between epoch and overpoch to see what I think i'll like better. Thanks again.
  9. n612ua

    Are there missions to do?

    Oh ok cool. So the missions are there just if you want to do it. Here is the link http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/214375-help-error-when-joining-any-epoch-server/ I am guessing I was having problems cause I didn't know epoch was also a mod. However I just installed epoch, so i'll see if it works now.
  10. n612ua

    HELP! Error when joining any epoch server

    I am also getting this error. I have dayz standalone installed(would that cause any issuse's)? Seeing how the Arma 2 complete collection was on sale for $7.99 on steam I decided to buy it. I have Arma 2, British armed forces, Dayz mod, operation arrowhead, operation arrowhead beta (obsolete), and private military company installed. The taviana Island mod is not installed unless it automatically installs it. That is just a different map correct? What do you mean by this "epoch disable the other mod folders" or how do you do that? I looked in the settings for epoch and didn't see anything? Thanks for your help. Hopefully the op gets his figured out to Edit Edit: Ok I downloaded and install epoch However I get this message after trying to join some server's from the mod. (BattlEye: PubliceVariable Restriction #0) I also downloaded dayz commander and so far I have not had many problems joining. Any idea why that would be?
  11. Zombies never give up Hello, I am a noob to this game. I have been playing for 20 hours or so. I mostly use empty servers as I am trying to get the hang of it. However these damn zombies get me every time. I have only killed two and that was because I was lucky enough to find an axe. I have tried hitting them with pitchforks, baseball bats, machette, the slingblade thing, maybe other things nothing kills them. I have read that is normal for now anyway. I have tried running into building and closing all the doors. However they come in though the wall.(Read that that's a glitch). I have tried hiding on top of buildings for extended periods of time. They are always waiting for me. I have ran away from them inculding running zig zag pattens and trying to hide in a bush or something. Nothing ever works. Besides shooting them or axing them(only found one axe and a few guns but never find ammo for them) what are the best tips for getting them of my butt? I had nothing to loose eariler and I should face to face with a zom. Hit him over and over with the pitch fork. He killed me first. Seems that they can't be killed. Any tips on getting away from them would be great. Thanks