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Everything posted by danceswithzeds

  1. I think the Devs could easily postpone vechicles for another solid year if they let us wear and collect human trophies. I'm partial to perhaps us having ear necklaces we can make from our victims. https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english&cat=pics&c=pf&q=ear+necklace&h=1200&w=950&th=202&tw=160&fn=01203504.interactive.b.jpg&fs=295.6%20k&el=boss_pics_1&tu=http:%2F%2Fts4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DHN.607995961616761895%26pid%3D15.1%26H%3D202%26W%3D160&rl=to&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.spirithalloween.com%2Fproduct%2Fwalking-dead_daryl-dixon-zombie-ear-necklace%2F&udata=e101d060f3c1e103a8576ce326de8686&rid=LELOLPNLPNKO&oiu=http:%2F%2Fwww.spirithalloween.com%2Fimages%2Fspirit%2Fproducts%2Finteractivezoom%2Fprocessed%2F01203504.interactive.b.jpg
  2. Yeah nav mesh to me made the game more frustrating. Because now we think the zombies will not go through walls so when they still do we are less prepared and it destroys the game immersion even worse than before. They started nav mesh months ago but I have seen no additional improvement of it. I'm very disappointed in it so far. But hopeful the game will get better before summer. If we see the same problems by summer I think the project will be dead.
  3. Just a heads up to help the the forum go smoothly.... If you want to ask a legitimate question about how to use an item but then also ask why they added it if it serves no function yet even though they remove other items because they don't function..... If this confuses you make sure you don't write anything that can be perceived as insensitive to people who make these decisions. I made this mistake and want to help others avoid this drama. I didn't realize before that the forum administrators decide what can hurt the game makers feelings or not. Perhaps if you provide a list of what kind of questions hurt their feelings we can avoid all of these miscommunications. Please send my apologies to the project managers for whom you lock topics for.
  4. danceswithzeds

    A friendly warning to save time and drama

    Alright, I see your point. Have a good weekend.
  5. danceswithzeds

    Barracks glasses and penetration

    Sorry... Well that was an extreme anomaly. You are the first and only person I've ever heard of getting a bullet through an object in Dayz. So yes, it's probably the server client architecture glitch and the bullet only passed due to de sync. So I stand behind my statement that the way the current engine works, bullets don't really go through items. So you were right it's a glitch.
  6. danceswithzeds

    A friendly warning to save time and drama

    Again... Love this double standard shit on the forum. Here is Caboose getting combative with me when all I'm doing is trying to legitimately understand something about Dayz. Why is it OK to be so rude if someone is blindly defending every project management decision? To me this is far more damaging to the forum atmosphere. I don't know what power Caboose has with the forum but it's pretty obvious. The truth is I'm a huge Dayz fan.
  7. danceswithzeds

    Barracks glasses and penetration

    You must be new to dayz because I'm pretty sure no glass or walls have ever had any penetration by bullets. Which is extremely ironic with the zombies clipping walls still. So it's very well known and will be fixed. Also search for the post before about it.
  8. danceswithzeds

    A friendly warning to save time and drama

    I love how encouraging dayz fans to give up on the game and purchase other competitors' games is OK but questioning Dayz development decisions in a critical manner is way out of line. Makes total sense.
  9. danceswithzeds

    Doing "the spin"

    Has to be the networking architecture issues. When the engine is rebuilt this will go away along with the 2-3 second delays when you click buttons.
  10. danceswithzeds

    A friendly warning to save time and drama

    Well good point.... But come on man. People wear cowboy hats without horses all the time. No one wears welding masks unless they weld. You can't see anything if it's an auto darkening helmet. So welding masks are really strange to put in. But I'm sorry for the rude tone. I agree we should delete my posts. I will watch my tone from now on.
  11. danceswithzeds

    A friendly warning to save time and drama

    My follow up question should have been better written but my question was honest... Why remove silencers but add other non functioning items? I'm really sorry about the way I wrote it but am genuinely wondering why... And my sense of humor was meant for fun with the forum members. Not game makers. I'm really sorry guys. I'm done asking questions because I feel bad now.
  12. danceswithzeds

    Welding question

    I see welding masks. Do we have the ability to weld doors shut or something? Is any kind of welding implemented or not yet? If we can weld now.... Why in god's name did they add this before fixing silencers that have been broken for two years?
  13. danceswithzeds

    Welding question

    Ok. Thanks. Why did they spend time putting it in the game? By whatever logic they used to spend time on it they could give us back broken silencers.
  14. danceswithzeds

    Warming options

    Does going "Broke Back Mountain" make our characters warm up? If the devs are really anti kos and sniping..... The best way to make us interact is to let us stay warm together.... No fire needed. The fire is between two dudes or girl and dude.
  15. danceswithzeds

    duping is out of control

    Sigh........ Please god.... Help this game get fixed.
  16. danceswithzeds

    today i was enjoy happy surprise in my camp

    Well I think I implied not to do it here in America where we have a history treating black people horribly. I'll tell you what buddy, I'll buy you a plane ticket to Detroit, Michigan. I want you to walk your European Puma sneakers with skinny jeans butt down the street in Detroit and call the first black person you see "Blacky" and let me know how that works out for you. The 2,000K ticket from Italy to Detroit would be worth every penny.
  17. danceswithzeds

    BattleEye going way too far

    You make a good point so I have to admit you have valid reasoning there. It's still frustrating as HELL to deal with all of this and still see Esp's and speedhacks up the wazoooo. LOL but we love Dayz so here we are :)
  18. danceswithzeds

    BattleEye going way too far

    Sorry buddy, but you aren't going to go anywhere with logical questions or thinking if it makes BE or Bohemia look bad in anyway. Guess it's time to lock up the thread.
  19. danceswithzeds

    BattleEye going way too far

    I think you are completely missing the point.The nature of the OP is that we are stuck/forced to use Battle Eye if we want to play the game and yet not only are there still tons of EsP'ing and Speed hacking going on, not to mention the amazing "remove a players's gear right off of their backs" hack......... we Also have to give up our privacy and maybe even have our computers compromised because some people don't think BE is competent. (This is not my belief as I don't think the problems with the game or anti hacking is BE's fault at all, but many people have expressed this) So the OP doesn't think this is all Kosher. Does that explain it a little better I hope?
  20. danceswithzeds

    today i was enjoy happy surprise in my camp

    OK, great Shrub. Will you ever share with us what is your native language or where are you from? Or would that spoil the whole mystery and fun? Either way, we love your stories.
  21. danceswithzeds

    today i was enjoy happy surprise in my camp

    OHhhh. I see. Sorry, Shrub. I didn't realize that Blacky was the guys actual name. My apologies. I thought you just made it up and I Knew English was not your language so I was just trying to be helpful. Sorry man, my mistake good friend.
  22. danceswithzeds

    today i was enjoy happy surprise in my camp

    We love you Shrub, but calling someone "Blacky" is considered extremely racist man. It's like what an old fashioned white man would say to an African American man before the 1920's knowing they could get a way with it. It's really, really, really bad man. Don't use that term for a black person.... It's kind of fucked up.
  23. danceswithzeds

    [Controller Users] VOTE UP THIS BUG

    My apologies. You are very right I was off topic. At first I just thought any control question does relate to the long delay of any button use. I do like the idea of controller support even though I don't use one now. I like the xbox controller for some games so I vote yes here.
  24. danceswithzeds

    how has the dry wells affected your gameplay

    Doesn anyone really think it was by design? I think it's a bug that wells don't work now. Have the devs confirmed which it is?
  25. danceswithzeds

    [Controller Users] VOTE UP THIS BUG

    How could any controller issue be more of a priority than first fixing the incredible amount of lag one experiences when you hit the aim/raise weapon button? Controller, or no controller.... shouldn't the priority right now be that when you hit the button to aim down your sights..... it doesn't not take 2 or 3 freaking seconds? I can't believe people are not protesting the horrible networking architecture.... That's fucking up every single persons game not matter what controller they are using. Hitting a button should not take 2 seconds for your character to respond. We should get zero updates to the game until they make controls acceptably responsive. I would be embarrassed to release these patches until it is fixed.