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About verdii

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    On the Coast
  1. There appears to be a bug with the players visibility symbols? it has ranged widely from being completely invisible at night, to no sound at day.
  2. You bought Arma 2, you didn't buy Day Z.
  3. 1. One word, barn. Easy weapon sometimes(except lee enfield, then you are SoL), sometimes food, sometimes soda, not impossible to get into without being seen. Seriously when i respawn, I forget everything and just head to the closest barn. How did i learn this? from experience and dieing. You act as if death is end all, be all. But I feel it to be more like a learning experience. Especially your first few. 2.Then it's not a bug and woop de doo, not working as intended. it's gonna be fixed. 3. Then don't play on those servers? play on low pop servers? it's not like you are gridlocked into only one server. Also pretty sure the guy with the assault rifle vs the 5x makarovs would also have the advantage of position making it almost as pointless to attack him as it is now. so I really see don't see a difference between then and now aside from then, you could get lucky. But like I said, you're not gridlocked to a server, don't like the people in it? play in another one. You guys act as if camping will happen ALL the time, and i'm saying it won't cause it's just not feasible, and added with the new super zeds, regaining all that ammo spent camping some defenseless kids isn't exactly an easy task once night is fixed(which i guess will be soon)
  4. 1. Why would he stay on the coast? I got off the coast after I died 3 times going into a town. It's a game of hard knocks, you die, you learn, you die, you learn. Yeah, we're at a disadvantage, but for a game like this that is emphasized for survival, you are meant to be at a disadvantage. You say they see you from a mile away but I say it's rubbish cause given enough time, you can slink your way past zeds by going prone and being careful. I've done it(i'm not even that great of a gamer and i started recetly), my friend who started playing today did it, just be aware of your surroundings, why is it disliked for a developer to ask a gamer to think nowadays? 2. Like i said, that's a bug, i Didn't know that. But NVG isn't given to everyone and I havn't played at night, is it still the dark abyss that it is? Even so their threat is lowered. 3. Honestly, if someone outgeared you and wanted to kill you, the makarov wasn't gonna do jack sh*t to protect you aside from causing them to bleed or a lucky shot. The point is there is pvp in the game, someone is gonna kill you, and as far as i know, you spawn all around the coast. is there really going to be a server wide coastal spawn camp? I mean really? Is there really going to be someone in all spawn points killing every person that respawns? god, it feels like you guys are just blowing this out of the water.
  5. 1. why would you NOT approach from the treeline? Like how does this not even cross a normal persons mind? you don't even have to be a hardcore gamer to know that a safe approach is from where you are least visible.....I mean come on man. And i know there are towns with no tree lines, well then go prone, be patient. Don't run in guns blazing or through the front door cause from what you said, that sounds like what you do. 2. Did not know that, but you say that as NVG are easy to get. 3. Those guys really sound more like griefers than bandits to me..... They are there to break the experience cause they can, a bandit is just a douche who will kill you for what you have when he can. They weren't, they just wanted to kill.
  6. I kinda made an account just to debunk what everyone says about bandits attacking defenseless newcomers. I ask you, why would they? All you spawn with is a flashlight, 1 bandage, and 1 set of painkillers. Why would someone willingly waste a bullet for anyone of those things? what gain is there? From my perspective, aside from griefing, you only lose if you decide to camp the beach. I've only played for a week bro and let me tell you, no weapon spawning is beautiful cause for the first time today I actually saw people grouping up when they spawned, and they would work together. One pulled the infected while the other looted. Might not work perfectly but it's better than shoot on sight. And don't say zombies are impossible to get past either, I roughly(edge of my seat shitting myself) raided a village solo by doing what? prone and avoiding zeds eyes like what the patch notes. Also serpentine through the forest followed by prone rolling, beautiful tactic, but again it is not perfect.