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About jboi7599

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. jboi7599

    Need SERIOUS help..

    name is jboi not jboy.. but someone already helped me out..this problem has been resolved..
  2. i have had arma 2, arma oa and the other 2 that are kinda like dlc... i mainly bought them to play dayz the mod... this was back around the summer, june maybe... but all i've came across is problem after problem and no solution to fixing dayz the mod. i really wanted to play this game for the good amount of mods it has.. yes i own standalone but sometimes you just want to play something that isnt so intense.. i feel like the mod isnt as intense like i wouldnt care if i died with a ton of gear ( i dont really in standalone either) but anyways i have a lot of problems running the mod... tried many things like using the beta OA or using dayz commander... none of that works for me... dayz commander wont even let me launch dayz because it said i cant open some file there is a fix but its in registry edit in a file called Wow something Node but my pc doesnt have it for some reason... i've been lucky and able to play in like 1 or 2 servers so i made sure i played as much as i can because i might not have another chance... if you ever had any problems with the mod and somehow fixed it please help a brother out... add me on steam.. OfficerJboi... and tell me what you did to fix it really appreciate want to get this up and running.