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Everything posted by validfrom

  1. validfrom

    Made it up to the airfield

    There are three airfields in Chernarus. The northwest airfield is by far the largest and is the only one with barracks, which contain unique military loot that cannot be found in other military spawn locations. The other airfields are located in the southwest and northeast, closer to player spawn locations.
  2. validfrom

    2 toons

    You probably have one character in one of the unofficial Dayz servers that are not connected to the hive. Try joining a third server that is connected to the hive and you should find out which character is "official". Progress made on a character not connected to the hive will never be saved to the hive. That character will be unusable in official DayZ servers.
  3. validfrom

    Made it up to the airfield

    No, that car canot be repaired or entered. If you want to confirm, log into any server and go to Stary Sobor. It's always there and if you look inside you can see what appears to be grass growing. There are vehicle spawns right next to it, however, as I have found and repaired a red 4-seater on my home server.
  4. Recruit servers are not specifically intended for newer players. The difficulty of the servers denote which features are available. For example, recruit servers generally enable third person , crosshairs and peripheral vision, features that may be absent on expert servers. That being said, if you want to avoid being killed by other players you should familiarize yourself with the map and avoid locations that are known hotspots for player activity, like the cities of Cherno and Elektro. However, keep in mind that player interaction makes for a better DayZ experience so staying on lower population servers may get dull after awhile.
  5. validfrom

    Truth Time Rockett

    If you would stop reacting to posts so aggressively and take the time to respond to legitimate criticisms of your points as opposed to flaunting your political biases you may actually garner interest and suggestions for your new project. But then again, I disagree with your methods so I must be an Obama-loving socialist liberal, despite not even being an American, right?
  6. validfrom

    World too big for own good?

    It feels a little empty because the map primarily consists of forests. I would welcome the addition of little camps (like the Balota military encampment) to make exploring more rewarding.
  7. validfrom

    L85 thermal/NV or SD AR?

    Damage in the Arma 2 engine is based on type of ammo and not the weapon itself. The L85 uses Stanag rounds so it is just as powerful as your M16s and M4A1s. Here's a handy weapon comparison table I found on reddit. http://imgur.com/ntfgw
  8. validfrom

    Winchester and Ammo

    I believe you're looking for 1866 slugs, which come with 15 slugs per pile. They are the only compatible slugs for the Winchester.
  9. validfrom


    I'm fairly certain that gun is not legitimate and was spawned in by someone using scripts. I don't think you can be banned for using hacked weapons because only scripters are banned (or so I've heard).
  10. validfrom

    Dayz has much to learn unlocked

    You created this thread to tell us that you don't care about how the moderator locked your original post because it was posted in the wrong forum? I'm sure this thread is relevant to new players and won't be locked for the same reasons.
  11. validfrom

    DayZ has much to learn

    I think we're glossing over the fact that DayZ is still in alpha, which means its still in development, whereas the aforementioned Stalker mod has been completed. The two mods are also very different in terms of gameplay. The Stalker mod is based on the Stalker universe so it allows for more "unrealistic" features, like anomalies, which enhance gameplay. DayZ, on the other hand, strives towards a sandbox realism and allows players to make their own fun. You cannot simply compare the two mods and claim that one is better than the other without taking in account such details.
  12. It saves the vehicle on the server so that it will be found at that same place, on that same server. This also means that other players may stumble upon your vehicle and steal it if they happen upon its location, provided that they are on the aforementioned server. When you move your vehicle to a new location don't forget to save it again.
  13. validfrom

    Questions with a story

    1: Vehicles do not carry over from server to server so there are still plenty of vehicles to find if you're in the right place at the right time. 2: Disconnecting to avoid death is generally frowned upon by the dayz community. If players disconnect while in shock (from large amounts of damage) they will fall unconscious upon logging in a server. During that time they may bleed to death but you will not have the opportunity to loot their corpse. I believe that rocket has stated that he considers it an exploit and will fix it in the near future.
  14. validfrom

    Passed out on log in

    This is what the above posters are talking about: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Status_Effects It's called shock. You must have taken a lot of damage and contracted this condition, and then logged out before the entire duration has passed. Alternatively, you may just be extremely low on blood which causes your character to periodically fall unconscious.
  15. validfrom

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    When using SD ammo in a non-suppressed weapon the sound doesn't change so players hear the same sound but zombies cannot hear the gunfire.
  16. validfrom

    Shoot First, Wonder Later?

    "Friendly" is the only thing possible to say. People aren't exactly going to identify themselves as bandits, even if they are one.
  17. If you can get to a fire station you will generally find decent military weapons. The station is a distinct, grey-whitish building with a rectangular tower rising from one end. There are usually people around/in it, so I would be very cautious. If you want to play it safe, find an outlying farm and there may be a common weapon like a shotgun or a crossbow.
  18. validfrom

    Is It Impossible to Run From Zombies?

    I think you're just very lucky when it comes to zombie spawn locations. Generally, zombies only spawn when a player enters a certain radius of a building/town. They despawn when there are no players nearby. Theoretically, there will always be zombies around when you are in lootable areas unless the server is glitched, regardless of server population.
  19. validfrom

    Is it safe to play

    Personally, I've yet to see a single hacker ever since 1.7.0, but that might just be me.
  20. I would prefer tent camps that look like they belonged to survivors and give them civilian loot tables so that military loot would still be relatively uncommon.
  21. validfrom

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Is anybody willing to help transfuse me? I am currently crawling around Balota with under 2k blood. I have blood bags on me so you would not have to bring anything and I am also willing to donate some antibiotics that I've found. Thanks a lot :)
  22. validfrom

    Offline hunger

  23. validfrom

    Kneecapping newbies

    And then they just simply hit respawn. It's not really a big deal.