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Everything posted by Tempestt

  1. Tempestt

    Planned military base?

    Nope, south of Seattle. As I grew up they were two separate bases, but now they have technically been merged into one. They aren't on the same property, really, but they are close. The army base is the only deployment zone west of the Rockies and is a pretty large one.
  2. Tempestt

    Planned military base?

    I live within 30 minutes of both a major Air Force base and Army base. The AF base I drive past almost every day, currently has probably around 20-30 C-17s, as well as a few C-5s at times. I often times see a couple of F-18s as well. And in DayZ, for example, I would consider NWAF and the Versenik/Vybor base as one entity, and I would hardly consider the Kamensk base as a base... Seems to be a vehicle repository of some sorts.
  3. Tempestt

    Planned military base?

    Yeah, I definately think there should be some extra danger in said base especially if containing unicorn guns like the M4. If it is a lab maybe a more deadly strain of the pathogen was created and makes incredibly difficult zombies? I have no clue but I don't think they realistically implement nuclear radiation without covering at least half the map with it.
  4. Tempestt

    Planned military base?

    Well, they are obviously already adding this base, so making it an American or other UN country's (Germany or Austria? Still unclear as to where Chernarus is located...) wont really increase military spawns compared to having it spawn Russian gear. However, personally, I think the amount of loot per base should be decreased. And the areas you talk about are getting more attention now with central loot economy. For some odd reason, the pricate server I am on is still running the central loot economy system, never got rolled back. The less military bases there are, the more hostile interactions there are because of a "this is the only place I can get this" mentality. While the amount of military loot should, in my opinion be less, but the amount of spawns should not be less, which, in effect, makes the items rarer.
  5. Tempestt

    Planned military base?

    I don't think having a Western-themed would actually be that bad an idea. Given the rarity of western items as well as the relatively ease of finding the crash sites as long as you have a truck directly after restart, as well as the relative safety of looting crash sites (Yes, we have all gotten jn gunfights in a crash site, but I personally have gotten in many more in an actual base), creating a base that spawned western loot would create another prison island-like hotspot. Also if the devs are looking to implement American vehicles then this would add a logcial reason for their presence, unlike the crashed helicopters, which I have no clue as to how they got shot down. The derelict hinds do make sense, however.
  6. Tempestt

    Planned military base?

    Ah, I can't believe I forgot about that. My apologies. I think I may have forgotten about that after the implementation of the Kamensk base. Since it is near the border have they confirmed whether it is a tradtional Chernarussian base or possibly a UN-owned base?
  7. So... I really do not think this is in the wrong section... But it could be. Anyway, me and my buddies have been using tents on a persistent server, and we went to go drop off some more tents last night, and the server was down... We made sure to use an official server, but it still goes down. What the hell? It was DayZ MO 2-12. (Hosted by Gameservers I think....) Is there any clarification as to why this happened? When it will be back up? I am hoping that the Wednesday server maintenance will fix this... It has been down for almost 24 hours... Thanks for any help. Disappointing, we had soo many guns, etc.