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=UN= Square

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Everything posted by =UN= Square

  1. =UN= Square

    Server Not Advertising - No not for the typical reasons

    Did you ever find a solution to this?
  2. MadHouse|Winter Livonia|Syberia Project|Hardcore|PvP Features Completely new advanced medical system More than 10 different diseases and injuries More than 100 real medical products System of Skills and Perks, which are not reset after death. Completely reimagined survival system Sleep system. You can sleep around campfires, in tents and sleeping bags to aid recovery Realistic metabolism and stamina Zombies are a real danger PDA with built-in GPS/Groups/Chat Psi events Radiation zones Geiger counter for detecting radiation zones Radioactive military convoys Stashes Tactical flava weapons sGunplay mod No forced weapon raise IP: Discord: https://dsc.gg/madhousegaming
  3. =UN= Community Server | RP Encouraged | Private Hive =UN= Hardcore Survival|Trader|Bases+|Weapons+|Vehicles+|Raid+(PC) - First Person (Hardcore) - Player Run Traders - Scheduled Raiding(17:00-23:00EST) - Weapons+ - Vehicles+ - Lock cars - Repair vehicles - Custom Bases - Altar Military Base - Bases+ - Raid Tools(raidhammer, raidsaw, decoder) - Much Tougher Bases (timedestruction mod) - Breaching Charge - Zombie Hordes (that drop loot) We have united to create a First Person server that welcomes all players and play styles. The server already has several small groups committed to supporting its efforts. If you would like to join a clan, or form your own with the end goal to join The =UN= Community, Come stop by our Discord while you play. DayZ feels like a whole new experience with the outstanding mods we run on our servers. Our server is the original home of baseraidtools, tougher bases and the raidschedule, all of which were developed as part of our server mod. We’ve customized the map with new areas including a new military base located in Altar. There’s also custom crash sites (Humvee's and a downed attack chopper) to find and loot. We’ve completely reworked the base building and raiding on our server. No longer are you able to simply walk up to a base and be in within minutes. The higher the tier level you decide to put the time into building the higher your protection from those pesky raiders will be. We also run a raid schedule so raiding is only possible during the advertised times. We’ve limited raiding to a specific set of tools, the raidsaw, the raidhammer, breaching charge and our most recent addition the decoder We have a great group of people for both social play and PvP. Very solid community with Survivalists, Heroes, Bandits, Cannibals etc. This is a mature group of gamers who enjoy tactics, positive attitudes, and all aspects of DayZ. We’ve recently added zombie hordes to our server which can be hunted and defeated in order to obtain the high tier loot the horde master was carrying. The server will host events, as well as in-game challenges that will offer scenarios for clans, groups or individuals to accomplish, such as escort missions, king-of-the-hill scenarios, hostage situations, Prison Island jailbreaks, treasure hunts (PvP style). There is something for everyone who loves DayZ. Groups wanting to make =UN= Community their home will be offered a Clan room on our Discord server. We have active admins which will allow us to have supervision present most of the day, every day! Server Info: =UN= Hardcore Survival|Trader|Bases+|Weapons+|Vehicles+|Raid+ https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/servercheck/ IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/tAkqgZ2
  4. =UN= Hardcore Survival|Trader|Bases+|Weapons+|Vehicles+|Raid+(PC) - First Person (Hardcore) - Player Run Traders - Scheduled Raiding(17:00-23:00EST) - Weapons+ - Vehicles+ - Lock cars - Repair vehicles - Custom Bases - Altar Military Base - Bases+ - Raid Tools(raidhammer, raidsaw, decoder) - Much Tougher Bases (timedestruction mod) - Breaching Charge - Zombie Hordes (that drop loot) We have united to create a First Person server that welcomes all players and play styles. The server already has several small groups committed to supporting its efforts. If you would like to join a clan, or form your own with the end goal to join The =UN= Community, Come stop by our Discord while you play. DayZ feels like a whole new experience with the outstanding mods we run on our servers. Our server is the original home of baseraidtools, tougher bases and the raidschedule, all of which were developed as part of our server mod. We’ve customized the map with new areas including a new military base located in Altar. There’s also custom crash sites (Humvee's and a downed attack chopper) to find and loot. We’ve completely reworked the base building and raiding on our server. No longer are you able to simply walk up to a base and be in within minutes. The higher the tier level you decide to put the time into building the higher your protection from those pesky raiders will be. We also run a raid schedule so raiding is only possible during the advertised times. We’ve limited raiding to a specific set of tools, the raidsaw, the raidhammer, breaching charge and our most recent addition the decoder We have a great group of people for both social play and PvP. Very solid community with Survivalists, Heroes, Bandits, Cannibals etc. This is a mature group of gamers who enjoy tactics, positive attitudes, and all aspects of DayZ. We’ve recently added zombie hordes to our server which can be hunted and defeated in order to obtain the high tier loot the horde master was carrying. The server will host events, as well as in-game challenges that will offer scenarios for clans, groups or individuals to accomplish, such as escort missions, king-of-the-hill scenarios, hostage situations, Prison Island jailbreaks, treasure hunts (PvP style). There is something for everyone who loves DayZ. Groups wanting to make =UN= Community their home will be offered a Clan room on our Discord server. We have active admins which will allow us to have supervision present most of the day, every day! Server Info: =UN= Hardcore Survival|Trader|Bases+|Weapons+|Vehicles+|Raid+ https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/servercheck/ IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/tAkqgZ2
  5. =UN= Square

    Car persistency on 1.03

    From what I've seen cars move/take damage on restarts and then get cleaned up by the server
  6. =UN= Square


    nominal - items of this type are spawned to this value (assuming there is enough place in the world, CE queue is not pre-occupied and restock timer reaches 0) lifetime - time in seconds before this type gets deleted (assuming none touches it) restock - if set to 0, CE tries to respawn type in bulks, if set to positive value, it is time in seconds before ONE item of this type is spawned again min - if amount of items of this type reach below this value in world, they get spawned to nominal again (they follow restock logic though) quantmin - min % for quantity (rags,mags,ammo,..) quantmax - max % for quantity (rags,mags,ammo,..) cost - priority for CE (higher value should be prioritized by the spawner) quantmin/max controls the quantity of an item that spawns in a stack/mag of said item. So for items that don't spawn in stacks, guns/clothing for example, you can leave those values set to -1
  7. =UN= Square


    @echo off echo. echo. echo. cd "G:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\DayZServer" echo Starting DayZ Server echo. echo. start "DayZ Server" "dzsalmodserver.exe" -port=2302 -config=serverDZ.cfg "-profiles=G:\jeux\steamapps\common\DayZServer\MyProfileFolder" "-mod=@RPCFramework;@Permissions-Framework;@Community-Online-Tools;@Cl0ud's Clothing Set;@BuilderItems;@DisableBaseDestruction;@OP_BaseItems;@BuildAnywhere;@WeaponReduxPack;@SQUAD MSF-C;@Trader" -scrAllowFileWrite -filePatching echo. echo. exit Make sure you open port 2312 for the modserver
  8. =UN= Square

    Server mod question

    you may need to open the necessary ports for the modserver
  9. =UN= Square

    Persistence Files?

    Yup omega/cftools is the way
  10. =UN= Square

    I can't get mods to work on my local test server

    What issue are you having?
  11. =UN= Square

    I can't get mods to work on my local test server

    Instead of DayZServer_64.exe in your batch file put DZSALModServer.exe
  12. I recommend cftools and their omega server client for taking care of all of this for you https://omegax.cftools.de/
  13. =UN= Square

    Experimental Update 0.63.149358

    Player names still showing as survivor :/
  14. Server 1 (60 Slots) =UN= Community Server | RP Encouraged | Private Hive IP:
  15. =UN= Square

    Server logs cut down significantly

    Strange we initially had this issue after the update to .59. E-mailed fragnet about it and they implemented a script that stores all our logs
  16. =UN= Square

    Invisible man bug

    Friend had this issue, one of you is running the wrong game version. Opt in to experimental and opt out again and everything should be fine.
  17. Looks like DayZ is back in full swing, come join the fun!
  18. Persistence is back on and servers restart every 12 hours. Come join the fun.
  19. We've noticed that recently "hackers" have started to make a return to dayz and in response to this we've decided to reinstate the whitelist on server 2. So if you'd like to join the 2300 already whitelisted players please follow the steps below. NOTE: If you were previously whitelisted you do not need to reapply. To apply for white listing please Apply Here and provide the required details(DO NOT POST YOUR DETAILS HERE): 1) SteamID (obtained by going to your steam profile, right clicking by your name and copying page URL) 2) GUID You can get your GUID by two ways: 1) By typing "#beclient GUID" into the chat box while playing and writing it down. 2) Go to this website http://steamidconverter.com/ or http://nineteeneleven.info/index.php?loc=idfinder and paste your SteamID (ex: steamcommunity.com/id/xxxxxxxxx) profile into the search box. Copy the "steamID64" number and paste it at http://codepen.io/micovery/full/bNbLqL Whitelist is updated as often as possible If the information you provide is incorrect you will not be whitelisted. Please contact us via our forums if you are having issues after applying
  20. Just made things a little more hardcore, we've removed cross hairs!
  21. =UN= Square

    Server doesn't restart at scheduler set time.

    Our servers don't restart at all, unless done so manually. Also with fragnet
  22. We will be wiping persistence everyday at 7pm EST