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Everything posted by MURDERISER


    Well here's a few ideas...

    I like the shivering idea, I mentioned earlier that it would be good to have an advantage to being in the rain, that your visibility is lower so you can sneak more easily (rain makes you harder to see/hear) but it would be cool if you shake because of it Also, for the tension thing you could hear your heartbeat in your ears getting faster to freak you out....
  2. fists would get you infected though? so maybe they could be a last resort as you'd need to find antibiotics after punching half rotten zombies?

    pistol holster toolbar item (and others)

    I think this is a cool idea, also what about a strap/belt to hold shotgun shells, like what hunters have??

    Have Everyone Spawn in Cherno...

    While I understand where you're coming from I totally disagree, everyone plays this game differently, I personally hate approaching cherno if I don't have weaponry to defend myself from bandits, the only reason I can see for wanting to spawn there is to PK quickly... part of the experience is orientating yourself and exploring, I think spawning there would remove that, also clans would hang out near spawns/loot spawns just to kill all the new players heading for them
  5. When it's raining in game it would be cool if you were harder to see (your visibility on the right of the screen drops to 1 or 0) and the amount of noise you make could be reduced too, seeing as the the sound of you walking would be partially masked by the rain (and zombies probably don't have very sophisticated ears) seeing as rain lowers your temperature this could be a good advantage to have when you're out in it... I hope this hasn't been suggested (or already a thing, it didn't seem to be) I read through 6 pages on search and couldn't see it... Fuck beans. Also get beans.
  6. It would just be good if you were more free to move while it rained, especially if you needed to get to a building quickly to raise your body temperature, like if crouched running made no sound and only 1 visibility or something anyway, just an idea, cool that it's getting looked at already

    Anyone get this working for a Mac?

    As I said earlier, my iMac runs this through bootcamp fine, and I've only got the 2.7 i5 I've played for hours, shot tonnes of zombies and got shot by heaps of players (Unlike my name suggests I'm not some kind of MURDERISER) I've yet to have any issues at all (aside from mod compatibility issues on servers, but that's another story)

    Anyone get this working for a Mac?

    I got it running through windows 7 on my iMac, works sweet, I just wrecked it trying to install the beta patch though so I'm reinstalling operation arrowhead now haha