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About Crado

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  1. Crado

    Are there missions to do?

    Yes, epoch is another mod. I have an overpoch server which means you need to download it. Just search for what you like most. There are plenty of guides out there on how to join your favorite server. You can also use a launcher like DayZ Launcher or DayZ Commander.
  2. Crado

    Are there missions to do?

    Hello, You can do whatever you want. The missions are just a great way to gear up and earn money. If you can show me what error you get or give me a link to the post I might be able to help. Also if you can play feel free to join my server at ip: Crado
  3. Bump - Could use some extra players on the server. Feel free to join!
  4. Server host is having some issues so the server is down now :( Will post when it's back up.