=NWGX= | Welcome To Our NewWorldGamingX Server Thread | We're a New Overpoch server, We recently moved Databases meaning it's as close as it gets to a fresh start. Server IP: TeamSpeak IP: -;=Starter Box=;- We have a starter box available for new comers it includes a few building supplies, pretty much "Starting Supplies" -;=Features=;- -Single Currency (Coins) -Missions -Custom Made Ai City -Rotating Ai Camps -Self Bloodbag -Drug Running (Weed Farm) -Refuel/Rearm/Repair Stations -Gem Mine -30+ New Craftable/Buildables -New Enterables -Deploy Bike/Mozzie/Motorbike -View Distance Changer -Suicide Pistol -Full Moon Nights -Tow/Lift -SnapbuildPro -Remote Lock/Unlock/Start -Old School Trader Cities & Customs -Select Spawn Point -Plot Manager -1 Step Building -TWS Guns & Launchers (RPGs/SMAW/Ect..) -LAV/AAV/ BTR-40s -Much More..