I'm having the same problems, I play SA and I decided to give the mod a try, downloaded arma 2 and OA on steam, then installed dayz / epoch / overwatch / etc in dayz commander. Having problems with dayz commander, tried dayz launcher, finally got my friends server ip, to to join, get this message "Addon "CAMisc_fix_Str" requires addon "CAStructuresHouse_A_Office01"... click ok, get into the server, run around for about 10 seconds, then a dayz epoch load screen comes up and the screen goes white. I've redownloaded / installed twice (with shitty internet that completely sucks!) Never used a hack in my life, i hate hackers they ruin games. I've verified game cache, on arma 2 and arma 2 OA, I rly don't know what else to do. Here is my friends server. Please respond with a fix!!! Btw to join his server, I open Arma 2 OA / multiplayer / put in the ip and port / connect. Mods i have up are Arma 2, Arma 2 OA, and Dayz Epoch 1.0.5.