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About BeanZOnDayz

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Hi My name is remedy ive just started playing on ccg servers , im gunna be playing ccg epoch chernarus 3 , As that server has a high population i need a group to role around with Aint got a base , my banks full and im ready to get serious on that server So if any wants to group up or a clan needs an extra member im up for it Ive got skype , teamspeak and raidcall so anything works My Steam is TGxRemedy
  2. BeanZOnDayz

    Need Admins for New Overpoch Server

    Hiya m8 i am a very experienced admin and a really cool guy to be with I have a lot of personal skills and expertise that i would bring to the server If you would consider trialing me my steam is : (Mr)BeanZ thanks
  3. BeanZOnDayz

    Forsaken Gaming DayZ Epoch Server

    Welcome to forsaken gaming, A friendly community that's into dayz, We have a team speak 3 voice server and an epoch server , We have lots of scripts including 1000 vehicles AI missions/Military Vehicles/Group management/Deploy bike/Take clothes/Safe zone+Added Trader/No weight limit/Self blood bag/Increased loot tables Amazing friendly and active admins that help no matter what the situation and fair play admins !We Do events! some events we do Include (Death match,Last man standing,Races,Capture the flag,Safe Hunt,Dogfights and much more) For a chance to win High quality loot and vehicles, We give new comers and clans Starter packs,These include : 3 x wood wall 1 x wood wall w/door 1 x safe 1 x workbench 2 x coke 2 x pasta 1 x uaz w/key Come and play with us on our server : Or Join our team speak 3 server :