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About Balllzack

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  1. Balllzack

    Strength in numbers!

    at the moment hitting NWAF is a walk in the park lol. a full server i just walked in found a M4A3 CCO with 3 clips and walked out, didnt hear a single shot fired. then as i cleared the tree line there was a bike just sitting in the road so i road it to the beach :)
  2. the graphic glitching isnt the wire, (i know its hard but could people actually read some peoples posts). but yes it does become a problem in some servers. making tool boxes spawn more then they currently do and making the trigger area on the wire bigger would clean up the issue.( some wire become impossible to de-construct ) I've only come across a coouple of tool boxes in my time in dayz and in most cases its when i dont need one. :(
  3. Balllzack

    Removing the respawn button sucks.

    not really those that have camps wont want to spawn in high traffic areas, they will spawn closest to thier camp.
  4. Balllzack

    Graphical Issue near balota

    same bolta artifects :(
  5. Balllzack

    Can't you just shoot them in the head?

    i never engage any zombie out in the feild thats just asking to die. as long as you are runing they can't catch you. hell ive had 10+ agroed from bolta to chenro once, ran to the market then poped them off
  6. Same hash and im never on the same server twice ( limited Aussie server fill up fast :( ), so i float around alot new server each day. but with locking a server and only having your self play, I think is more the focus with the black listing as you have free run of the server wiothout a care of running into any bandits. so running an openly locked server would be a way to go ( apon forum registration you get pasword access, and require to be active within the community). but all this requires complecated rule sets and also active enforcment of said rules. the game is still in alpha and probly will be for a long time. if and when DayZ becomes a stand alone game ( using arma 3 egin :) you most likly see a much more thorough rule set. but for now you just have to deal with people being dicks.
  7. there are locked servers all the time. with a simple look with the Six Luancher ther are currently 66 locked servers running.
  8. put on camo clothing got telepoted to water then teleported back instanly lost all gear. not happy.
  9. Balllzack

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    gee I wonder where all the bear traps will be set .... hmm at the base of every deer stand maybe ... :)
  10. the best tatci is to find an empty server at night , creep around chenro to your hearts content. just ran in racked up a knife,hatchet, matches ,map, compass , binoculars, an M1a4 and an Alice pack . a good tip is hug the coast between towns as there are more animals near the coasts. the only down side at the moment is the lack of water/ soda but i hear a hotfix is on the way. :)
  11. Balllzack

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    awesome, now to find a none full aussie server
  12. Balllzack

    The geared players are not screwed.

    who ever said geared players now have a challenge, the problem is starting fresh thats the hard part now.
  13. Balllzack

    thoughts on 1.7.1

    1.7.0 zombie detection . with 1.7.1 can get away from/ hide with spawning with nothing but a water bottle. that would be nice
  14. Balllzack

    thoughts on 1.7.1

    I'm just glad there are still 1.7.0 servers