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Jeoncs (DayZ)

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About Jeoncs (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. We just wiped our server and have it set up for this now. Has missions, refuel/rearm at gas stations, towing and snap build. Admins are giving new players starter packages so they can get to the fun of base building and mass murder.
  2. Missions, Traders, Snap Build and Towing all working out great. Fresh new server! Overpoch so guns out the arse! Server Rules: •No blocking in bases •No camping traders or spawns •Don’t ask for teleports, spawned items or repairs •No voice in sidechat •No building in military areas or air fields •No bases within 1000m of traders •No crying about pvp •Vehicles left at traders will be deleted •No agitating Admins •Dick behavior will not be tolerated •No pooping in the refrigerator Rules out of the way come and have fun. Build a base, do some missions, team up or kill each other!