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Everything posted by zachisblack

  1. zachisblack

    Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

    looking for someone playing on Lingor servers through dayZ commander, send me a message on my facebook if you want to play.(pacific Standard Time) http://www.facebook.com/zach.bowen.5
  2. Just bought this game yesterday, downloaded it, followed the guide here.. well over half the servers don't work because i have the 1.7.1 version or something like that? I have a high end computer and the graphics are on par with garbage, that's maxed out too.(mainly the FPS and massive graphics glitches like the ground beneath you appearing grey) But the biggest part is all my friends and I try to play, we find a server, connect fine etc etc but when we enter the game myself, and another on of my friends spawn in the middle of some random ass field of nothingness that is never-ending... Why is that and how do i fix it?? I am really upset as i watched probably 3 hours of game play before deciding to buy it for 30$ and now that i cant even play it for 5 minutes tops i'm really really really upset with the purchase... Thanks for your time!
  3. its a server problem thats happening right now, not your computer.. its happening to everyone. even servers that are not even 10 miles away from where i live(seattle) have around 300-400 ping atm..
  4. zachisblack

    you gotta look at this

    easy fix someone found.. search for server called DayZ - Canada 2 or something like that, join it and you will spawn in the wilderness forest, not the plains. as soon as you spawn, turn right 90 degrees and run for about 10 minutes tops? you will come across a town, enter the town, restart and enter a diff server and you are good, just try not to die ;)
  5. I dont believe this to be a server issue.. Earlier i was getting easily 30+ servers with good ping.. 50- and now for some reason EVERY server that was green is now around 245 ping and they are all the same exact ping... only started recently when i got out of the wilderness bug..
  6. I just bought the game, steam has recorded 13 hours of gameplay on arma 2 and thats ALL from me trying to get out of the open grasslands.
  7. That i've spent 10 hours trying to make the game that i just bought work, and to my "surprise" no success. I REALLY enjoy wandering a blank plain for hours on in with nothing on it.
  8. zachisblack

    1.7.1 in 20 words or less

    Make it playable, no endless plains with nothing on it. Think through on your updates before you release them. stinks.
  9. zachisblack

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Same problem and i havent heard of any fix for it... complete bogus. just bought the game and spent the past 10 hours trying to play, no success.. lets hope they fix it soon.
  10. zachisblack

    Problem spawn

    Same here, except i can move.. its neverending.. i walked for like 30 minutes and didnt see a tree, zombie, building, vegetation.. nothing.
  11. zachisblack

    All f-ed up!!! Why all the problems?

    Well minecraft HAD an alpha stage and it was atleast playable. See the thing is, I CANNOT DO ANYTHING. I SPAWN ON A GIANT PLAIN WITH NO VEGITATION, TREES, HOUSES, NOTHING. <------------------------------ Thats what i would like to fix.
  12. zachisblack

    All f-ed up!!! Why all the problems?

    I heard that this field is a glitch or something? its just a giant plain with no trees or anything on it and nothing in sight. fun fact: steam says i have played Arma 2 OA for 9 hours and not a single minute of that goes towards literally playing the game.