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About keeper23

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  1. keeper23

    Killing fresh spawns ?

    Yep. That's what I do as well. Crippling someone and leaving them is the way to handle A-holes like that. I feel no remorse doing that. If they are bleeding I bandage them, but leave them crippled.
  2. keeper23

    The Real Chernarus [7:10]

    That was awesome! So cool. It gives me more appreciation for the game as well.
  3. keeper23

    Helping A Bambi Get Gear

    Ahhhh. Squeakers are fair game in my opinion. If I ever run into a squeaker before 5pm CST, I will shoot them on sight, because I know they haven't completed their homework first before playing.
  4. keeper23

    Helping A Bambi Get Gear

    What exactly is a squeaker??
  5. keeper23

    DayZ Adventures [Video]

    I liked it! Especially the music. Good selection to capture mood.
  6. keeper23

    The Never Ending Battle..

    My theory is that other game companies pay people to hack on rival game development, making honest players frustrated and give up playing it. The problem needs to be fixed, if it can be.
  7. Drunk! Or at least drinking. (Disclaimer) Hey kids! Don't do what I do. You have a long life ahead of ya's. Drunk, fat, and stupid is no way to go through life.
  8. What is racist about Slav gopnik? Ripping on Slavs isn't racist. Slav isn't a race.
  9. Great vid! Make more. It would be great to run into more players like you. Skol!
  10. keeper23

    Anyone else enjoy the fear in Dayz?

    The more gear I get, the more fear I have. When I first started playing, I was fearful of Zeds. Not anymore. Now my fear is usually geared more toward "friendly" players... I've never KOS. Not once. I try to play the game like it's a real life situation, which usually gets me killed. But so be it. It's fun!
  11. I'm on board with this idea. I like it! In fact, I can't help but think of the scene from the movie Rocky II, where he is running down the street, and gradually, more and more people start running down the street together as the group passes by.
  12. keeper23

    Pffft i remember why im a Bandit.

    I want everyone to know, that if you ever run into Bman, you are safe. Just sayin'.
  13. This game is starting to remind me more and more of the joyful romp of a movie, "The Road."
  14. keeper23

    Cannibalism - Lets make it USEFUL

    Perhaps people should read the Stephen King short story, "Survivor Type". Perhaps this could be implemented into the game somewhat. Read it.
  15. keeper23

    Cannibalism - Lets make it USEFUL

    I like the idea of making food more scarce, however it may truly discourage new players from playing this game. Perhaps different servers can accommodate newbies and advanced players who choose the option they are more comfortable with. I'm still a newbie, but I like said idea, especially once I get skilled enough. Different servers, different options, in my opinion.