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Everything posted by Spunkmire

  1. Spunkmire

    Best Audio Set Up

    Hi Survivors I am having audio issues and wonder if anyone has been clever enough to post a 'how to' on the best audio settings for Dayz. My problem is that I us TS with my mates and it removes about 90% of the DayZ audio. I seem to be the only one in our group to have this problem and I was interested to see if others players had this problem and if they did, were they able to remedy it? (I have cancelled echo reduction etc, in the TS setting, but there was no improvement). Thanks in advance :huh:
  2. Spunkmire

    DayZ 2017 Mod Released

    it there a list of changes ?
  3. Now that most dedicated DayZ players have committed themselves to a private server , we have to take the day / night cycle into consideration. We don't always get a chance to play when its daylight, and we arnt going to miss a chance to play, just if it means playing in the dark. At first I was worried that players with NVG would have a distinct advantage, and I didn't like that so I chose a server that had banned NVG. Great I thought , at last a level playing field, where clever use of chemlights, roadflares, torches and starshells could reward clever players. But all to often I would find other players getting the jump on me ... BAM. No questions asked. So I stopped using them until absolutely necessary, but still, there I am , in the dark , no light visible and BAM. No questions asked What was going on , how was I being seen, I sure could not see them ...........?! Then one night, one of my murderers felt guilty/lonely I guess and stared a side chat with me. "How did you see me"I asked in all innocence? "Oh, I just changed my video settings, I have a great video card, I can see everything at night". Great .... back to square one with night play. So the point of this post, Rocket, please disable the ability to alter the games Video settings, or at least greatly limit there adjustment potential.
  4. Spunkmire

    Night Time .... lets take it seriously.

    thanks Chabowski, I hope it happens.
  5. Spunkmire

    Screw dogs, I want a bird!

    Sorry but I think it IS a terrible idea. Scout ? What you get "hawk Vision streamed into your mind ??!! Does it talk to you ? Screeech Screech -"What's that Hawkie ? Granpa has broken his leg by the old mill and needs help?" Come on ! Animals in this game should be a source of protein and nothing else.
  6. Spunkmire

    AS-50's everywhere?

    100% correct
  7. Spunkmire

    Worst Group in DayZ (Old Man?)

    Those rapscallions certainly got their come upense ! You sound incredible, can you start streaming soon, I'm sure the entire community would be as impressed as I am.
  8. Spunkmire

    Suggestions regarding the gameplay, and standalone.

    An excellent example as to why people should get a little bit informed before they make some grandstander post. :facepalm:
  9. Spunkmire

    Way of spawning near friends

    Personally, I don't like the idea Spawning randomly is a core feature of the game and should not be fiddled with. But keep ideas coming, not matter what.
  10. Spunkmire

    What kind of player are you?

    I know the skin portrays a bullet proof vest, but does it actually contribute ? (sorry for such a noobish question)
  11. Spunkmire

    Hacker Activity on AU #500

    welcome to DayZ recommend a password and white listed server, if you want to avoid hacker problems.
  12. Green Mountain !!!! You got a death wish ? Promise me you won't go there at night , for the love of God, you gotta promise me !!!!
  13. Spunkmire

    Has DayZ died down quite abit?

    I just think your out of the loop. Keep up boy !
  14. Spunkmire

    How do you play this game?

    try joining a private, password protected, white listed server. like; http://www.survivedayz.com/forums/forum.php
  15. Spunkmire

    Favorite gun and why?

    M16A2 M203 for the shear fun of firing an H.E round on to a snipers rooftop
  16. Spunkmire

    Test patches before implementing them

    the de bug is an option now. you choose to see it or not. :facepalm:
  17. Spunkmire

    What is the worth of an AKM?

    I'll trade an L85A2 AWS for your AKM.
  18. Spunkmire

    Every time I spawn, I'm in a bandit skin.

    Don't sweat it, you'll get killed for nothing, no matter what you look like .......
  19. Join a low pop server and go in at night using NGV goggles.
  20. Spunkmire

    [Video] Chernarus Boarder Patrol

    comment ..... dickhead ?
  21. Spunkmire

    How does helicopter saving work

    location ..... same server
  22. Spunkmire

    My story with dayZ
