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Everything posted by hekp
RIP in Elektro :D . If you're in krasno, hit chernaya polana Truck site dump, search the trucks for some nice 6 slot gorkas, vests and what not equipment. This parking easily exceeds the berezino auto-gear-up parking lots. You can do a quick search of the town aswell, its usualy quite full on loot. You can hit Severo from Krasno. There should be tons of loot waiting for you. You can go check the kamensk mines for some eye candy, or even hit the military base north from there. I dont know if this connection between the village and and the jacket is anywhere in the lore but Gorka/o-i means Warm so it makes sense the russian mountain winter clothing is called "Gorka". * Throw away med kits. Waste of space.You dont need them. All you need is bandages and splints if you dont have morphine autoinjector. Just dont eat worms,guts or human flesh and you'll be ok with rags only. Dont store them in pants.
Yeah, uhm, am i the only one who thinks this will never happen? So what if zombies will look cool chasing you. I bet that, just like now, i will be able to aggro all the zombs of elektro and kill them without a prob. Five times the current number where theres like 10 zombies in elektro wont help them. 50 times, maybe, but that's not possible anyway. KOS will remain, dont fool yourself that five times the AI will remove it. 5 times more only means youll actualy get to shoot a zombie or two in gorka or maybe even stary jar.
So.. if i suicide there, what will be as far away from my location position then? Right :P
tried it on ak101 & ak74... since the bipod never visualy deploys i take it i get no swing reduction. I tried deploying the bipod in all stances. I really cant say i noticed anything. Gun looks mean tho :)
i wish bodies stayed untill server restart. make the loot dissapear after n-minutes if thats the prob., or just a common dead body type object that replaces our character. Just wanna see more survivor bodies, this is not at all about running back.
Trucks restart with a full tank on persistant. can an ak shoot thru these walls? I didnt know it can, saw a friend getting gunned right thru the wall whilst he was hidding in the upper room. I saw where the attacker was and i saw the blood impact hits, so im sure he got shot thru it. Anyway... what else can an AK penetrate? I couldnt pour desinfectant into canteen. thought it is possible now(same for alcohol tintcture?). Clothes now dry up allot faster when standing infront of the fire. Maybe too fast, but still way better than before. I
i got 6 mags in a single prison island run. Its safe to say they spawn like mad there. same goes for mp5,akm and pak73 mags. I found two pistol silencers so far. no east/nato ones since i lost my attachments. Found a steur aug tho.
Anyone else who can't fill water bottles?
hekp replied to IgnobleBasterd's topic in General Discussion
EU here qwertz here now you've seen it P.S Water bottles work for me. -
can you die from starvation if you're being fed by saline only?
You can craft a stone knife (or find a steak knife, hunting knife, combat knife?, small axe, fireaxe, machette, kitchen knife, hatchet, that butchers axe ..) which you can use to get an ashwood stick. You can use guts as a rope when crafting a bow aswell. Burlaps are in high demand due to ghillie suits, i dont believe they will buff their spawn rate. I don't really have a problem finding any of these items unless the place was stripped of its loot Only thing that's missing is alternative item instead of matches. Another alternative for the rope would be great aswell.
All i found @prison was tons of police pants, jackets & OREL uniforms.There was tons of bugged clothing aswell (could not be picked up) Altho it was blue, im leaving the option it might have been prison unfiroms.
Found my first mil tent @550+hrs of SA. I still didnt hold on to RAK. Beside the civilian tent and the sword that's the only item i havent yet found. I wasn't particulary trying tho. Chainsaw is a stable myth, i don't believe in its existance.
Carp, i didnt kill a carp yet. I prefer saltwater Fish. Weird. Id never think theres so many. Some spawnpoints appear to be allot smaller than i thought (Prigorodki->Dubky area) Interesting stuff, i wonder what scares away everything north from NWEAF .Ive yet to see anything alive around Novaya. Edges of the map could use some spawnpoints, esp the whole west corner + NE corner area.
This random auto-aggro on every zombie whilst you are connecting should really be fixed. I often experience a full town of zombies just rushing in my face uppon login. If i experience a crash in a city or town where there's loads of them, im pretty much dead as they will rush and beat the sh*** out of me before my map even loads up and the game lets me move. I dont know what gives, i guess some global sound that aggroes zombies.It doesnt matter whether u log in a bush, shed or in the middle of the street, sometimes you just aggro every zombie in a town. No i did not hit random objects nor axed any questions. Other thing is the silly bugged melee sounds; as it is right now, everytime i use melee weapons the sound of impact does the same as a gunshot... aggroes every ficken zombie in the town as if I just fired 75 rounds. Sure people can hear me shoot - just like they see all the zombies running towards me when im using the axe, so basicly, ->here i am<- It seems they dont give a damn about supressors either. Bugged teleporting annoyance to ones gear :( ///////// AFAIK theres like 300 animals per server ? Well, there's too many around berezino & cherno. theres also a few locations around Stary/novi & E/NE and around with tons of animals. I dont think i ever saw an animal North from Severograd and northern/NW part of the map in general. Its incredibly boring not to see a single animal with so much territory up north.
Saw this one on steam some time ago http://steamcommunity.com/id/NightSlayerYT/recommended/221100/
day3 Finaly caught the pig. rushed him 90kph with a v3s shouting "didnt see that one comming did ya" and killed it after it made a run for veresnik hill. smart piggie, but not smart enough! MY friend wasn't too happy about it :lol: I went full yolo off the road straight into the pig shouting at it I dont care, I feel complete now. I showed that boar on who's the alpha.
who's seen the abandoned soviet underground bases?
hekp replied to Wookieenoob's topic in General Discussion
Are we talking Northern abondoned mil based just east from Krasnoe, North from Severo? Edit: We Are. The deepest bunker is like 50m away from the barracks, but i guess that one could actualy spawn something unlike the other two. I managed to fall down once and survived \o/ The grave pit, located south east from the prison is just a pit full of bodies sealed off. Third one, located south west corner is the trap one (ladder too short to come back up). Id much more prefer another pair of barracks or a few more bmp wrecks lying around :) -
We decided it's time to die on a certain private server that is no longer persistant, so we headed pavlovo-zeleno-veresnik. We dont really enjoy being one of those KOS agressor guys, so we head to locations where trouble should be guaranteed. Pavlovo and zelene were stripped to the ground. At veresnik we quickly searched the hill, prison & the barracks and head towards vybor/NWEAF. Right after we left the walls i spotted a player, not more than 300m away coming from vybor. He spotted me and dropped himself on the ground. Now this costed him a life; As he hit the ground, his body sunk. I was 100% he's got a ghillie suit on and will snipe us both. My arm swing didnt calm down as ive seen him looking in our direction. I dont want to risk putting my head over the small rocky fence cover.He was pretty fu*ked, he had no cover and was lying on the middle of a field, but i couldnt take the shot nor disarm him uppon spotting and now, we all caught on breath. He was too far to establish any kind of communication. I spray my AKM in general direction, hoping the hail of bullets will scare him off. I knew i cant hit him, but my friend can. Im all for the supressing/drawing fire. He stands up and tries to make a run for it when my friend lands a shot on him. Sad part: he had no ghillie and only a double blaze. I would never shoot the guy if he turn for 180 and ran off, but hitting the ground and pointing his barrel at my general direction, combined with my low settings that gave me an illusion of a gillie suit, that unfortunate guy had it comming. I assume he was quite new to the game and got the vybor spawn; lots of useless loot in his drybag and running straight across the field for the mil base should only confirm this. Nevertheless, im somewhat glad i wasnt the one shooting him in the back and i hope he learned something. What would you do? How would you disarm a guy in the open field without any confirmation on his gear? We headed towards NWEAF. Restart. Heli site! M65Jacket! We move towards the tent base at the end of the airfield. I hear sks gunshots. It was a double tap. Pretty sure someone just shot a zombie, we were monitoring the area for quite some time. Time to set a patient bear trap. I see the guy looting the tents in columns. I position myself at the last tent he will enter, so i could rush&surprise him from behind. I Was thinking of disarming him, taking his sks ammo and letting him go. Problem was he would always have his sks drawn out. He was two tents away from me when he suddenly starts aiming down his sights in my general direction. He looked so sure something is here, i assumed a part of me must've glitched thru the tent. I changed position to get the upper hand again and flank him.I see him enter the tent and soon after i hear the eating sound.He doesnt know im here ! I don't wait for my friend but rush right in. F***!!!!! He's not here and i know he's close enough that he heard my elephant footsteps. I run like a chicken thru another two more tents but fail to spot him. God damn, this isnt happening D:, i need to calm the situation down. I back 5m away behind the BMP wreck, knowing im very well covered with excelent view on the tents. My friend is seconds away as i make an eye contact with the guy. I tell him to drop the gun and he will come out alive. Than shit happend... My friend crashed right there and moonwalked right between us whilst we were aiming at each other.. he didnt fire, i didnt fire, it was just a huge WTF momment as he was ghosting thru objects aswell lol. I started running along with my friends disconected character and try to protect him as the guy in the tent ran off. I waited for my friend to reconect. In that time zombies at the baze respawned and i suddenly see a horde of 5 running towards my friends connecting character. pewpewpew. I heard another pew, An sks pew. He's still here so we start searching for him. Guy hid himself in another tent. He had no intention to communicate, he was lying on the floor shooting on sight. I really had no fun in killing him, was rather dissapointed he did that. I completely forgot i had grenades from heli sites, i could learn him a valuable lesson. We also saw two boars. Or should i say, they saw us.
I sometimes get that on my very low end laptop, especialy in the first minutes of playing. I can tell the map is still loading altho im already walking around. If it only happend once, id guess you might had some background process (steam?)sucking up on whatever(cpu,hd?) resource, causing this. I hope i will be able to have one of these boars as my pet in the future, it will make a great spotter. Seriously, what's their viewrange? 4 heli sites and two bodies later i still didnt catch one the second i spot it, its already long gone :D
After the 1 minute warning i got the "lost connection with host" pop up. I already had simular stuff happen; the last minute warning was something server didnt track at all, i got spawned back for at least 2-3 minutes before the warning showed up. I wasn't too surprised about it. As for the trucks dissapearance, i think admin changed persistance to off in that restart. I just noticed the server is no longer persistant since yesterday, so that should pretty much explain it. I dont own a server so thx for the insights :)
I was driving a v3s on a pers:ON yday. When the server announced the restart in 1 minute i turned off the engine & stepped out of the truck. I still got spawned 5 miles back & the truck was neither where i entered it nor where i parked it before disconect. A friend also had a truck & the same happend to him. I had this truck for three days now and it never bugged like this on me. (it did kill my friend some 3 times tho :) ) I am positive noone found the two trucks 5 minutes after restart in the middle of nowhere. Do destroyed v3s respawn uppon restart? We found two crashed/destroyed v3s but they werent there the next day. Stomach is WEIRD. I was dark orange hungry/thirsty and stuffed. I tried to restart this by puking. I drank water and puked it all out; i take it my stomach is empty now? I try to drink only, lets get rid of thirsty status first. Well.. i couldnt get hydrated on water without getting stuffed and puke. At some point i had a hungry red status, thirsty red status & orange stuffed status. "i feel my stomach is much more full than its normal" "my stomach grumbles" "i need to eat something" "im about to puke" "im starving" I tried a few variations; dont eat anything that lowers your fluid levels (rice, powdered milk) -> you get thirsty and before you will get rid of the status youll be already stuffed. Dont eat zucchinis. They're all air. Fill your stomach up but gives you little in return. Only time i reached hydrated&& energized without getting stuffed was when i ate peaches and some canned spaghetti. But that was after i was already starving& feeling thirsty so im not sure if you can eat that much as afreshspawn. TLDR; tweak our man stomach.I understand what you're trying to do here and whilst its a good idea its a bit too harsh; monitoring my stomach status nonstop when i have food&water on my reach aint fun.
well.. i just broke my personal record in gearing up. i managed to get my friend on to help me find some boars and make myself a leather backpack and a pouch.. We obviously never found one. What we did find in first 5 minutes of playing was a "well" hidden player stash. Thank you for the steur aug, ak101, magazines, full protectors cases&ammo boxes. I also took the liberty of taking those 30 burlap strips you had :3 Pretty sure the stuff was dupped so i dont regret robbing you. P.S I'll be back, soon :3
Your just really impatient and want everything right now this second. That's no excuse. Why dont you just sub to cheats & dup your gear in 1st second. It will be even faster for you and you will always win. Yknow... because you have a job. Or something.
I enjoyed the fallout system aswell. I wouldnt mind having certain types of drugs that could lead my character to possible addiction. Not really crack like drugs, more like old, outdated stuff such as speed/Amphetamines that were widely used by pilots in ww2 for example. I wouldnt mind if they use made-up names for the sake of not promoting drugs. As the posts above said it, it should come with some drawbacks. add severe fluid loss and we're set. This is exactly how it would go IRL. P.S I thought Vodka was already confirmed? Surely we wont be able to drink it without any consequences?