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Everything posted by hekp
Should i pick full ghillie suit or just ghillie suit parts?
hekp replied to IStreak's topic in New Player Discussion
did i just reply twice to the same thread 9 days later ? oh yes i did. edit. sry, lel. -
I agree, sadly the range is just way too short to have any use of it. I used to run with turned on walkie for as long as i could afford it taking up on 2 slots. Never made a contact. It did work before 0.55. Cant confirm for 0.55 since i dont have one. Even if walkies would get a buff to global range, you would still be somewhat lucky to actualy find someone at the same time on the same channel. Hopefully they either get a range buff/means to increase its range (fix the green mountains transistor or w/e) or additional crafting options such as RC bomb component.
works on blaze aswell. personaly i prefer using single shot mode on both blaze and shotgun. most of the players dont expect you to hold another round once you fire it so they usualy pop up and have a go. touche :D
This upocmming addition excited me the most. Looking forward to it! :) also, i have my fingers crossed for a jawn dropping Tisy base. The markings on the ground seem like there might be some buildings we havent seen yet.
The Community's List of Suggested Weapons for Dayz Standalone (Version: 1.29)
hekp replied to alexeistukov's topic in Suggestions
i wonder how many more new weapons do we get before ill be able to craft a bolt... or maybe even a better bow. something tells me noone started working on bolts yet and we'll get to see at least a few brand new firearms before that. kinda dissapointing. one would think the bolts would be the easiest thing to add :( hopefully there's a good reason for this other than "players want guns not arrows". -
this.is.awesome. so.much.awesome.
Im more and more positive this is the case aswell. I watched a guy climb on the guard post just so he teleported down from it & some 100m away. His friend was making a fire as i approached them from behind, said im friendly with my mp5 up. Next thing i saw was my screen turning grey (getting shot) so i unleashed my mp5 just so none of the bullets hit the guy standing some 5m away from me. im more than sure he wasnt even there, server desynced on me and lied about his position. Got rekt. Oh, there was only us 3 on the entire server. Before i approached them, I wateched them for a couple of minutes and they were teleporting constantly. this was on almost dead private server. I experienced the same on WOBO server, which is usualy a 50/50.people rubberbanding and just being majorly bugged out with their "inhand animations". Note that i have freshy formated PC with al lthe latest drivers and i indeed am plugged into the world of internetz by 100mbit optics, no wifi magic. Also when i scope thru cities i keep seeing rubber banding, moonwalking zombies. that was never going on before. Also, i experienced my first hard freeze. One of those no vsync @60+ fps kinda freezes only the game is hardly playable on normal lately (most certainly didnt reach 60 fps lol). Im slightly afraid ill need to take a break from the game simply cause i cant afford to even run it in playable conditions anymore :(
radio as it is, is a bit impractical, I believe the range is somewhere around 600 or 800m. you both need to have the same channel on & you speak via VOIP so others can still hear you. I wish the range would be buffed significantly. A few miles at least. I honestly dont see myself talking to a guy over 800m via walkies. Maybe on private RP only server but nowhere else. (for any hc realist; i dont care about realism when it comes to a walkie talkie range so dont even bother with that sorth of reply..)
you forgot to add word epic, yolo,swag numbers 360 and 420. everyone knows these deliver at least 50 more views per word.
i would love a bow before we get another cs smg.
Tag & Release – Solo – 1PP – Captured a long range sniper in a two man group – Surrendering mid combat [12:35]
hekp replied to sobieski12's topic in Gallery
Nice video, props for letting him go with his vest, id probably do the same just because he was willing to surrender. why? As some1 with a smersh vest, i know i would have absolutely no hope that i would survive in his place and would probably go down in firefight, just so you would admire my vest, ruined. Or just run and hope i get pass the first corner. Luckily for him, he recognised ur voice. Again, nice video, but if you think im gonna go talk to people now, you're wrong, not in this life :P edit: one two Q. , what is your FOV setting & native res. ? -
Come on, seriously? They cant really hit you if their FOV is like 20m unless you walk right into them. Dont get me wrong, i like them being so ridicilously easy for the time being since FPS/desync that makes them so annoying. they're not at all hard and hit for nonexistant damage most of the time. Fruits are generaly not worth it. Pumpkins are the shiet. I believe someone made a calculation, that if you eat tomatos only, you will still die due to low food intakes.
anyone else having even increased rubber banding issues? like, i run away from people because they just teleport all the time rubberbanding issues?
Should i pick full ghillie suit or just ghillie suit parts?
hekp replied to IStreak's topic in New Player Discussion
take the 2nd one. fully ghillie heats way too much for some extra leg cover. the smallest one is a waste of time, nettings and burlap sacks, you're better of with gunwrap and hood only. -
nice :D
Oldschool, 1pp NW, heard three shots when all of the sudden..flares. I didnt move a muscle for the next 5 minutes lol.
I have no problem finding canned food. Its quite common and every old food house so far had it. some of it is invisible/sunk into the floor so use the vicinity thingy. Performance wise i had to lower my settings to normal and the fps would still sometimes hit the unplayable low digits, which is weird since i just reinstalled my OS /w all the latest drivers edited the cfg and used all the parameters that help when it comes to performance. My fps nemesis, Svetlojarsk just makes me connect to another private server, which is sad since i really like the town. And my weaker laptop said farewell to dayz altogether since even playing with draw distance down to 400m just makes it throw out pictures. I was thinking a bit(not a good sign inko), could it be the new interface? What would happen if i set the gui from 1 to =0 in .cfgs ? will that remove the new crossair? I really wanna play around it, editing mydocuments .cfg cant get me banned, right? right???? I also experienced some serious abnormal rubberbanding right after logging into a server. Saw a fully geared moonwalking guy and stalked him for a while. He was desyncing so badly i didnt want to face him. After a while as he was showing me his back i tried to make a communication so I approached him from behind just so he rubber banded so far I completely lost a track of him. Whats the ETA for painkillers to kick in? I swallowed like a whole box after a zombie hit and the shaking still wont go away(id say its been about 2 hrs since i got hit). I used two splints aswell. can you fix sharpen a sword? A: nope, rock wont allow you to fix it like other blades. But can we, please. Do you know how hard is to find this preciousss :( I also noticed you cant cut bushes with it anymore (i think we were able to in one of the previous patches, no ?) You didnt play GTA in the first week of release some two years ago on ps3 else you wouldnt be talking this nonsense. Why is it always the people who have no idea, even worse; who never played the game, (in this case gtaV) that are so clever? Missions were so uterly bugged and easy to glitch/bug/grief it's not even funny. First of all most of the players lost their accounts because their rockstar profile thingy completely bugged out and stopped tracking progress, thus offering everyone to make a "temporary" character which basicly deleted your old one. Half of the missions ended up with two kids freeroaming and one guy trying to finnish it off. Or a guy carrying entire mission so a random kid crashed the getaway plane and fails it all for the 6 people. Or that awesome bug that made me a multi billionare with every item ingame in a matter of minutes (cant really complain there....) oh and fyi, when you join a MP mission in GTA you all get transfered in another instance. You dont get the "APB:Reloaded" style missions where there is 80+ players in town at all times playing their own missions. And when you finnish the mission, the person who played with you can simply join your instance and shoot you in the head from behind before you can even bank your money. I could go on and on. I dont know what you're waiting for, cash out, go play GTA.
Ah right, it makes sense, to shape the game the way casuals want it, which is basicly screwing someones day by being a jerk in those two hrs ? To shape the game for people who will probably stop playing it after xx hrs anyway, no matter what and ignore the hardcore players. lel And no, im not a hardcore player( i do have my moments), but if i wont find shit in those two hrs of gameplay i decided to play, than so be it. Demanding something because you're casual, is just dumb. Noone said this is a 30min game and i really, really dont remember anyone ever saying they want to make it easy. Nice analysis. The numbers seem legit.
That any kind of apocalypse would be over in two days. Super retarded infected humans? Oh no, what can we possibly do? Probably a line, so everyone can shoot at least once. ^^ This.
Ah, got me. Id say you're right. If every dot would be an actual single spawn point, berezino looks really weird and nothing what you see right after the restart .I guess dots are possible spawn points that the n-animals from that "circle" randomly get when they respawn. This map was posted on reddit by one of the devs(?) in around early 054 i think (if not earlier). I tried to find the original post but only found the map -.-
I have a bigger problem carrying the sewing kit & the lime. If you're desperate and really want animals but cant find any in berezino for instance, check the area around altar. Lately i see about 5+ cows if you look downhill east (towrds gorka) from the altar.All the time. There's some animals i always find on the same spot; like a deer and some boar around veresnik,a boar between kemaneka and pavlovo, deer&boar next to kopyto lake W from prigorodki, cows at berezino, a deer on the way from berezino to khelm, a boar usualy north from Vhysnaya Dubrovka. There's tons of herd around NWEAF towns. Msta usualy has chickens,goat and a pig (unless someone scared them off) Animal AI was defenately nerfed, they dont spot you as fast as they did in 054 and i dont find idle zombies in the middle of a forest after chasing the poor chicken for hrs. http://i.imgur.com/E7W4fYo.jpg
I dont know the technical RL reason but this is how it goes ingame; you cant attach PSO on ak74 altho u you can attach plastic rail handguard. You can attach silencer, bipod, flashlight to it. You can attach PSO on AKM, but cannot attach silencer. You can attach PSO&silencer&handguard(bipod,flashlight) on AK101. That being said, 101 is def. my favourite as i dont need a 75rnd mag and i come/came across allot of nato rounds, heli hunting and stuff. Its the only AK member that allows me to use pso+silencer. It also looks beyond badass. I have all of the mentioned ARs on my priv. chars. I apologise in advance if i mixed any attachment up, im 99% sure this is how it worked in 054
Same place where every eastern assault rifle lies these days; UAZ car wreck
yeap. mags included.