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Everything posted by hekp

  1. hekp

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Got my ass kicked by invisible dude :( i take it logs cant tell who was punching my face if i was to contact server administrator? he didnt kill me, that's the prob.
  2. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    uppon login i got that file error everyone's posting. It only caught my attention because the file wasnt called Bush_something but skeletons. Are we getting dead bodies/skeletons? :D
  3. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    so glad we finaly got the radio :)
  4. hekp

    Fire Starter

    lol this feature is great.
  5. hekp

    Today was a good day

    2 bad you didnt know you can eat people now.
  6. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Sights. I wish that whoever is responsible for item spawn points would double check them. What i hate the most is entering a building to find items ontop of a wardrobe or a shell. I cant reach it!!! And there's always something good there :( God, makes me feel like a child in apocalypse, 2spooky4me, i want my daddy!
  7. i know its a long shot but try playing out with Battleping, WTFast, PingZapper. They all allow you trials. (battleping 20min session, zapper 1hr session, wtfast 1 month session) Im from europe, but these programs really helped me out when i was playing certain MMORPG whose servers were based in US. It made the overall latency lower and never reached absurdly high 300-400ms pings as before, on avarage it mostly stayed at around 150ms (200+ before). I have 100/100mbps optics and can sometimes reach pings of a single digit on dayz servers so in my case it was purely the distance that was causing it (no package loss or anything related). This stuff really pleasantly surprised me as i never believed it works. I always thought its one of those "THIS SECRETLY CODED PROGRAM MAKES SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS AND ISP PROVIDERS CUT THEMSELVES ALL OVER THE WORLD" adds to suck the money of the naive folks. Also, since every byte counts, be sure to do all the "minor tweaks" like shutting down MS update service & co. in your task manager.
  8. hekp

    How was your Day(Z)?

    You better get used to it. Look at it this way; a fully geared player is probably, just like you, attached to his gear ~ If you werent you wouldnt care if you got killed. That being said, you cannot possibly know if an unknown fully geared survivor is attached to his gear so much, that he wont risk any socializing but instead kill you on sight. And that's just one of the variations. They might be playing as bandits, kosers. They might think you are a bandit/KOSer. I know it's extremly annoying once you're geared and friendly, I've been there before. It's almost impossible not to get in a gun fight when you're a walking pinata. I had scenarios where i caught two guys from behind, one was just in animation of crafting fire and altho i had my mp5 raised and both in my LOF and told them im friendly, they prefered to fight it out. I strongly recommend you avoiding players when fully geared, unless you can make a drop on them, which is literally pointing your gun at their forehead saying "friendly". There really is no easier way and nothing beats a forced friendship! :) When dealing with much more geared players this might be slightly easier since you don't have nothing that's in their interest but your life. That's why you better make it clear that you don't give a crap about their gear. I was more successful in this situation. I caught a ghillie guy in fueling truck animation. I ran in his face with my axe out and start saying "I know i could kill you on the spot right now but im friendly, hopefully once your animation ends you wont kill me". He didnt. Do note that snipers on sniping locations do not like that and will shoot you regardless (been there) :D I guess once you're spotted sniping, you dont really expect anyone to forgive you :D Anyway if you really want to avange your past life, there's no worse way but to join the hoppers. Instead you can find yourself a nice mosin spot, join an empty server(or preferably, same server you died on) and camp out the NWEAF/pavlovo/island for hoppers. By checking "P"layers list you can sometimes see in advance when a hopping group just joined. All you need is some patience and a good sight on the barracks door ;) They'll come back, don't worry. They always do.
  9. hekp

    The DayZ world is like a Ride......

    Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I am still curious if this is a safe way to do it on your own tho.
  10. hekp

    The DayZ world is like a Ride......

    Honestly, aslong as ill have something to kill myself with i wont be sending a ticket. I did send it before i could kill myself. Playtime >>>> Gear :P Well i've heard about the method some people are using, but, be advised, im not sure if this can result in BE ban. I guess you get kicked after X seconds the BE realises you're missing a file like u can see players nowdays...so... maybe u only get a kick if u dont act fast enough. Delete rock.pbo (i dont know the real name of rocks file, this is an example), uppon reconecting the rock wont be there, move 2m and disconect immidiately. copy the file back, reconect. P.S. I would be glad if some1 with better knowledge of the game could confirm this.
  11. hekp

    How was your Day(Z)?

    joined a 50/50 in novoselky(cherno). Im slightly bored so i snipe zombies from one of the flats. Luckily there was a guy with a full zombie train behind him so i had something to shoot at. I ran out of longhorn ammo so i decide to climb down. I check the garages and stumble uppon a survivor. He tries to run off but I manage to catch on him. "dont worry, I've mad friendly skills, you need anything?" "some water, please" I dropped him a PET and two cans of peaches (IKR, there must be a place in heaven for people like me..) He drank the bottle and returned it (how nice :D). He asked me if i want any 0.22 ammo for my trumpet. I gladly accepted and traded him back some of the .357 ammo which i had tons of. We traded a couple of more things and then split our ways. I ran into the red two story building to chew on something, before i move out north. I was just thinking how awesome it was to trade, rather than just to kill each other. We both got some usefull stuff and saved time. Legs broken, you're dead, get rekt ~ Gravity. Sighs. I Get kami spawn. Before my environment loads up i already hear a *clicklickclickclickclick* sound infront of my face. Ah, the bored kami spawn. A very common specie amongs chernorussian survivors. Ill just ignore him and if im lucky he will kill me for a better respawn. Long story short... the fresh spawn kills everyone but me. fml. lol. Everyone seems to trust him and he uses it. I dont so... I guess we team up and head msta? MSTA. Empty. We move further towards dolina. I stop to eat. A random zombie runs towards me. i finnish eating and run out of the house. As i run out i close the door behind me, sucessfuly traping the zed. As im some 50m away from the house and start eating again, i start getting hit again. FUUUUUUUU, my hitbox is in that house. I run back, on my way, i die. MY body starts sliping downhill and i can see it. I see my newly met friend running by my body asking wtf happend. Told him i died only Im not ... dead. He tried to kill me but obviously he cant see where the hitbox is, so he's hitting air. I thank him for the adventure and ask him to go his way and survive. At least he could hear me speak via VOIP. I guess i was fun enough, because he didn't want to and instead said he will go back towards kami. I try reloging just to log in my dead body... Luckily the zombie in the brackground hit me again, this time killing me for real. Well, i guess i will try to get a kami spawn than. I get the spawn fairly quick. Theres a fully geared guy running pass me. WoW, Didn't full auto me, that's a first. Didnt take long another guy appears. He seemed friendly all untill the moment one of us stopped and he could start spraying. I guess he used his PSO scope to shoot on 10m distance with his AKM, since he didnt stand a chance against my falcon punch that knocked him down :D Me and my (other) friend (yes i have moar) love to call such players "TUNNEL VISION TO THE MAX" players. F***ing finaly, the justice. I finaly got to silence a much more geared jackass player. I pick up his gear and kill him. I killed him with such pleasure i almost saw every kami bandit that ever killed me and i just payed him back. I ask the guy(newly met friend) if he ever had an akm. He said he never had one. I drop him the akm+pso+drum and two full ammo boxes with the backpack and some other stuff. Have fun! I kept one ammo box of sks ammo and logged out. 10/10 would kami again.
  12. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    yeah i got it yday. i just ignored it and played on :)
  13. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    I noticed "lowest" settings now indeed are lower. Trees and objects on skalisty wont draw if you're on the other side, and you wont see any vegetation on pik kozlova when you get prigorodki spawn. Actualy, it's really really hard to spot anything, even the zeds. I set settings to normal and the draw distance was still lower than what it is in stable. Are we gonna get 1km bubble rendering and no further? Overall the eye candy looked allot worse, especialy all the background environment looked like its straight from OPF. Whatever will help with performance... it does seem to run slightly smoother (beside the more often mini fps freezes) i tried to break zombies legs, during that time he hit me some 100 times. no dmg, nothing. if you go prone and "sneak" around the zombie, they seem unable to hit you.
  14. hekp

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    haaaa :D i love that chapel near Turovo, nice location.
  15. hekp

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    OMG YAY :D best loot i could get since i wasnt really looking for anything. Added my sig. aswell
  16. To be fair, if he didnt, he'd get shot since you can see sobieski hit "draw weapon" :) edit; nvm, thought u're refering to the guy gunning him down. I tried doing the same, warning the guy to holster the weapon as he gains councious. He wasnt very found of my idea and tried to gun me down. Didnt work too well for him. anyway nice video as always. I was slightly surprised you sent him in the corner whilst showing the back to the entrance. PS 1pp videos are much much more interesting to watch, esp with your playstyle :)
  17. hekp

    walkie-talkie suggestion

    This would be hilarious. I would not be mad at all to die like this :D
  18. hekp

    A few questions

    hold breath is by default right mouse click. same as for the zoom. u might wanna rebind it, i did. keeping draw weapon&zoom&hold breath on mouse2 makes it somewhat slower than having these keys binded individually (if you click mouse2, it takes a few tens of seconds before your character actualy rises his weapon and starts zooming in, apperantly this "imput lag" does not occur if you bind them seperately.) 2. No, dont bind the same key under two different commands, it can cause you allot of headache. Use symbols that are not yet binded. I use naga aswell. rebind the whole "thumb pad", unless you wanna accidently switch items by pressing default 1-12 :) I find the tilt scroll wheel left/right awesome for pageup/pagedown range adjustment. I use 1 for holding breath, 2 for players list, 3 for VOIP, mouse5 penny for autorun :) its a matter of your own preferences. Firing macros are for skill-less cowards so i wont go there. I hope servers will autokick people using these (perfect rof vs aimtime or a sporter firing mg42 style is a good giveaway) another thing, unbind toggle lean (2xQ, 2xE)
  19. You can break them but you only get out a netting and, i believe 50%(?) of burlap strips you had. You can still carry the suit in a bag. Im not sure about the following, but the ghillie top takes 1 slot less in height since this patch, meaning you still have 3x4 slots in your drybag. (you had 2x4 in 054) Not sure if this goes for all the suits or it depends on the ghillie size bushrag < top < full ghillie
  20. hekp

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I know beta is for polishing, but out of curiousity, what exactly are we waiting for before the netcode can be tweaked ? Forgive my probably flawed logic but, isnt that a completely different story than renderer, new items,animations and such? therefore, it wouldnt need to wait untill the implementation of new things before being worked on, because you wont need to rework it later, like you would have to do with ingame FPS optimisation? 64bit dayz server were up for testing almost a year ago, is that what we're waiting to be further tweaked on ? Could it be possible to have one minor netcode patch instead of one anticheat one? Both have to do with client-server stuff, so im only assuming this is the same department? (apart from what BE does) I know this is probably a total kick in the dark, but if anyone knows, pls, do share :)
  21. same. Dayz is the only game i dont play with music on & its fine. Walking thru the forest & listening to the sound of birds and your own footsteps is actualy quite relaxing. I like it.
  22. hekp

    Persistence wipe for 0.56

    i know this rule, im not attached. I just prefer loosing it due to bugs,players or my own stupidity. Hey its for .logs, its for science. PS; yet to find a lootsplosion in this patch.
  23. bit offtopic but seein all these suits really makes me want to see a Museumn of USSR space program including some of the Astronaut suits
  24. hekp

    Please, stop building villages everywhere

    :beans: @OP; im somewhere inbetween. some Areas do seem a tiny bit too crowded and would maybe be better off without the most boring and generic villages. Most of the changes however are really neat. I really cant complain about the NW part, i think they did a wonderful job; villages "fit" in much better than the ones just outside the shore.
  25. hekp

    Persistence wipe for 0.56

    uhm no. I've over 10 chars, most of them fully geared and ghillied up. Obviously ive spent tons of time doing it. I prefer "wiping" them myself.