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Everything posted by hekp

  1. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    i think its very handy to have status msgs. especialy in exp built.
  2. hekp

    0.57 Map Changes: Berezino

    Nice pics, as always.Thx for feeding my curiousity. :) Indeed :) IT actualy reminds me of my primary school, allot. Dunno what's with people saying it doesn't look anything like a public school.
  3. hekp

    About the next coming camera angle

    If every 3pp hater would spend his time playing 1pp instead of shitposting, servers would be cracking with pop by now. Seriously, go play your mode and have fun. No, im not taking sides. /flame shield on.
  4. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    yes they added quite a few in one of the experimental (0.56) patches including Krasno & a few others (which i can't remember)
  5. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Got to go away for the day, hoping to start a 3PP character tonight with some friends. Maybe go explore the new school and map changes! Edit: The three crash sites, findings and shenanigans... LOL the crashes are still there? :D No (dynamic) respawning choppers? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/225038-exp-update-056127thebeast/page-94#entry2267739
  6. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Do schools spawn loot? Love it. Whilst many people on /r/ complained how this building looks anything but the school.. well,guys, you obviously weren't born in post-socialistic eu eastern country. This building looks totally like the primary school i was visiting. Anyway, I cant wait to go explore it.
  7. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    There was some loot left because it spawned a bit further from the crash (about10m). I didnt see it untill i used bloomsticks, nothing of value tho. This is what i collected in about 10 minutes in Vybor. I found a barrel @the police car. Everything that's in barrel, was found in Vybor. Which only shows people are hopping experimental like crazy but dont care even looking around the corner (seriously guys, fk off with your hopping alltogether, i hope they increase the timer to 10minutes, just because of people like you) . Veresnik was stripped off every item and so were the mil. buildings in NWAF. Just lame. Will defenately camp some barracks tonite. In other news... I really liked how firestation was full on helmets.
  8. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    mmmm :) 3 crash sites, one airfield.
  9. hekp

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    quite well, i just read a lil something on /R Which is quite interesting. I remember i was playing ALLOT back then. Strangely i didn't notice it took so long. I must've had tons of fun during that patch. Well, it shows it's nothing unusual and out of the ordinary like some try to portray it. I hope ,57 will deliver with enough things to keep me going. I have no doubt CLE will not be flawless at all, but that's okay. In the end, the enjoyment of the game will imo boil down to performance and netcode, not to barrels. At least in my experience, this seems to be the biggest issue making the game enjoyable; Yoloing some of the chars before the wipe only confirmed this, as my positioning never really gave me an advantage due to desync and poor performance. Yes, im aware It's alpha and that the polishing takes its place much later in the process, im just thinking out loud. Once the game hits 1.0 people will mod it and im pretty sure they will touch the CEL/CLE? aswell. I think lootsplosion private servers are a guarantee for the sake of pvp beach masses. That being said, the economy work will be pretty nullified on many servers so i do hope there's more than just economy tweaking(loot respawning) postponing this update. Performance-vise i did notice an increase and im really looking forward to that, because it means if im going to randomly log into a server to find out my character is in Svetlo/novi/cherno, I wont quit & change the server for a better location due to fps so low i have no enjoyment running out of the city @10-20 fps, let alone looting it.
  10. hekp

    Can't Direct-Chat While Sprinting

    ive rebinded caps lock.
  11. hekp

    First person emptiness?

    most of the private shards are already waiting for the global wipe, that's why you see so little people. At least it seems to be the case on servers where i play on.
  12. gorka is pretty sweet. i go ttsko/m65 since i can get them wet for travelling
  13. hekp

    suicide bombing

    i thought this already is the case. that's why i hold "G" before pulling the pin.Once you pull the pin there's no turning back what he suggested, or so i understood, is that the pin will always get pulled and the spoon released if you're shot with a grenade in your hands. (since we only get the pin option) just calls for naked yolo runs with grenade in your hands. The only people "dumb" enough are the people who would see your character glitched in some animation as always, so they couldn't tell you're wielding a grenade as you desync in the middle of them. I dont care if its added, but i like the "pin" system more than spoon frenzy runs.
  14. hekp

    suicide bombing

    i dont think we need a suicidal bomber feature for that one time when you will be holding a grenade and got shot...
  15. hekp

    Why did you buy this game?

    I was playing BI titles since ARMA1. I believe flashpoint hit the stores same month Max Payne did. I cant complain, Max Payne was a great game for that time with a really nice comic story telling. It looked so real on my Voodoo3 3500. Then there was OPF. I remember reading one of the early interviews with bohemia developers in PCgamer. Open mil sim with enterable vehicles that you can drive, and even see counters on the drivers panel. Balistics and sound delays, squad commands (when you see the flash it's already too late ;) )and so on. Being a...13-14 yr old kid, i didnt even know it's possible to make such a game and when i first tried it...i loved every second of it :) Injuries, broken legs, one shot kills, sway... the "realism" of this game bought me on the spot. Singleplayer campaing was on of the best gaming experiences i ever had and even tho some might find this a bit sentimental, no other tittle made me enjoy being a "just a soldier" in a war noone wants it. The "Armstrong, this is Papa bear, EVAC @zulu x hrs mission be there or GG" was one of my favourites. I was huggin trees, terrified of Armed patrools, BMPs & even some choppers patroling the area whilst you had to sneak thru was really something i strongly missed in arma2. (i got that later with the great addons) I never got that hopeless feeling of a "that's it, we're fu***". It's mostly because you don't get to play the role of the lowest ranking soldier who's everyones bi***. Don't get me wrong it was a great game and i spent yet another thousands of hrs in it. Anyway, not gonna lie, when i was a kid, i could not afford games. I could afford a PCgamer mag. (two old ones for the price of one) and try demos. Or... do the dev:0 pirates:1 thingy. Forgive me and let's pretend i was just a very aware consumer who needed a couple of thousand hr trial :P I always felt like i own BI(well, the people there) to buy the tittles i played for thousands of hrs and spend thousands of hrs in their best-ever-mission-editors. I also wanted the friggin legit copies for the obvious MP. Years passed by when I finaly bought the OPF;GOTY edition and a year later ARMA2+AO. Just when i was about to purchase arma3 after playing alpha (Would anyone believe me, i didnt like the less-clunky arma3?) i saw dayz. I probably saw it on reddit, i dont remember. Watching dayz stream, my first thought was "OPF". Alone, helpless, just trying to survive and get thru the "war". Besides, i was always a fan of hardcore modes(MUD, Diablo, crazy ivan, etc), where you loose EVERYTHING uppon death. Knowing it's a BI tittle i just said "fk it" and cashed out, because despite all the "alpha warnings" i was pretty sure what im getting myself into. (the arma bugs just never got me to the point of quitting. its just different if something buggs out on open world "simulator" then buggin in linear singleplayer pewpewpew game) I was sure im gonna love it and i was right :P 10/10 would buy again. tldr: i bought it 'cause i knew ill enjoy it.
  16. hekp

    Shooting the Mosin...

    practice and learn the sway pattern (like shown in the video above)
  17. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    I was crafting in the shed with my backpack on, will try elsewhere, my bad & thank you :)
  18. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Impro. backpack aka prettiest backpack out there still not working Motorcycle helmet now takes 3x3 slots in your inventory As some already said, you can now wear hats with the gas mask. It didn't let me wear it with the motorcycle helmet, however when i got to the main dayz character menu, my character wore the gas mask underneath the helmet. The mouth part was sticking out somewhat like the girls pony tail does. It looks quite awesome :D I took a solnichy-bere-dubrovka-gorka route and had an easy time surviving. Loot was quite scarce, but i still managed to come across 6 different ammo types, 5 firearms and all the necessary stuff to survive including some food. It defenately took longer but I liked it.
  19. hekp

    Most detested item in Persistence

    oh.my.god. :blush: :blush: :blush: I always assumed reddit pics were shopped. And i assumed Shrub was only RPing reading Alice...OMG im so sorry Shrub :( ... ... im still processing this >.< ... ... this is so awesome, gonna go read right now lol This reminds me of that one time when i built the tallest building in my minecraft history, then i found out about the "shift" key :blush: THANK YOU SO MUCH :lol:
  20. hekp

    Most detested item in Persistence

    I'm not gonna lie, when i bought dayz, i thought books indeed are readable. Probably because of so many RP posts :P I stocked on food an water and went deep inside the forest to make myself a fire and to read a book i took with me. You can imagine how fking dissapointed i was when i realised... :lol:
  21. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    anyone ever got a rotten apple from the tree? my last 20+ were all ok. If an apple drop would be buffed for 1 more apple per 10 tries, that would be awesome. Right now the ratio feels somwhere around lowish 20% out of 10 tries (i could be tottaly wrong, way too little testing from my side here). Because once you start starving/dying from hunger, you really need to spend next half hr fighting to maintain the starving/hungry status and not fall back to dying. I really think that 1 apple would do all the difference and would help you to to continue your journey slightly faster without making it easy. IT would just shorten the picking time without making it "OP" I believe the hardest part for everyone is not to survive but to watch the "picking dice roll" from a tree that's got apples clearly visible. I actually found remains of a dead survivor under the most random apple trees in chernarus. I found a truck just outside Olsha that someone crashed, but i managed to unstuck it. I was going to travel all the way to the north but i started starving at Gvozdno so I made a stop at the intersection some 500m north from the The summer camp East of devils Castle and Severograd. I ran to the first apple tree i saw and..voila..shoes,backpack and some stuff. I guess some poor soul gave up. Gotta love coincidences like this :D Also a huge thumb up for the fire alternative.This was very much needed. P.S Got a flat tire, didnt notice, crashed, didnt end up well :P
  22. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Found a glitched surface of water in the air, on the right side of the road if you're travelling Ratnoe->Petrovka, a small lake if youd like. water surface was above my head level and once i got near it, i started swimming in the air. I couldn't take the screenshot so im not 100% sure on the exact location, but i believe it was 060 026 (give or take 100m up/down the road, right side) PS. suprisingly i found no loot there. I died near the piano house due to starvation (got tired picking up apples)
  23. hekp

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    i just joined a 75pop server with only some 15 players on it. OH MY GOD This was the smoothest experience EVER. I got a berezino shipyard spawn and ran towards svetlo, the fps killer. NO significant drops, no sudden FPS drops. the game ran smoother than EVER. mind you, i was playing on my crappiest setup, 1,7ghz i7 laptop with 2gb 330m :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: wish it would stay like this with the infected, if that's what caused this boost.
  24. hekp

    There are no good Dayz SA youtubers?

    I don't enjoy staged out videos. I only regulary click on SepticFalcon, So he can read me status report highlights a few days after i read them myself :D
  25. [Necro] I know its been a while but, is there a full length video of survivorgamez VI just like it was for SurvivorGamez V ? I really loved the spectators camera & all. All i find now, is edited videos of individuals and short clips. Was there no spectator mode cam recorded? I want it all in one piece. [/necro]