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Everything posted by hekp

  1. hekp

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    And by doing this your gain would be.... ? Just, dont.
  2. hekp

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    Oldschool servers are usualy full aswell. This is way too situational. I've already killed snipers on veresnik, comming from bottom of the hill and they were the agressors. You need to know how to use your camera and your surroundings. Its pretty much a tactical shooter in 3pp when it comes to cqc. Better positioning and awarness will bring you on top. What you mentioned is on pair with 3pp scouting thru windows which indeed is cheap, but imo not gamebreaking.I do agree you're in big advantage there since u decide when to make contact. I play mostly as a survivor and ill have to disagree with the KOS thingy. Its practicly impossible for me to die unless i literally bump into another player or beg to get a shot, dancing on tripple yellow. 3pp or not, KOSers are mostly blind and search for a quick action. With 3pp giving you this powerfull vision tool, you only get more chances of survival when being chased by these headless creatures that lust for blood. Just yday i greeted a guy who in return pulled out his shotgun and started chasing me. It took me one bush for him to ran by and get bowed down. I often see groups of players, hit the ground and let them pass me. Outside private shards, i dont find any more KOSers on 1pp than on 3pp. It's really no art to lie behind a rock and shoot people in 1pp either. It's easier to camp in buildings because people cannot corner check whilst in 3pp you get the opposite. I find it allot easier to stalk in 1pp than to run away/hide.
  3. hekp

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    The thread was already going into 1pp master race convo. again. So I said I like both. You called people who prefer the-not-your-mode scrubs. Thanks for you opinion. Dynamic FOV... Yknow when it starts zooming in? It's like one of those dreams where you're keep falling and you cant do anything to stop it. Beside blur&bloom this is usualy the first thing i turned off in every game so far. Shoulder/different view would be the best bet, but you will never nullify 3p peeking. Which, imo, is not really a must since it's avail. to everyone. And it seems the majority of the playerbase is not against it. Sure, it is easier stalk/track and attack your target, but its also easier to spot and run from the attacker. Remember, you're all on the same ground here. Ive played other games where you have this dynamic FOV. Once you get close to a wall or a corner, the camera will zoom in yes, but that doesnt mean you cant abuse the 3p view. Not to mention there is tons of tricks to fool the camera not zooming in. I guess what im saying is that people will always find a way around. Any kind of FOW implementation just opens up tons of questions regarding the possible issues. It could very well be terrible, something like todays zombies(yes, placeholders, i know); spot a player 400m away in the halway on 9th floor, yet they fail to spot you some 20m away. Would you really want that? actual invis. players? Wouldnt that make it more arcadish, thanks to this cloaking device mechanic? Wouldnt that make allot of people rage, thinking they got killed by a cheater? And speaking of cheaters, wouldnt that give them yet another mechanic they could possibly abuse ? Returning to FOW&FOV... does that mean devs would have to define every object (windows for example) whether is transparent or not? How much of a chance would you get to spot someone behind bushes? I guess the engine would have to take my angle of view in calculation..constantly. You very well know it only takes an axe handle sticking out to spot entire player - would fow, in this case made him completely invis. ? What if theres only a couple of pixels sticking out? Where would you draw this fine line of invis and visable players? Personaly i think there would be tons of issues that would not improve you gaming experience. And dont get me wrong please, i wouldnt mind a different camera angle with a smaller max possible fov. It's forced FOV and the idea of FOW im against.
  4. hekp

    Gasoline revenge on bandits?

    Im already doing this since i picked my second canteen mwahah. The fuel itself wont kill you tho - i drank a full cannister & only needed to throw out some 6 times. You need to go desinfectant (i think you can?)... I was going to wear a wall of text letter that ends up with "P.S. if you drank my canteen...RIP" It would be pretty funny, but i figured most of the people would check the super rare letter first than drink from my canteen.
  5. hekp

    How to drink the hicks way

    lol, was not expecting dat...
  6. hekp

    zombies do what?

    Hi. Have a few yolo tries at zombies when you respawn. You will quickly learn their attack pattern and how to dodge/counter it. It gets ridicilously easy even when fighting multiple zombs. Killing them asap is still better than locking them up or running away due to their buggy nature.
  7. lol...full mil u say? get out of the truck next time unless you wanna respawn at the last known on-foot location. Was it NWAF? :3
  8. hekp

    How was your Day(Z)?

    My friend was just checking up the castle on skalisty when I met a random survivor down south at the water pump and our zucchini gardens. He was a bit nervous that im going to kill him, wearing a gas mask and a mosin, but after i told him im growing all-you-can-eat zucchinis, he was willing to risk it all! It takes time to grow, so I was just BSing about my awesome zucchinis and told him to check them out "Just look at 'em babies!" He steps on the garden, looks down, tottaly freaks out??? and starts running.... then i remembered ... I handcuffed my friend digging the garden.. He got a bit pissed and I promised to stop doing it, dropping the cuffs. oops. I didnt bother to catch up on him to explain, im sure he would outrun me lol Way to make friends, halp.
  9. hekp

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    HOLY SHI*** !! I would so freak out lol ! :D In my case I didnt hit the door but one of the inside walls. Also, the door opened fully not like when you hit it. I did upvote yours, because i think its the same bug.
  10. hekp

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Not sure if this was happening before but shooting inside houses sometimes opens a random door. I noticed this when i fired a flare thru the window in one of those red houses with a ladder at the back. Second time i was standing inside the log house, firing an arrow at the wall. door opened by itself. I tried to recreate it, but there was no specific pattern i noticed, it seemed quite random.
  11. hekp

    Creating "Care Packages"

    I once made about 5 garden plots next to the kambi road and made another 5 or so fireplaces next to it. I came from cherno so i was bringing tons of raincoats and whatnot and threw it all on the middle of a road. On my way to kambi i dropped a drybag with an axe, teddy bear, bandages and some stuff. First guy who came to kamishowo was wearing my ex bag and axe. I welcome him and offer him pumpkins. First thing he tried to do was to axe my head off whilst giving me some comments about my relatives. Boy i had a pleasure of killing that dude. Some "normal" freshspawns came up later on and they were quite worried about the fire as some were making comments im a cannibal lol. Anyway, it was obviously a bad idea to pick kamy for this. All i did was a huge gathering of newspans that ended up with mass murder once two fully decked players arrived lol to think of, thats how most gatherings in dayz ends up anyway, so it wasnt all that bad while it lasted :D
  12. hekp

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I was about to ask where is this convoy :D TY. Altho in much smaller scale it really reminds me of those abandoned USSR vehicles you get to see in photos. Nice scene. Random shot for the sake of being ontopic;
  13. hekp


    whatever dude. I paid my own money to play this game. Tell me, once you get fully geared on your cosy server, do you stay there and roleplay with apple trees or you join other publics to ruin someone day with the gear you, imo, unfairly got by abusing your admins rights? Wanna play alone? fine, buy a private one and enjoy being alone, because you can be for sure noone will join it after a few of those "i dont like your name" kicks. Kicking people from a pub? Well, enjoy being reported.
  14. hekp

    Question about draw distance

    Steak&Potatoes is right. In case you guys haven't seen it yet, i found this really interesting ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkN0iFGkyWk#t=346 ghillie suit rendering at distance. I think it's somewhat fair.You really shouldnt be able to spot a bush that far but i understand that in your scenario you should. Id maybe buff the distance from 400 to 600~800 when playing on very high but no further.What i would much rather see, is the same drawing distance on low or high object settings when it comes to player characters.They could always make a different drawing distance for stances like lying or running, but that would need allot of work othervise it would just result in ghillie snipers getting a cloak device at will.
  15. hekp

    Want 40+ FPS in big citys? Click here!

    launch parameters did mor than cfg edits for me. For unparking i cant really tell.For one of my low end laptops, the best possible thing would be running the game without steam. Point is, even i get 40+ fps when watching on the ground on a 1.7ghz i7quad with 330m. People just wanted a better comparison than your dot being focused on the ground level most of the time, cause if u get 40 fps watching at berezino ground, i bet you dont get 40fps running down the centre.
  16. I was playing normaly on one of the public server. After the server restart, i joined a random one and shortly after got kicked. "battle eye admin kick BEC: could not join server - possible hack detected" Plese tell me this is a thing admins started doing nowdays and i didnt get a false positive :| Only thing i ever touched was the draw distance/scene complexity in mydocuments.cfg files. edit: well it seems i can still join servers, so i guess its a thing.
  17. hekp

    Is this a thing now?

    Yeah, pretty sure i wouldnt be able to connect to other publics if that was the actualy BE kick. It does seem ridicilous now when i think of "possible cheats detected" Oh well, another server to report. You can lock/delete the thread. Got a bit worried over my healthy 10yr ol steam account.
  18. same. books. tons of books. and a guy with shotgun who wouldnt let a newspawn to explore. thanks for shooting me in the face, i hope you got stuck in the prison after a relog and still waiting for support to solve your ticket :rolleyes: and i hope the ticket gets lost. 10 times
  19. hekp

    Tips for FPS Optimization

    i am forever amazed how the hell can you play in those blured settings. you sure you have correct rendering % or is that blur /postproc to the max ? nevermind :)
  20. I assume you've already done this http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/28cla2/dayz_sa_frame_optimization_launch_options_fov/ Put textures & terrain back to normal. I notice no difference setting this from low to high on a much weaker rig. Turn off the shadows, AA, SSAO.. whatever rendering... turn off vsync (if your pc tends to crash when lookin at the sky cause of 999FPS, turn it back on). Than play with the settings untill u reach your "ideal" state of performance vs quality. the only real setting u wanna be worried about is objects.I run everything on lowest, forced my resolution down to 1280x720 in order to have objects on normal. Be sure your gpu is set to optimal performance, get the latest drivers. You can try unparking your CPU.
  21. hekp

    Map Changes in 0.53.126348

    Awesome shots. The deadly silence accompanied with the woooooshhhhhy sound of breezing wind in the middle of the night always makes an awesome athmosphere when passing these graveyards. Sometimes, if the setting is right, it seems so calm you quickly get a false sense of safety. I often stop just to enjoy the scenary a bit && i love breaking chemlights in those little chappels.
  22. hekp

    Trading Post

    Hello! :) Ever since i started playing on private servers my public character is doing nothing. I want to give my set away to someone that actualy plays publics, but am afraid to put it in wrong hands. Im willing to trade it all to friendly survivor in exchange for a bow, pink dress and improvised leather backpack full of arrows (25). If you plan on KOSing the beachsites dont bother posting. It's not human. As You've noticed im missing a gun (bugged my magnum, dissapeared) and i didnt bother painting the ghillie. In case your having an assault rifle, Teddy bears are 2xEast(w,p) surpressor 1xNato(p). LRS&PSU (p&p) scope included.
  23. hekp

    Map Changes in 0.53.126348

    I was hoping badly they will add another island or at least add something to skalsity. Got both! wooo! Thanks for taking the pictures, I only had time to explore the prison one. I wonder tho, what will happen to my stable private char that is currently located on skalsity, once the change is made. I think ill stay there just to see if ill bug into a castle or something.
  24. hekp

    Paint on your Armbands (Group Identification)

    Pen is allot more useful than just writting notes. You can kill yourself with it.