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About kloust!

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. kloust!

    Walkie Talkies.

    The title speaks for itself. The walkie talkies in vanilla ARMA 2 are awesome.
  2. kloust!

    One word... BEARS

  3. Any other thoughts on this?
  4. I am having the same problem as you guys. Just as I was logging out one time, I was hit by a zombie. The moment I logged in, I noticed I was bleeding, and patched myself right away (in seconds) Now every time I log in, even though my health is above 11,000 and I always log out in a forest, I'm unconscious for 5 minutes! Very, very annoying.
  5. kloust!

    Backpack eats primary weapons

    Dev team, fix?
  6. I'm not sure if this is a bug, but legs seem to break very, very, VERY easily. It's like we have some sort of calcium deficiency. One, simple punch from a zombie = the bones in both of my legs shatter instantly, and I start bleeding endlessly. Fall from 2 feet = shattered leg bones. Step over a bottle = shattered leg bones. Lay down on the ground = shattered leg bones. Run too fast up a hill = shattered leg bones. Stand still = shattered leg bones. All of these have occurred. I had an alice pack with 5 morphine - within an hour or two, I was down to 1 o.o That brings us to another issue : bleeding. I don't recall a point in time when a single punch caused severe bleeding ; that is, unless every player is a hemophiliac, or the zombies are all wearing spiked brass knuckles ... unless that is a bug!
  7. kloust!

    To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd

    +1 for support. This man speaks truths.
  8. Something else you can add to the cons : - More than 70% of players, who want to play on daytime servers in the evening (when school/work is finished), will be forced to play on servers that are on the other side of the world (US citizens would have to play on Russian servers, Russians would have to play on US servers). Everyone lags like crazy. End of story.
  9. kloust!

    Suggestion: The Zombies Have The Beans

    But me and my friends found pasta, beans, and soda on the corpses of zombies yesterday. I believe this is already a part of the game.
  10. Make it so, dev team!
  11. I would like to find the old bandit skin as a piece of clothing that I can equip, like the current Camo and Ghillie suits. This would probably be one of the easiest suggestions here to implement.
  12. kloust!

    New player skin ideas

    +1 support. YES to more skins. Maybe the old bandit skin could be a findable skin?