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About MyForgottenSins

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    On the Coast
  1. MyForgottenSins

    The Wolf Pack [DayZ Overpoch]

    Name:Dylan - (Screen name Sins) Age:20 Location and Time Zone:New Brunswick Canada - Alantic (hour ahead of EST) Steam Account: Forgottensins What experience do you have with DayZ and with clans?:I have 70 hours in dayz, Although im somwhat new iv read up and know were to find everything I need and were i need to go to survive. I also have alot of clan experance. Iv been apart of hardcore guilds for other MMOs and have led a tactical clan for BF4 that would lock down a map. What can you bring to this clan?: I myself like to play a support role i enjoy watching over what is going on, giving insight to my team rather then getting the kill. What Squad do you want to join?: Scavengers What Role do you want to have?: Scout/Medic (What ever is needed) Will you listen to those of a higher rank than you and follow their orders? Yes i have no issues doing so :D