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Everything posted by dogmachines

  1. I think side chat should be optional. If a server owner wants the game to be more social and bit more relaxed, they can enable it. If they feel it's more "realistic" to remove it, then that's their choice. As it stands currently, turning side chat on will get your server blacklisted though.
  2. dogmachines

    Server Random and Creepy Voices

    Those sound are likely from Hidden: Source, a HL2 mod. There's some complex way you can play them on servers but I forget it.
  3. I think hitting V instead of B when on a tower is definitely up there.
  4. Why is everyone so hostile when people post issues with an Alpha? Yes, we get an Alpha has issues, but the only way to fix them is TO POST ABOUT THEM.
  5. Running is really your best bet as a new spawn. The zombies can't hit you, and you get to loot faster. You lose them in a building, take whatever is in there, and you're golden. The only issue is the very predictable one of people mowing down weaponless survivors.
  6. dogmachines

    Server Locking

    I understand how can be a bit unbalanced sometimes, and I can certainly see how a persistent world can be affected with a secure server, but I don't think it warrants taking the choice from server owners. Hell, I've seen a server get blacklisted for enabling side chat again.
  7. dogmachines

    Server Locking

    Either way it's a cakewalk to take what you want. One variation just has you more cautious, which isn't really enough to remove server owners ability to lock a server.
  8. dogmachines

    Server Locking

    If I have a group of 10 that wants to play together and farm loot spots, it doesn't matter whether we do it on our own locked server or on an open one. Nobody can stop us purely because of our numbers. Besides that, it seems like banning locked servers punishes everybody for the actions of a few.
  9. dogmachines

    Server Locking

    I have nothing wrong with locked servers. If you shell out your money to buy/rent a server, why shouldn't you be able to lock it? Whether or not the uncertainty of random players is part of the game, it's YOUR server, and you are only affecting your experience.
  10. dogmachines

    Manage Individual Bullets

    I think this is due to the way the ARMA 2 engine works, and scripts to remember bullet count would get complex and possibly lead to performance issues.
  11. dogmachines

    Empty can simulator?

    Why is everyone so defensive about a bug? Clearly no food and drink spawns isn't intended.
  12. dogmachines

    Empty can simulator?

    There's "hard" and then there's "the RNG won't even give me a canteen to fill up." Currently, it's the second.
  13. dogmachines

    No Weapon = Crapshoot

    I agree with this. I like the new zombie improvements, but they make it unbearably difficult to survive when all it takes to be spotted is a zombie 50m away reversing course, or a zombie spawning in out of your FOV. If we had a makarov and couple weapons, it would be more doable while still making us pick our shots carefully since we wouldn't be able to afford dumping a magazine at a zombie or player out of suprise. Spawning without a weapon isn't inherently bad either. When stealth works it can lead to more intense gameplay when you start a new life. Both at the same times leads to whether you die or not being largely luck based, with the odds very much against you.
  14. dogmachines

    Rare spawns increased?

    I think that might be a result of recent server restarts due to the hotfix. Since the constant stream of players hadn't hit the good loot spots in coastal cities yet, there were quite a few good weapons still laying around.
  15. dogmachines

    Kneecapping newbies

    Isn't it obvious? The lack of any way to defend yourself when you spawn means that griefing is easier than ever before.
  16. dogmachines

    What Would You Like to Start With?

    A makarov with 2 magazines to deal with a zombie or two/a bandit, a bandage, one can of food, and one water bottle. A vest pouch would work for a pack, it's useless as it is since it's even smaller than the starting pack.
  17. dogmachines

    DayZ won't work.

    You need to install the latest beta to run the most recent patch.
  18. dogmachines

    My Issues with the 1.7.1 Changes

    This is right on the money. The zombies are fine, being defenseless isn't. Being able to handle a couple zombies isn't unreasonable, and a makarov with a couple magazines does just that.
  19. dogmachines

    My Issues with the 1.7.1 Changes

    pre 1.7.1 everyone was whining about easy it was to survive' date=' so now rocket improved the zombies and people are going to whine about how hard it is? This is EXACTLY what we asked for, and the majority of us are LOVING it. So how about YOU get a fucking grip. [/quote'] There's a very big difference between improved zombies what happened in the update. I think most people have no problem with tougher zombies. What people do have a problem with is spawning at the mercy of every bandit and zombie on the coast, with a lack of food and water that forces them to move for a loot spot. Not only this, but the zombies are now bugged worse than before. I had one close a door and then phase through the wall beside the door to attack me. Besides that, there's no need to be a dick to everyone that doesn't like the changes. Some people like things like side chat and not being hopelessly outmatched by every solitary zombie when they spawn.