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About grimme

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    On the Coast
  1. NEW OVERPOCHINS SERVER - The Last Of Us DayZ - Taviana and Chenarus - Friendly Admins - Banking/Coins - Deploy Mozzie/Bike - CCG Gear Hey Guys, Come check out our servers. We have Taviana and Chenarus. The servers are great, with a brilliant community Free gifts are given out to people that join with the code in side: dayz4Life Taviana is an Overpochins (Overwatch/Epoch/Origins) Chenarus is Overpoch (Overwatch/Epoch) SERVER FEATURES: - Banking/Coin Currency - Deploy Mozzie/Bike - Dynamic/Static AI - Including Fortresses, AI islands, AI military bases. - Great/Sensible Trading - Tow/Lift - Donator Packages - Rob and Arrest WAY WAY MORE JOIN TO FIND OUT!!! I can't emphasise enough how helpful the admins are IP: Port : 2302 WEB: http://thelastofusdayz.enjin.com/ JOIN US NOW TO FIND OUT THE SUPRISES
  2. uniqe stuff is beeing added almost each day
  3. Hey Guys. iv been playing DayZ for meny years now and with that played on almoste every big server out there but never found one i realy like meny good one`s but they never felt like home eather the admis sucked and only cared about money or they where friends with the players that grifed. then i found The last of us dayz. not a big server but it felt like home with fair and strickt admins and realy good mods and they add new stuff all the time. the server is low pop but if ppl would like a realy good server with good fps. good missions. good events. join plz together we can make the server high pop like it should be. and this server has eveything ud whant Atm u get 100,000 gold coins when u recruit friends to the server personaly when i play on The las of us i get 20 fps more then on ccg - mgt and UK111 just to make an example I am not the owner or an Admin i am a normal player on that server i just whant it to have the attention that it deserve Server IP: Grimme PS. sry for bad english.