NEW OVERPOCHINS SERVER - The Last Of Us DayZ - Taviana and Chenarus - Friendly Admins - Banking/Coins - Deploy Mozzie/Bike - CCG Gear Hey Guys, Come check out our servers. We have Taviana and Chenarus. The servers are great, with a brilliant community Free gifts are given out to people that join with the code in side: dayz4Life Taviana is an Overpochins (Overwatch/Epoch/Origins) Chenarus is Overpoch (Overwatch/Epoch) SERVER FEATURES: - Banking/Coin Currency - Deploy Mozzie/Bike - Dynamic/Static AI - Including Fortresses, AI islands, AI military bases. - Great/Sensible Trading - Tow/Lift - Donator Packages - Rob and Arrest WAY WAY MORE JOIN TO FIND OUT!!! I can't emphasise enough how helpful the admins are IP: Port : 2302 WEB: JOIN US NOW TO FIND OUT THE SUPRISES