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About kennybevan11

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. kennybevan11

    Dayz minefield

    Ive done all what you said. Though i had to use Commander as Dayz Launcher wasnt working at all, it wasnt even picking up that i had the mod! Ive installed Epoch, i can get into lobbies where it starts to get the mission files, but then it stops and i get the "no message for 10 seconds" message. Ive verified the cache off arma 2/OA and the mod like ive heard people saying to do but no matter what i do, i cannot get into any server now!
  2. kennybevan11

    Dayz minefield

    Recently, the hard drive in my new laptop died, so had to go back to be repaired. All data was lost and now having to start from scratch again. Im trying to reinstall dayz mod and am pulling my hair out. I love the game, always wanted to play it and was the reason why i bought my new computer, but trying to get this thing going again is beyond me. How can it be so difficult just to run a game?? I admit im not the biggest pc geek in the world, im more used to consoles where you put a disc in and away you go, but i really would like to be able to play this again. I have reinstalled Arma 2/AO 3 times now (with 3mps internet, not the quickest of things) and Dayz mod about 5/6 times to no avail. I have spent the last 10 hours fiddling with it, reading up about it, switching files here and there and the fruits of my efforts? I managed to get on one server which was empty and PVE only. Any advice anyone can give me (in simple English) to get the mod up and running again would be much appreciated. Sorry for the rant but spending all day trying to get a game running is not my idea of fun...
  3. kennybevan11

    DayZ is peaceful

    add me on steam kennybevan11, im new to dayz but getting the hang of it. looking for friendly people to play the game with
  4. kennybevan11

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hi, im Kenny, Kenny_000 in game, looking for friendly people to play the game with. being playing it for a couple of days now, starting to get the hang of it but think would be more fun to play with others, instead of it being single player running simulator :)