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About Askasli

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  1. Askasli

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    So maybe need update game without problems in the end? i think this patch come to early, with a lot of problems :/
  2. Askasli

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    hey, i want know after hotfix is come, will be wipe char or barrels with cars?
  3. Askasli

    where heli crash?

    Dont be paranoic man, thanks for explain. I dont know about it.
  4. Askasli

    where heli crash?

    i dont troll, if you can help, plz be honest) http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dayz.gamepedia.com/f/f1/MGkDhO0.jpg i check some place, and dont saw helicrash((
  5. i really broke my arm there.. later, after i fix this, person shoot without strong shaking. Thanks all.
  6. Askasli

    where heli crash?

    hello ppl, i cant find helicrash, i remember before them was easy find. they spawn like always, or i mistake?
  7. For Dayz team need go to shooting range, and watch how shooting ppl. after some practice this will be not difficult) and man, riffle dont live with own life in hands man like its show in Dayz. i already write that need have create good balance, and think that aim shaking like this in real life... silly.
  8. stop tell what i should do. I write this, because its annoying a lot of ppl. I see here a lot of ppl who shout about realism, and they even dont know how its work in real life. I just want that dear creators, off this shaking(when you siting or lie down), also create good balance between game and realism in very important moment "shooting" I really cant undestand how its possible, how can weapon shaking, when you sitting like this. http://popgun.ru/files/g/56/orig/4604107.jpg
  9. yep i have it, and its really annoying. Why when my character calm, its happend. If its realism, so seem some guys live in another universe.
  10. its was military training. One year i served in army. you seem again dont undestand. If i decide lie down and take posicion, even i lie down my aim begin skaking!! its not really, when you shoot from the hip, already no must be shaking weapon. ok you give example, but if with me all ok, i dont run much, why my weapon must be shaking? its all very silly, no need absolve this, and say that its really, becuase its not!! If you want really, so after 20km sprint this surviver must already be in unconscious.
  11. you really think that man who can run 10km with AK74, after he begin shoot will begin shaking aim? mad? too minimize this, army use butt of the rifle, and weapon begin part of body. I shoot by AK in russian army, and i know what about i say. weapon(aim) dont so shaking in real life. Like this, how showing in game can shoot only girls or week man, who never shoot before :D You want realism, but you even dont know how its work in real. P.S. "Getting sniped = not fun." i think all ppl decide how play game, i love far distance, and its my choice. P.S.S. Try rise your hand in front of you, your hand begin shaking? even after workout i dont have same problem, i run 3-5 km.. and its only warming-up. Hand shaking happend with ppl who have problem with nerve, alcoholics and etc.
  12. i dont want waste my time on ppl who even dont want listen. If you dont know what is balance between game and realistic, plz go away.
  13. Jesus, whu you all so absolute? i dont mean off recoil, this should be stay, need off shaking aim, its little another. mw1 bad example, best shoothing elements in BF3(4)
  14. i think you dont want listen me, its game. Some moment have is the conditional. No need that all be like in real life. Need have balance with reality.
  15. some guys seem dont undestand when game need have balance, hard aim dont do game hardcore or something like this. I play this game for interesting experiences.