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Everything posted by Player2!

  1. http://i48.tinypic.com/micrxu.jpg Another screenshot showing his GUID and him getting kicked for remote exec restriction. We're slowly running out of fuel in our helicopter sitting a couple of miles off the coast where he can't shoot us...We need some help pretty quickly before we run out of petrol... Any and all help would be HUGELY appreciated.
  2. Player2!

    Hive Down?

    It's an alpha, it was Rocket's own personal mod (not game) project that gained a load of popularity before it was anywhere near completed.
  3. Player2!

    Found Skorpion Mags?

    If you haven't seen this you haven't seen all the weapons hackers can choose from. :)
  4. Player2!

    Hive Down?

    Doubt it, there'd at least be a 'pending update' thread...
  5. Player2!

    Hive Down?

    Can confirm, getting 'wait for host' message.
  6. Player2!

    Ghillie man haunts player in DayZ

    Holy shit this is awesome!
  7. Player2!

    ATV spawn on Skalisty Island

    The huey cannot transport vehicles...And I don't recall ever seeing an atv next to the huey, maybe a hacker spawned it in and broke it?
  8. Player2!

    Check this shit for real.

    Nobody cares.
  9. Player2!

    Armpits and ass

  10. :( Did the same thing myself once.
  11. Player2!

    Vehicles and you...

    No, it's not the way it is meant to be played. It is the way it can be played.
  12. Player2!

    Is there any way to boost FPS??

    It's quite playable on 20fps...
  13. We're a friendly bunch of lads, we don't mean to exclude anyone from joining based on where they're living or where they're from. I'm sure all of you can understand the advantages to having our members local to us. Our intentions were clearly to attract local players not to exclude those that are not local.
  14. Getting the same issue at the moment. Did you find a fix?