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Everything posted by psylent

  1. psylent

    DayZ commercial

    my pants are tighter in the front for some reason... Mommy, what's happening to me?
  2. psylent


    i've posted this as a suggestion. please give your support if you think it's as good an idea as i do. thanks. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15244
  3. with the recent patch and hotfixes, we've seen prone crawling go from 0 sight to 1 sight (and a bit higher secretly there for a moment). My suggestion is to split prone into two categories; moving and not moving. moving while prone will still give 1 sight, but not moving will put you at 0... as if you're feigning dead. while in this state, you can only alt look to remain at 0 sight. if you spin to look around, you'll jump back up to 1 sight. this could add some tense moments in the game when you're still and waiting for zeds to walk by, possible inches from you, all the while you're hoping you don't bump the mouse and move accidentally, aggro'ing the one next to you and possibly more.
  4. psylent


    i think that moving while prone is ok with 1 sight bar, but prone and NOT moving (not even spinning) should be zero... almost like you're feigning death. then you could let those zeds pass inches from you while you're all tense hoping you don't bump the mouse and aggro.
  5. psylent

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    I'm stuck in the wilderness as well game name: Tango Player ID: 21508102