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Everything posted by [mm]baz

  1. While playing on the AWA server, we encountered a guy called Patrick Bateman who insisted that me and my clan were hackers. After killing him numerous times and after many combat logs, he rage quit the server and said he wasn't playing until we left. Soon after, he joined under a different name and started hacking us saying "I'll farm you guys everyday, I'll buy more cd keys if I get banned". I managed to catch this on video. His aliases are: Patrick Bateman, Vocal, Valedro and metampheta so far. Date: 06/10/12 Time: 01:24am GMT+1 I'm not sure if you can do anything about this as it's a private hive but if you can, please give him a perma ban on all the servers. Video:
  2. [mm]baz

    Hacker on AWA Private Hive

    Yeah we managed to kill him a few times too until he put god mode on. This server is getting beyond a joke. Just got killed again 15mins ago by another hacker doing the exact same thing and there are never any admins online at night to ban them. When we contacted the admin we were told indirectly that AWA says that he's not going to ban him because he "might be making a donation".
  3. [mm]baz

    Forming A "Bandits" Group!

    In game name: Sgt B Paterson Age: 24 Time Zone: GMT +1 Experience: I've been playing for just over a month now but have been playing arma 2 for ages. I know my way around, I'm versatile with weaponry, I follow orders without hesitation and can lead a small group of 4 effectively. I usually play alone, however I contribute more as part of a team. Steam Name: ILois_IMust_IDie
  4. I thought it would be good if your dead body reanimated as an AI zombie after a while lying there. Only if you had been hit by a zombie previously at any time before your death though, but not if you have died with a headshot. It would be cool dying, then going back to try see if you could salvage any of your old loot and witnessing your old characters body come back from the dead! Or it would add more tension to the game because if you had to kill someone in a gunfight you would have no idea if they were going to come back, so you'd be extra cautious when approaching their body. Or if one of your team mates died in a zombie attack or gunfight you'd be trying to take control of the situation while keeping an eye on their body just incase! Just a thought! What do you guys think?