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Posts posted by Masprotech

  1. Not sure if this has been reported but I'm having issues with one item in my bag... Large Mountain backpack...Red... Not sure if that makes a difference or not but very bottom row 2nd slot on the left for some reason I cant get rid of the item.. It just so happens to be a clip for my 1911 I can place the clip into the gun see the animation like its been put in. The slide kicks back and all that.. But the clip still shows in my inventory.. If I drag it out of my backpack it comes out of my gun...and shows on the ground and in my bag... I can drag the image that's still in my bag to my gun and the image of it on the ground disappears and the gun reloads.. However the image is still showing in my back pack.. I used to could take my bag off and back on and this would clear up before the recent patches but now I cant place anything where that image is in my bag...I'm assuming I'm not the only one with this issue.. But when I get off work I will look at the reported bugs and see if it has been reported yet ...

  2. I am stoked!!!!! Very very excited to hear this news.... I am most excited to see the word helicopters in this dev blog...I have a question if I may...


    Has any work started on helicopters at all? If so can we get some sort of a sneak peak on this and the other in progress vehicles?


    Keep up the great work guys.. Always excited to see new updates popup in my steam window..

  3. I appreciate the appreciation.

    I'll try this again when I get home. All I did was find two stones and stack them put them in my hand. And scrolled. You know I've never actually had to do this but once or twice lately due to no loot and the last time I tried I had to move my head around staring in different directions while scrolling. It may have happened to pop up when my head was facing the ground actually looking at stones without realizing it.

  4. I'm on my way to test it right now. If it wasn't for DayZ (another memory crash), I would be done already. But going to tell you guys in a bit.

    Yeah would actually be nice to know if I'm doing it right or not. But always seems to work for me. I'm at work now so can't do anything but read.

    I know I have a low post count but I read the forums daily to see if anything I've experienced hasn't been noticed yet. Or to chime in here and there. Not trolling or trying to spread lies. Just piping in when i can.

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  5. Thanks for not calling me either of those. I always assumed u needed two to actually craft the thing because how else are you going to carve It into a knife? The fact ur looking at stones when u do it may also be the reason your failing to create it. Based on the fact that sometimes u find. Stone sometimes u don't. That may apply to the crafting as well

  6. Would be grand if I could make a stone knife, havent been able to for a number of patches... unless im doing something wrong... I hold a small stone and use mouse scroll wheel but no options...

    You actually need to find two stones and stacke them together then hold them in your hands and then mouse wheel for the option
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    Had a friendly encounter earlier where another gentleman and I exchanged our hellos and went on our way. Then about an hour later, I was making my way through Severograd and two jerks who were fueling up at a water pump pulled a gun on me and took some shots... I was able to escape with only a ruined jacket and some lost health, fortunately.


    I believe that encounter was with me near kamishovo police dept.? u we're heading inland and invited me. But I get wary around players and trust in this game must be earned. But had I known it was u I would have come along. I headed north west instead of elektro and found very little in the form of weaponry. I had already crafted a bow and two stacks of arrows though by the time we met. And was energized and healthy from apples. Found a pair of binoc's in the tree stand as well as a new form of scope. Can't remember which one but it was battery operated and only a dot site. Acog I think.

    Tbh I wish I had went with you. Sounds like you faired a lot better than I. If that was indeed u I ran into.

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  8. I noticed two zombies stuck it seemed in the stairs going into the side entrance of a police station. I guess I made some noise because I heard the iconic scream but they never managed to unglitch themselves.. The server went down just a few moments later so I couldn't get out to them to see if I could coax them out of the stairs..But I did manage to get chased by 3 of them at once and I had no weapon.. I eluded them by ducking and dodging in and out of houses with 2 entrances.. Was fun got my heart rate going. Hope the servers come back online soon Im off work today and just started the game for the first time in almost 2 weeks so I am very very eager to see what's been changed... Love this game

  9. Is there a planned fix soon for the servers going up and down?


    I also saw the announcement not just on one server.As soon as I got booted I rejoined quickly only to see the same message on the new server.



    On a development note.... I had a crash when I saw what appeared to be an mp5 laying on the floor of a house... As soon as I moused over it I heard windows ding an error in the background and my game ceased to operate... Had to restart it...

  10. why every server i join reset after 2 min


    Yeah same here.. I had a moment where I failed to receive data from the server for about 20 seconds so I alt-tabbed out to write my previous post. When I tabbed back over to the game I had regained connection to the server but I couldnt do anything so I think I will leave the game alone for now and await the devs to make a patch or correct the issues... 

  11. I know they know this but


    Invisible zombie chased me

    Spawned once regularly then server dropped out spawned back in naked in some inner town I cant figure out where just yet with nothing on me at all

    Found plenty of syringes peaches bacon a mosin or two I have 3 stones in my inventory now but cant craft a knife

    no melee weapons 

    and nothing spawning in more than half the buildings and when i do see loot its a dress a syringe a can of peaches or tactical bacon or gloves.. Did find a police car with no loot...

    And only saw 2 zombies.

  12. I have you beat ... AMD Phenom II X6 and a GTX470 :D


    I'm not much for big towns and the siliness that goes on there, so in the countryside I generally get between 25-45FPS on a good server. In towns, I am lucky to get into the double digts, so in my spare time I like to go to the far North, gaze out over the barren hills, admire my 85FPS and dream of a day when I can get this kind of performance everywhere on the map.

    LMAO!!!! You know I didnt want to admit it but last night while playing I did the same!! Found myself up north in the awesome little town of Stary Yar and btw programmers and devs!!! VERY VERY nice little town... By far my favorite so far... They packed so much detail into such a small space and it paid off.. I hope more smaller towns like this end up on the map before the end


    I am gonna do some rebuilding soon I hope and get some better stuff. I worked on a budget and in my eyes it paid off compared to what I had and Im not so much as dissapointed as I am worried that more of this game space we all play in will be unplayable for most of us by the end...(I sincerely wait in anticipation and worry of the new engine changes in the works) I try not to go to big towns unless I need to but sometimes you cant help where u end up and the luck of the draw of loot you get there but anyway....


    Dont be surprised when I steal some of your guys' system specs and build based on what works for the majority.. lol


    And thanks mods for moving this thread to the proper place

  13. So not seen a topic on these forums like this and I hope this would be a good place for it.


    What kind of rig do you play on ?


    I play on (NOBODY LAUGH)..... An AMD Phenom II x4 945 8gbs of ram... Gtx650 All on an Asus M5a97 ..... I get around 32 fps on average at 1920x1080 native... I cant raise this or lower it with any settings I change in game... And all of this is at the very least 2 years old... I upgraded from what I had which was crap to a less than polished turd all for being able to play this game... I didnt go by minimum requirements I went by what I could afford and I got all of this for around 400 U.S. if you don't count my monitor but....  I went on ebay and Newegg and shopped in the openbox or refurbished menus they had and decided to go one way with this build and came out pretty cheaply...I did have a spot of luck though my buddy had the gtx650 from a combo he had bought and he didn't need the card so I got it for 100bucks... I say that to say this...


    I bought all of this to play this one game and at decent to crappy frame rates.... I would like to think that what I have is pretty basic and closely resembles what most players are using if not a little lower than average.... (I dont pretend its top of the line when I know its nowhere close)....But Heres the kicker.... I can get 20-40 fps in this game.....60-75 in FTB Minecraft with settings on high and low shaders... I can play Crysis 3 all on Ultra settings at 60-75 fps.... Arma 3 I get 20-50 depending on the mod and location on map... NOW if I jump to Arma2 Dayz Epoch or Overpoch or ChickenPOch I get 20-40 on high and 40-60 on low settings but this game it makes no difference what my settings are...low medium or high... I have to force Nvidia Control pad to OVer ride dayz settings to medium levels to get what I get....


    What about you guys? Whats your Rig and performance like?

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  14. So having an issue that brings my fps from 60 to an 8 or 9 until i make it re render the scene with anything that makes it redraw like turning vsync on and off or changing antialiasing settings....

    Also just noticed I can hear my breathing outside of the game like when i alt tabbed out to write this... Weird .......



    Also went inside a few buildings that disappeared when i was inside or a metal building ontop of another.... anyone else? or is my video card starting to bite the dust ..I hope not

  15. To be fair that's been an integral part of DayZ's code since the mod days, I'm convinced there's a DontSpawnItemSearchedFor() function in there somewhere.


    Also a complimentary NowTheyDontNeedItSpawnItEverywhere() function  :D


    LMAO .... Best comment Ive read in a while!!!!




    I wanted to add that I played on thursday night till the wee hours of the morning finding trucks everywhere it seemed(not griping hell its better than running everywhere) But I didnt find one single Heli crash.. And that was me driving the normal popular route..... other than that.


    Had zombies glitching through walls..

    Couldn't hear zombies until they were right on me..

    Had items disappearing on an action like eat or drink..

    Also I lost connection a couple of times while driving and rather than my truck just die out and stop it sped up lol... That was fun cause you never know where youll be when you rejoin or if you will have broken legs and ruined items on you..


    This was all on a GA 2-5 server..


    Oddly, two encounters with actual humans and no one died.  In one the guy just ran right by me.  He had a broom in hand so I guess I could have shot him, but I had a canteen in hand and hate killing for no reason.  Which is bugged, you cannot get water from rain with the canteen, did not try the water bottle.  Confirmed that the fountains and pools are bugged, but you can fill a canteen or water bottle without a bug, Brian had posted that on twitter.



    Lol Was this last night? On a DE or UK server I cant remember which and where you heading towards Berezkhi? If so this was me running towards you... I had an oar in my hand though and my mic was in the up and off position.Forgot to turn it on .. I did stop turn around and say hey but you wouldn't have heard me lol..... I was looking for someone to run around with.. Haven't played in a while due to being alone all the time and dying with every single encounter no matter if my hands are up or not.... Just tryin to run into like minded players who don't KOS and want to just run around surviving...


    Also Noticed a few things.. First and Major one for me is the swimming and losing my gun and backpack... I managed to get my gun back it floated.. But my backpack was gone.. 

    Also Noticed Cannot drink from pumps or water sources.. As previously stated by everyone else.. Also I lit a road flare turned and threw it saw the light saturating the ground and before it hit it disappeared. Turned back to where I found it and it was there.. 

    Also When holding an item in hand and you do anything else like drink or eat food and set down what your holding it is gone when you go to get it back..

    Zombies are still an issue.. 

    Running footsteps now project behind me..


    Flare gun is absolutely Amazing!!!! Loving the effects of that awesome new piece..


    Haven't seen any vehicles or chopper crashes but haven't really been in a spot to see either...


    All in all with the new content and amount of bugs in the game I see it to be ahead on this update...Good Job guys!!! Not that you need my recognition but I have been playing for a while now and have seen this game come from what it was to what it is and I am damn glad...Damn Glad I bought it when I did!!! No regrets from me!!

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  17. It's always your choice to become a murderer (bandits rob people).


    No one can force your hand to play a certain way.

    Oh I agree just don't understand people. I approach this game sort of like real life. What would I do if I met this person like this. I wouldn't just shoot em. But not everyone plays this way. Maybe rp is more my style

  18. I've noticed that if I open my inventory and click and drag the item a few times it'll disappear. Then either go to the door and look right outside or if the house has stairs it usually ends up there then I can pick up the item.

    Also noticed screaming friendly. And typing friendly and putting my hands up doesn't matter to some assholes. They shoot u in the face anyhow.

    This action has single handedly turned me bandit so good job to the only other person on the server with me last night. Merry Christmas.

  19. Ok so what the hell is going on now? My character is gone after being alive for over a week and no loot spawning on two server so far will update as I try more


    Also am spawning in different locations each time...


    Is the hive down or what?


    edit: Ok so Jumped on atleast 5 other servers just like that.... NO respawn timers... No loot... Different location each spawn... Weird...Hope its nothing major..


    Also checked one private shard server and the odd thing is I saw no loot there either...

  20. As far as heli crashes I have found none zero zilch nada zisseroni ? Zamboni? on two persistent servers I have played on and thats running the main route from zelenogorsk to nwaf logging out and going backwards same route another server.... 


    Loot is sparse found very little in way of guns in barracks well ...Not like I used to find...It used to be a debate whether I had the ammo for this one or was this one better than that and how many clips do I have..What are the chances of finding the clips if I drop this and go ahead with it..lol.....Im sure we all have been there before but Anyway.... 


    Also noticed that after refueling a truck and going to enter to drive I now drop the gas can and cant carry it with me anymore.....  (((( WORD to the Devs.... Either allow this to be carried in our hands while driving... Add an inventory slot for the can on the truck... Or make the can smaller to fit in our bags or perhaps make smaller cans we can carry..))))  Just a thought...and I know these vehicles are simply placeholders for the final product... just voicing my opinion


    Did find netting in boats.. Also found a few burlap sacks... Not as many as i needed but thats how it goes...


    I was also lucky enough to be on a persistent server an hour before restart up and through the restart and did notice something I thought had been proven wrong.. Loot does spawn on restarts...I was at NWAF during this and just had checked the firestation and the barracks as well as the control tower and a couple of hangars... Came back after restart and some of the loot that had been there before was gone and some new loot was in its place...But I have yet to check a house and come back an hour or two later to find new loot its always unchanged... or the loot had been taken or it just disappeared who knows....


    All in all I am pretty happy with this patch aside from the occasional logout and ctd that happens and the occasional glitches that come up I cant really complain... Its been a great year with this game and I have had no regrets in my purchase... I know some people have had major issues and this sucks god knows Ive had my own.. But when it comes down to it if next year is anything like this year then I cannot wait.


    As a testament to how awesome this game is as far as immersion goes...I was playing last night...


    Pretty decently geared up yet again from hours of running.I had a ghillie hood on all green and my ghillie cover on the gun with my long range scope on my back.. Two pistols fully loaded and a Mosin loaded with a compensator on it in my hands.. I made my way to the military barracks in the dark cutting through the woods and down long runs of trees and tall grass stopping ever so often to check my 6 and to look ahead for other survivors I make it to the base and check the barracks and go around to check what I am assuming everyone is calling the prison? one jail cell an upstairs with 3 bunks and a downstairs office? Anyway movement out of the corner of my eye as I creep forward I notice a player carrying a gun in hand so I sit back and watch.. He checks the tank and then makes his way for the barracks... I think of all those times ive been killed on site and revenge filters through and takes control of my keyboard and mouse as I make my way around the other side of the wall to get a good position on the intruder.... I notice the barracks he is in .... I find my spot and make my final checks... I'm loaded my breathing has slowed down from the run I lie down and take aim on the door... He was smart he closed it behind him.... good this means he will have to slow down to open it as he comes out.... I wait ..    ...   ....  .....  ...... and wait.... I jump from first to third person to check behind me and to look and make sure i'm not being flanked by an unknown person...  Its just he and I..... I wait ...... My heart is literally beating so hard now I can hear it even with my headphones on I am excited... I am in the moment...Again I wait... and wait then I think I am gonna just sneak up and have a look.... I roll out and away from position and make my way in towards my target not taking aim off the door... Its been at least what 5 minutes... Ok what the hell there wasnt anything good in there when I checked..... I check each room and well... He has logged out... Damn!!!!


    Guess thats what I get... I am normally never the one to shoot someone without talking to them first but we have all been there before.. Guess this is what I get ... lol none the less it was so much fun... Better than being shot at and not knowing where it came from or my screen suddenly going black and you are dead slowly fading in.. And me sitting here going WTF!!!!!! lol 


    Was a good night for me anyway


    edit: I just realized how long this post was... wow... sorry..

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  21. Wish I could join in on the fun..No not me instead I get Battleye kicks for a high ping of 180? Or the one that really got me upset was the kick when my ping was at 80... Really? I usually play just fine when my ping is like that... And before Anyone posts some list on ways to improve my bandwidth please don't bother wasting your time... It won't get read and I will prolly make fun of you..lol  


    This update coming from experimental to stable something somewhere has really really messed up badly... Not sure where or how but I can't stay on a server more than about 3 minutes before I get the boot.,.,. And while my internet connection is far from fast it has been more than enough to play with little to no interruption at all...Am I the only one experiencing this? I can't be can I? I have read other posts about people being kicked for supposed high ping.... 

  22. Dang, and I got my knuckles lined up for nothing...


    I hope my 3 CTD's and 1 no-load were a sufficient contribution to the developers' analysis. I'm done for now..

    Agreed!!!!  I think we have all done out part for the day lol... No sense in stressing ourselves out lol



    I did notice however that alot of the disconnects were from battleEye not responding.. Not sure if that has anything to do with the crashes but there ya go

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