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Zboub le météor

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Everything posted by Zboub le météor

  1. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    hallelujah ! finally found it after searching almost 20 deer stands ! doesn't it look sexy ? (apologies for my crappy graphics) magnification : i look a the same spot without and with the scope. magnification is ridiculously small compared to the LRS :( well, i'm geared now ! i thank the guy that was KOS people at myshkino, i really enjoyed his vest, backpack and ammo box :P
  2. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    visit standard houses (those which spawn no weapons on older patches), especially the small ones : green ones with stairs, green/yellow/green houses, rasta houses, brown ones with stairs, green/red/green houses and even gazoline stations, thoses are great places to find mosin/winchester/cr527. look at the farms too and little wood cabin in the woods (izh shotgun/izh18) or go to northwest and loot police station (mp5k and pm73 rak). deer stand spawn some weapons too. don't worry, you'll find one soon !
  3. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    got this status after being a little bit too cocky with military zombies : is it new ? found a damaged C-1 optic in a "bathroom", i have a ak74 mag and a few ammo, but i haven't seen any AK rifle yet (i won't cry about it, i've a mp5k with a rv1 on it and a winchester with a lot of ammo). a lot of place have no loot spawning right now (place that spawned loot before) and industrial brics buildings now spawn medical loot like crazy. looking for the new hunting scope now !
  4. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    i'm on DE 0-2 . the game crash very often sadly. met a friendly guy and hang out with him but crash after crash we lost each other. not much loot on military area, hopper are doing their job well (i suspect a loot spawn problem too because i was very quick to get there and nothing on barracks). looking for the new scope between two crashes.
  5. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    my winchester feels so lonely without it's hunting scope :( . i hope it will be in soon !
  6. Zboub le météor

    Tokarev SVT 40

    well, for now we have only untouched almost original versions of the weapons. big mod on weapon like the mosin nagant and the STV are not that rare and to be honest, the SVT with the modified wood parts with the PSO look GORGEOUS. basic modification will be in, such as crafting rail adapters or nailing scopes on some weapons, but i don't see heavy modifications like thoses above being possible, so why not :)
  7. Zboub le météor

    Tokarev SVT 40

    those are heavily modified SVT-40. why not one of those models over an original one ?
  8. Zboub le météor

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    :o :o :o :o :o "add black spray-paint"
  9. Zboub le météor

    Massivly unplayable

    in 0.55 server with high pop and low loot, the easiest way to be healthy is farming pumpkins. 2 pumpinks per seeds, and one pumpkin is a HUGE ammount of food !
  10. Zboub le météor

    Tokarev SVT 40

    i love weapons and that baby looks great ! it makes sense to have a few of those in the game. my concern is that with the current damage/caliber system, powerfull rounds are favorited over small rounds. since you regenerate your health very quicly and have no side effect other than blood/health damage, been shot ONCE by a 5.56 is a lot preferable than being shot once by a 7.62*54 (drop dead). in real life, being shot by a "medium sized" round like the 5.56 nato means your in a very bad situation and pretty much dead or heavily wounded without a proper surgeon. it's not THAT much better than being shot by a larger caliber round, that's one of the reason that made most modern army to adopt smaller calibers. so weapons like the SVT 40 or FN FAL can easily break balance in the game. you'll see people trowing away modern light weight weapons to take a 70yo rifle that weight like a dead horse and fire ridiculously large ammunition just because dropping someone with one shot is the biggest advantage a weapon can have in this game, evenmore if that weapon can fire quickly. i really hope the weight system and the long term injury system will make smaller rounds more viable.
  11. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    hi ! been able to spend some hours on the 0.56 the beginning was not difficult, 0.56 was full of loot at that time. i've been struggling with the inventory like every other player. i lost a lot of weapons : 1 mp5k with a 30rnds mag, 1 pm73 RAK with a 25 rnds mag, a winchester (that one made me sad :( ) and a FNX with a clip and a red dot on it. when i stopped using the hotbar, i stopped loosing weapons. i've found a server quite stable with decent performance in europe, made my way on the top of the map from kamensk to tisy. the places have been visited, but a lot of (good) loot was left behind. i found 2 bags of rice, 3 canteen, 2 PET bottles and about 20 canned food + 20 canned soda, 1 mosin, 1pm73, 2-3 p1 and finally a winchester and a few .308 winchester bullets. i found a lot of cloth'plosions, m65 jackets everywhere ! i've been amazed that every single house seemed tho have been visited, luckily by heavily geared players. UK vests can't be repaired with leather sewing kits, the hunting scope seems to be a gost, not found a single one yet. as long as you find a nice server, the 0.56 is playble with a few tricks.
  12. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    same here, found a lot of gear but not a single 6 slot pants
  13. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    saw your IG name while i was playing too. you sir like strains that taste like fruits :P (well, strawberry cought was a little deceptive taste-wise, the swiss "fraise" clone was way better). found a winchester 70 but no ammo for it, then lost it due to the "duplication" bug affecting my MP5K :(
  14. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    was here too, name PAK PAK ^^
  15. Zboub le météor

    Status Report - 06 May 15

    they are not the most common infected, but you can still see them from time to time. i remember at least 2 encounters with them, one in the farm, south-west of pustoshka (i've been attacked by both the farmer and the grandpa infected at the same time) and south of the windy mountain.
  16. Zboub le météor

    Status Report - 06 May 15

    you mean the farmer zombie ? he's in since 0.54 or 0.55.
  17. Zboub le météor

    Status Report - 06 May 15

    it's a fresh hired person who's job is to torture us with future awsome features while we wait for 0.56 :)
  18. Zboub le météor

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    nice server, played on it yesterday, geared myself pretty good, met a player, spared his life and gave him my good old mp-133. the server was 40/40 but performances were quite good. 40 player seems to be the better choice since 50 player servers have hard time handling the player charge.
  19. Zboub le météor

    Store Derringers in Military Boots

    this !
  20. Zboub le météor

    We found a 14 military tent base...

    taking what you needed was not enough, you had to burn every single piece of it to ashes...
  21. Zboub le météor

    so much for the struggle

    same on my ultra populated server, invisible fruits is my main source of food since they are the only one missed by other players. for those who miss that rare loot experience, stop playing on empty server and join full private ones (those which are full every night and 30/50 at 10am). the feeling is still there. i left myshkino yesterday and found : 1 canned peach left behind a wrecked truck, a makarov magazine i found with tab only (never seen it on the ground) and a makarov and it felt like chrismass. found 3 pumpkin seed an hour later, again, it's chrismass since it will keep me from starving for hours !!! on this server, my character had the dark red starving icon twice and i spend most of my time with the orange one. i carry an SKS for 7-8 hours but still have no ammo for it. so when i see those people telling the loot is everywhere and the game is too easy with their brand new akm with PSO and drum mags, i just laugh my ass off but i undersertand their boredom (which they are responsible of). you just can't join an almost empty server to farm loot and then say there is too mutch loot. you are using underexploited servers, which is almost like using a glitch for me and i don't even speak of hopping.
  22. desync will probably always be a problem, but improvements will sure be made. this particular 0.55 built did poorly regarding desynch, some earlier patch were better. future builts might be better, some might be worse... for 1.0 i expect little desynch on full 100 players servers, i don't think they can get rid of it.
  23. Zboub le météor

    1st Person PvP is addictive

    just started to play on the UKA 1pp, not much people right now
  24. Zboub le météor

    "The Bandits' Lament"

    cool video ! nice "friendly" try every time i run into a goup of survivor, it turn like this. most of the players are cool, but there is awlay one dickhead that start shooting and it turn into a bloodbath. nice swings ! the last guy was so bad and pathetic... he acted like a badass in the end, but you were almost dead and he runned away 90% of the time, doing nothing when you were slaughtering his friends.
  25. Zboub le météor

    will there be a Boeing AH-64 Apache someday for Dayz standalone?

    i'll let you have your apache if i can repair the rify boat (with elements spread accros the map of course :) ), turn it into an aircraft carrier (no, you won't be allowed to park on my boat), nuke chernarus and sail to marquesas ilands for well deserved holidays.