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Zboub le météor

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Everything posted by Zboub le météor

  1. Zboub le météor

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    great ! thanks ;)
  2. Zboub le météor

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    they are not spawning, just like hunter pants and a few other items.
  3. Zboub le météor

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    rain my friends, RAIN !
  4. Zboub le météor

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    GRRR, just got killed at the kamensk military base, if my murderer come here, please tell me if you died too (i just had time to burst 6-7 bullets, should be enought), otherwise, enjoy my stuff ;)
  5. Zboub le météor

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    you mean north lopatino, north-east stary sobor and sutch ? i've been on 0.56-57 for a more than month now, i don't really remember. thanks for the info ;)
  6. Zboub le météor

    Everyone plays the game the way they want, so...

    yes, a slight increase in character disappearance time is a good idea, but keep in mind that server/client crashes happens sometimes and you don't want to stay for 5 minutes in the middle of veresnick because your game crashed ;) combat loggers... i first dispited them, but in the end i like them more and more these days. i don't know why, but you can feel the fear and panic in their mind while they run away, trying to hide behind a bush or in a house. they make you save bullets and preserve their gear as they are standing still during their execution, it's almost comical and its feels better to kill a coward that combat log than a regular player. in my experience, combat loggers are heavily geared most of the time and panic because of all the good gear they carry, i never heard about an almost freshspawn combat logger, your mister OP are the king of combat loggers, congratulations :)
  7. Zboub le météor

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    i geared myself pretty good yesterday then runned to the NWAF to hunt some chopper crash campers. SURPRISE, no more statics choppers at the NWAF. does this mean they are spawning randomly again ? i've yet to see one
  8. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    that does not look good :|
  9. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Eugen seem confident that this "no persistence" period will not last long ! i'm quite concerned by duper too, evenmore with new weapons like UMP45/SVD/VSS which will soon be dupper noobs best friends.
  10. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    i'm more effective with the blaze on close encounters and i don't want to abuse the winchester full auto bug :) . not to mention that before getting the scope, i LOVE the sights of the blaze at night. i hunted many players on 0.57 exp and the blaze never let me down :thumbsup: here is one SVD, never found a mag, i learned to late that there was a static truck at msta, allowing you to rush the NWAF before everyone after a wipe. the SVD was not hard to find
  11. Zboub le météor

    Maintenance Topic

    you exagerate quite a bit but i understand your disappointment. you know, dayz is not just about chasing fox, PVP and building camps/stuff tents ;)
  12. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    indeed ! my strategy : find a blaze 95 + hunting scope and scout for players camping NWAF on low pop servers around restarts :)
  13. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    i got used to it very fast. i find it very usefull to have 12 free slots when i take my MP5 in hands, quickly grab as mutch as possible at guard postes then sort good items from bad ones elsewhere.
  14. Zboub le météor

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    around 19h00 Prague time ;)
  15. Zboub le météor

    Maintenance Topic

    well, i understand that persistence is a big deal for you. but it's been more than 2 month without a stable update, a lot of people can't stand 0.55 anymore with it's crazy desynch. 0.57 is mutch more playable, big improvement in survival mechanics, a shitload of new weapons, new buildings, road blocks, new military camp in stary, gorka and berezino vastly improved... i'm sure you can stop focussing on persistence for a few weeks, it will return upgaded later ;) . loading tent with gear is not the only enjoyable gameplay (i personally don't really like it and alway carry my gear on myself).
  16. Zboub le météor

    Maintenance Topic

    hum, why are people talking about the bus ? no way it will be in 0.57
  17. Zboub le météor

    Status Report - 09 Jun 2015

    i see it like this weapons wise : - as mentioned, the map shown is a WIP - zones will be fine tuned, with a final map way more "dotted". look, the prison island is zone1/zone 2, i can't imagine it will stay that way ;) - i'm confident zone 1 does not mean you can't find weapons and you still have a very low chance to find a high end weapon, its not 0% . - it might work like this weapon wise : zone 1 low end weapons have high chances of spawn : double barrel, sporter, P1, IZH-18... zone 2 low/medium end weapons : repeater, blaze, CR527, CR75, mosin... zone 3 SKS, CR75, magnum, MP 133, PM73... zone 4 AK74, FNX45, MP5K, AK101. that does not mean that a AK74 can't spawn in a zone 2, just that chances are low. - ultimately, players will be mobile on the map and raid differents zones, it will mimic what we used to see with the legacy loot spawn with highest control on items
  18. Zboub le météor

    Awaiting .57

    a few news about next 0.57 stable built (probably tomorrow since this night exp run smoothlly) : - no persistance of backpack tents - persistence of vehicules - new loot on restart - chopper crashes located on the NWAF, it is set this way for test prupose, it's not a bug (old 100+ potential spawn point for choppers will return later) - big improvements on actions responsiveness/desynchr/rollbacks my goal for 0.57 : find a SVD and a mag, VSS and a mag, UMP45 and a mag, play with barrels :)
  19. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    for god sake, get some sleep Eugen !
  20. Zboub le météor

    Status Report - 09 Jun 2015

    that sound amazing, thanks for the answers !
  21. Zboub le météor

    Status Report - 09 Jun 2015

    i'm very glad to read more informations about the CLE, thanks :) ! the map showing the different zones is very interesting. i support this idea, but as freethink said, the triangle of pavlovo military base - zeleno - myshkino might deserve an upgrade to zone 3 (i understand it's still a WIP ;) ). one thing that bother me is heli crash locations. currently on 0.57 exp all crashes are located at the NWAF and it seems to be meant to be like this (map on previous SR). i greatly enjoyed hunting helicrashes all across the west side of the map on 0.54. i still remember the adrenaline rush after seeing smoke far away :D . having them "static" on the NWAF is quite boring form me :( . edit : got sniped by mr Hicks !
  22. i usually get 1-2 roll-back within the 1st minute of play, and something like 1 roll-back every 2-3 hours then. so yes, this his a big improvement, looking back at 0.55. try playing more than 5 minutes before giving your verdict ;)
  23. latests exp 0.57 shown huge improvements in desynchr/roll-back ;)
  24. Zboub le météor

    Surviving too long does this..

    yes, those two new additions are great (rope from rags and dig worms with stone knife). at the time i wrote my post those two actions were not implemented yet. it's now possible to survive with natural resources, i love it !
  25. yeah, assault rifle, battle rifle... (7.62 mean nothing alone, AKM is an assault rifle, it still shoot 7.62 (7.62x39). 1-1 , new game, lets start a clip/magazine fight now :P) i know that the MK-17 make as mutch sense as the steyr AUG, i've got no valid points, it's more a feeling thing. it's like the Kriss vector, it could be added to the game, i would feel the same about it. modern weapon design does not mix well with chernarus vibe IMO, but that's an highly non-objective statement ;)